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Saint Thomas (search for this): article 3
ing by, paying the last tribute of respect to the departed heroine. On the bier, draped with a magnificent Confederate flag, lay the body, so unchanged as to look like a calm sleeper, while above all rose the tall ebony crucifix — emblem of the faith she embraced in happier hours, and which, we humbly trust, was her consolation in passing through the dark waters of the river of death. She lay there until two o'clock of Sunday afternoon, when the body was removed to the Catholic Church of St. Thomas. Here the funeral oration was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Corcoran, which was a touching tribute to the heroism and patriotic devotion of the deceased, as well as a solemn warning on the uncertainty of all human projects and ambition, even though of the most laudable character. "The coffin, which was as richly decorated as the resources of the town admitted, and still covered with the Confederate flag, was borne to Oakdale Cemetery, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful s
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 3
The funeral of Mrs. Rose Greenhow. --The death, by drowning, of Mrs. Rose Greenhow, near Wilmington, North Carolina, last week, has been already noticed. She leaves one child, an interesting little daughter, who is in a convent school at Paris, where her mother left her upon her return to this country. Hundreds of ladies lined the wharf at Wilmington upon the approach of the steamer bearing Mrs. Greenhow's remains. The Soldiers' Aid Society took charge of the funeral, which took place from the chapel of Hospital No. 4. A letter to the Sentinel, describing it, says: "It was a solemn and imposing spectacle. The profusion of wax lights round the corpse; the quantity of choice flowers, in crosses, garlands and bouquets, scattered over it; the silent mourners, sable-robed, at the head and foot; the tide of visitors, women and children, with streaming eyes, and soldiers, with bent heads and hushed steps, standing by, paying the last tribute of respect to the departed heroine
J. M. Seixas (search for this): article 3
y, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful spot on a grassy slope, overshadowed by wavering trees, and in sight of a tranquil lake, was chosen for her resting place. Rain fell in torrents during the day; but as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, the sun burst forth in the brightest majesty, and a rainbow of the most vivid color spanned the horizon. Let us accept the omen, not only for her, the quiet sleeper, who, after many storms and a tumultuous and checkered life, came to peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the latter in consequence of illness."
, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful spot on a grassy slope, overshadowed by wavering trees, and in sight of a tranquil lake, was chosen for her resting place. Rain fell in torrents during the day; but as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, the sun burst forth in the brightest majesty, and a rainbow of the most vivid color spanned the horizon. Let us accept the omen, not only for her, the quiet sleeper, who, after many storms and a tumultuous and checkered life, came to peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the latter in consequence of illness."
, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful spot on a grassy slope, overshadowed by wavering trees, and in sight of a tranquil lake, was chosen for her resting place. Rain fell in torrents during the day; but as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, the sun burst forth in the brightest majesty, and a rainbow of the most vivid color spanned the horizon. Let us accept the omen, not only for her, the quiet sleeper, who, after many storms and a tumultuous and checkered life, came to peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the latter in consequence of illness."
tumultuous and checkered life, came to peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the lto peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the latter in consequence of illness."
Vanderhorst (search for this): article 3
, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful spot on a grassy slope, overshadowed by wavering trees, and in sight of a tranquil lake, was chosen for her resting place. Rain fell in torrents during the day; but as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, the sun burst forth in the brightest majesty, and a rainbow of the most vivid color spanned the horizon. Let us accept the omen, not only for her, the quiet sleeper, who, after many storms and a tumultuous and checkered life, came to peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the latter in consequence of illness."
C. B. Poindexter (search for this): article 3
y, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful spot on a grassy slope, overshadowed by wavering trees, and in sight of a tranquil lake, was chosen for her resting place. Rain fell in torrents during the day; but as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, the sun burst forth in the brightest majesty, and a rainbow of the most vivid color spanned the horizon. Let us accept the omen, not only for her, the quiet sleeper, who, after many storms and a tumultuous and checkered life, came to peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the latter in consequence of illness."
y, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful spot on a grassy slope, overshadowed by wavering trees, and in sight of a tranquil lake, was chosen for her resting place. Rain fell in torrents during the day; but as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, the sun burst forth in the brightest majesty, and a rainbow of the most vivid color spanned the horizon. Let us accept the omen, not only for her, the quiet sleeper, who, after many storms and a tumultuous and checkered life, came to peace and rest at last, but also for our beloved country, over which we trust the rain bow of hope will ere long shine with brightest dyes. "The pall bearers were Colonel Tansill, chief of staff to General Whiting; Major Vanderhorst, J. M. Seixas, Esq.; Dr. de Prossett, Dr. Micks and Dr. Medway. General Whiting and Captain C. B. Poindexter, representing the two services, were prevented from acting as pallbearers, the former by reason of absence, the latter in consequence of illness."
roine. On the bier, draped with a magnificent Confederate flag, lay the body, so unchanged as to look like a calm sleeper, while above all rose the tall ebony crucifix — emblem of the faith she embraced in happier hours, and which, we humbly trust, was her consolation in passing through the dark waters of the river of death. She lay there until two o'clock of Sunday afternoon, when the body was removed to the Catholic Church of St. Thomas. Here the funeral oration was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Corcoran, which was a touching tribute to the heroism and patriotic devotion of the deceased, as well as a solemn warning on the uncertainty of all human projects and ambition, even though of the most laudable character. "The coffin, which was as richly decorated as the resources of the town admitted, and still covered with the Confederate flag, was borne to Oakdale Cemetery, followed by an immense funeral cortege. A beautiful spot on a grassy slope, overshadowed by wavering trees, and i
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