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he wavering jealousy of the red men, and without protection against the impending encroachments of France. The young men of the Six Nations had been hunting, in April, near the rapids of the St. Lawrence. Suddenly they beheld a large body of French and Indians, equipped for war, marching towards Ontario; and their two fleetest Delawares, Shawnees, and Mingoes, or emigrant Iroquois,—after a council at Logstown, resolved to stay the progress of the white men. Their envoy met the French, in April, at Niagara, and gave them the first warning to turn back. As the message sent from the council-fires of the tribes was unheeded, Tanacharisson, the Half-King, hiuse of armed force, excepting within the undoubted limits of his Majesty's dominions; of which they thought it would be highly presumptuous in them to judge. In April, the Assembly of New York voted a thousand pounds to Virginia, but declined assisting to repel the French from a post which lay within the proprietary domain of Pe
elf only by grasping at the raft-logs. They were obliged to make for an island. There lay Washington, imprisoned by the elements; but the late December night was intensely cold, and in the morning he found the river frozen. Not till he reached Gist's settlement, in January, 1754, were his toils lightened. 1754. Washington's report was followed by immediate activity. The Ohio Company agreed to build a fort at the Fork, and he himself was stationed at Alexandria to enlist recruits. In February, the General Assembly, Hening's Statutes at large, VI. 417. unwilling to engage with France, yet ready to protect the settlers beyond the mountains, agreed to borrow ten thousand pounds, taking care to place the disbursement of the money under the superintendence of their own committee. The House of Burgesses, Dinwiddie complained, were in a republican way of thinking; but he confessed himself unable to bring them to order. The As- chap. V.} 1754. sembly of Virginia, pleading their w
April 3rd, 1754 AD (search for this): chapter 5
ton, 29 Jan. 1754. H. Sharpe to Calvert, Secretary for Maryland in England, 3 May, 1754. The ministry as yet did nothing but order the independent companies, stationed at New York and at Charleston, to take part in defence of Western Virginia. Glen, the governor of South Carolina, proposed a meeting, in Virginia, of all the continental governors, to adjust a quota from each colony, to be employed on the Ohio. The Assembly of this Dominion, observed Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie to H. Sharpe, 3 April, 1754. will not be directed what supplies to grant, and will always be guided by their own free determinations; they would think it an insult on their privileges, that they are so very fond of, to be under any restraint or direction. North Carolina voted twelve thousand pounds of its paper money for the service; yet little good came of it. Maryland accomplished nothing, for it coupled its offers of aid with a diminution of the privileges of the proprietary. H. Sharpe to Lord Baltimore, 2 M
April 4th, 1754 AD (search for this): chapter 5
uld himself determine for each colony the quota of men or money, which it should contribute to the common cause, and unless the colonies should be obliged, in some effectual manner, to conform to that determination, there could be no general plan for the defence of America. Without such a settlement, and a method to enforce it, there could be no union. Shirley to the Lords of Trade, month is not given. Referred to January, 1754. The day of the Secretary, to be laid before the King, 4 April, 1754. Thus was the opinion, which was one day to lead to momentous conse- chap. V.} 1754. quences, more and more definitively formed. Pennsylvania, like Maryland, fell into a strife with the proprietaries, and, incensed at their parsimony, the province, at that time, perfected no grant, although the French were within its borders, and were preparing to take possession of all that part of it that lay west of the Alleghany. Ignorant of the unequivocal orders to Virginia, they seized on th
November 5th, 1754 AD (search for this): chapter 5
or aid from the banks of the Muskingum, the Miami, and the Wabash, from Maryland and Pennsylvania, and from all the six provinces to which appeals had been made, no relief arrived. An independent company came, indeed, from South Carolina; but its captain, proud of his commission from the king, weakened the little army by wrangling for precedence over the provincial commander of the Virginia regiment; and it is the sober judgment of the well-informed, Lieut. Gov. Sharpe to Lord Bury, 5 November, 1754. that, if Washington had remained undisputed chief, the defeat that followed would have been avoided. While he, with his Virginians, constructed a road for about thirteen miles through the gorge in the mountains to Gist's settlement, and a party was clearing a path as far as the mouth of the Redstone, the Half-King saw with anger that the independent company remained in idleness at Great Meadows from one full moon to the other; Hazard's Register. and, foreboding evil, he removed his
July 17th, 1754 AD (search for this): chapter 5
copy was also to be transmitted to the governor of each colony not represented in the congress. New England colonies in their infancy had given birth to a confederacy. William Penn, in 1697, had proposed an annual congress of all the provinces on the continent of America, with power to regulate commerce. Franklin revived the great idea, and breathed into it enduring life. As he descended the Hudson, the people of New York thronged about him to welcome him; Letter from New York, 17 July, 1754, Gentlemen have, for this hour past, been going in and coming out from paying their compliments to Mr. Franklin. and he, who had first entered their city as a runaway apprentice, was revered as the mover of American union. Yet the system was not altogether acceptable either to Great Britain or to America. The fervid attachment of each colony to its own individual liberties repelled the overruling influence of a central power. Connecticut rejected it; even New York showed it little fa
January 4th, 1754 AD (search for this): chapter 5
of Hutchinson and Oliver. The chap. V.} 1754. French, said they, have but one interest; the English governments are disunited; some of them have their frontiers covered by their neighboring governments, and, not being immediately affected, seem unconcerned. They therefore solicited urgently the interposition of the king, that the French forts within his territories might be removed. We are very sensible, Message from the General Assembly of Massachusetts Bay to Governor Shirley, 4 January, 1754. they added, of the necessity of the colonies affording each other mutual assistance; and we make no doubt but this province will, at all times, with great cheerfulness, furnish their just and reasonable quota towards it. Shirley was at hand to make the same use of this message, as of a similar petition six years before. But his influence was become greater. He had conducted the commission for adjusting the line of boundary with France, had propitiated the favor of Halifax and Cumber
July 21st, 1754 AD (search for this): chapter 5
uncil were to meet once a year, to choose their own speaker, and neither to be dissolved nor prorogued, nor continue sitting longer than six weeks at any one time, but by their own consent. The warmest friend of union and the principal hand in forming the plan, Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinson, 24 December, 1754. was Benjamin Franklin. He encountered a great deal of disputation about it; almost every article being contested by one or another. Ms. Letter from Benjamin Franklin, of 21 July, 1754. His warmest supporters were the delegates from New England; yet Connecticut feared the negative power of the governor-general. On the royalist side none opposed but Delancey. He would have reserved to the colonial governors a negative on all elections to the grand council; but it was answered, that the colonies would then be virtually taxed by a chap. V.} 1754. congress of governors. The sources of revenue suggested in debate were a duty on spirits and a general stamp-tax. Smith
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