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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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United States (United States) (search for this): article 7
f the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. At the eight days session of the Cof the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, now in session at Columbia, S. C., Bishf the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. 2. Resolved, That this Constitution of other Diocesan Conventions within the Confederate States, with the request that it be laid beforee Protestant Episcopal Church now in the Confederate States, or which may be so before the first meeProtestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America." Art. 2. There shall be in s Church, having jurisdiction within the Confederate States, or the Territories thereof. Each Duncil. Art. 4. Whenever any of the Confederate States shall contain more than one Diocese, sai. 7. A new Diocese formed in any of the Confederate States, or any Territory thereof, not now repre Assistant Bishop, in any Diocese in the Confederate States, nor be entitled to a seat in the House [2 more...]
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. At the eight days session of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, now in session at Columbia, S. C., Bishop Elliott moved that the Convention take up the Constitution as amended. After which he presented the following resolutions: 1. Resolved, That the Constitution prepared by the committee of nine appointed at Montgomery, with its amendments, as submitted to the Convention this morning by its engrossing officer, be now adopted as the proposed Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. 2. Resolved, That this Constitution be printed, and sent to members by the Secretaries of other Diocesan Conventions within the Confederate States, with the request that it be laid before their respective Conventions for their consideration and ratification. 3. Resolved, That each Convention, when it shall have ratified this Constitution, i
Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. At the eight days session of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, now in session at Columbia, S. C., Bishop Elliott moved that the Convention take up the Constitution as amended. After which he presented the following resolutions: 1. Resolved, That the Constitution prepared by the committee of nine appointed at Montgomery, with its amendments, as submitted to the Convention this morning by its engrossing officer, be now adopted as the proposed Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. 2. Resolved, That this Constitution be printed, and sent to members by the Secretaries of other Diocesan Conventions within the Confederate States, with the request that it be laid before their respective Conventions for their consideration and ratification. 3. Resolved, That each Convention, when it shall have ratified this Constitution, is
o send their clerical and lay deputies to the General Convention, to be held in Augusta, on the second Wednesday in November, 1862. 4. Resolved, That when the Conventions of all the Dioceses within the Confederate States shall have had an opportunity of acting upon this Constitution, if seven or more of them shall have adopted it, the presiding Bishop shall declare the union of their Dioceses to be complete, and the Constitution to be of force over said Dioceses so adopting it. Rev. Mr. Trapier submitted the following resolutions: Resolved, That the Committee on the Constitution and Revised Canons be instructed to print with the journal of this body, in pamphlet, the said Constitutions and Canons, and to send to the Secretary of each Diocesan Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church now in the Confederate States, or which may be so before the first meeting of our General Council, two copies of the pamphlet for every clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church within
ymen, communicants in this Church, resident in the Diocese, and elected by the Council thereof. Before they shall proceed to business, a majority of the Diocese, which shall have adopted this Constitution, shall be represented in the Council. The representations from two Dioceses shall be sufficient to adjourn. In all business of the Council, freedom of debate shall be allowed. Each House shall have a right to originate acts; and, when any act shall have been passed in either House, it shall be transmitted to the other House for its consideration. No act shall have the operation of law, unless concurred in and authenticated by both Houses. When any proposed act shall have passed the House of Bishops, the House of Bishops shall, when requested by the House of Deputies, signify to it in writing their non-concurrence within three days after such request shall have been made. In all questions, when required by the clerical or lay representation from any Diocese,
Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America. Article 1. This Church, retaining the name of Protestant Episcopal, shall be known as "The Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America." Art. 2. There shall be in this Church a General Council. There may be also Provincial Councils and Diocesan Councils. Art. 3. The General Council of this Church shall meet on the second Wednesday of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, at Augusta, Ga., and on the same day in every third year thereafter, in such place a shall be determined by the Council. In case there shall be an epidemic disease, or other good cause to render it necessary to alter the place appointed for such meeting, the presiding Bishop may designate another convenient place for the holding of such council; and special meeting may be called at other times in the manner hereafter to be determined. The General Counc
November, 1862 AD (search for this): article 7
Confederate States. 2. Resolved, That this Constitution be printed, and sent to members by the Secretaries of other Diocesan Conventions within the Confederate States, with the request that it be laid before their respective Conventions for their consideration and ratification. 3. Resolved, That each Convention, when it shall have ratified this Constitution, is requested to send their clerical and lay deputies to the General Convention, to be held in Augusta, on the second Wednesday in November, 1862. 4. Resolved, That when the Conventions of all the Dioceses within the Confederate States shall have had an opportunity of acting upon this Constitution, if seven or more of them shall have adopted it, the presiding Bishop shall declare the union of their Dioceses to be complete, and the Constitution to be of force over said Dioceses so adopting it. Rev. Mr. Trapier submitted the following resolutions: Resolved, That the Committee on the Constitution and Revised Canon
scopal Church within his Diocese. Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America. Article 1. This Church, retaining the name of Protestant Episcopal, shall be known as "The Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America." Art. 2. There shall be in this Church a General Council. There may be also Provincial Councils and Diocesan Councils. Art. 3. The General Council of this Church shall meet on the second Wednesday of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, at Augusta, Ga., and on the same day in every third year thereafter, in such place a shall be determined by the Council. In case there shall be an epidemic disease, or other good cause to render it necessary to alter the place appointed for such meeting, the presiding Bishop may designate another convenient place for the holding of such council; and special meeting may be called at other times in the manner hereafter to