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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) 942 140 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. Search the whole document.

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Israel Vogdes (search for this): chapter 8
tteries. General Mitchel died, October 30, 1862, and was succeeded by General J. M. Brannan. In January, 1863, General David Hunter relieved Brannan, and assumed command of the department; Hunter was relieved on June 3, 1863, and General Quincy A. Gillmore was assigned to the command of the corps. The total, present for duty, in June, 1863, was 16,329, including artillery and cavalry. The troops at Hilton Head were commanded by General Alfred H. Terry; those on Folly Island, by General Israel Vogdes; those at Beaufort, by General Rufus Saxton; at Seabrook Island, by General T. J. Stevenson; at St. Helena Island, by Colonel H. R. Guss. These forces were all under General Gillmore, and participated in the various operations about Charleston Harbor in the summer of 1863, the principal event being the bloody assault on Fort Wagner, July 18, 1863. This assault was made by a column of three brigades,--Strong's, Putnam's, and Stevenson's, the whole under command of General Truman H
James S. Wadsworth (search for this): chapter 8
his corps did some of the best fighting of the war. The division commanders on that field were Wadsworth, Robinson and Doubleday; General Reynolds, who was still in command of the corps, was killed jfth Corps, the brigades having been consolidated into two divisions, which, under Robinson and Wadsworth, became respectively the Second and Fourth Divisions of the Fifth Corps. This was an act ofand Fourth Divisions of the Fifth Corps, under command, respectively, of Generals Robinson and Wadsworth. Under this reorganization, the Fifth Corps contained 67 regiments of infantry, and 9 batteritillery (48 guns), numbering in all 25,695 officers and men present for duty, equipped. General Wadsworth was killed in the battle of the Wilderness, and General Robinson was severely wounded, losing a leg at Spotsylvania. General Cutler, of the Iron Brigade, succeeded to Wadsworth's command, while Robinson's Division was broken up, and its regiments were distributed to the other three divis
Charles C. Walcutt (search for this): chapter 8
nder General Howard, formed the right wing of Sherman's Army as it marched through Georgia on its way to the sea, and was composed of the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps, only, that part of the Sixteenth Corps--2 divisions — which had served with the Army of the Tennessee on the Atlanta campaign having been consolidated with the two other corps. Although the three other corps in Sherman's Army marched uninterrupted to the sea, the Fifteenth had a brisk engagement at Griswoldville, in which Walcutt's Brigade, of Woods' Division, repelled a determined attack; and, again, upon reaching the sea, Hazen's Division was the one selected for the storming of Fort McAllister. Savannah was evacuated December 21, 1864, after a short siege, and on the 1st of February, Sherman's Army started on its grand, victorious march through the Carolinas. General Logan having returned, he was again in command of his corps, which now numbered 15,755, infantry and artillery. It encountered some fighting in
William A. Walker (search for this): chapter 8
five divisions, while the right and left wings contained three divisions each. Three of the centre divisions were detached by General Rosecrans to protect his line of communications, and so the Fourteenth Corps took 8 divisions into action at Stone's River. The centre, under Thomas, was composed of Rousseau's and Negley's Divisions; the right wing, under McCook, of Davis', Johnson's, and Sheridan's Divisions; the left wing, under Crittenden, of Wood's, Palmer's, and Van Cleve's Divisions. Walker's Brigade of the Third Division, centre, was also present at Stone's River. These troops numbered 43,400 present for duty; the loss in that battle amounted to 1,730 killed, 7,802 wounded, and 3,717 captured or missing; total, 13,249. Over 25 per cent. were killed or wounded. By authority of the War Department--General Order No. 9--January (9, 1803), the right wing, centre, and left wing of the Fourteenth Corps were designated respectively as the Twentieth, Fourteenth and Twenty-first Ar
Lewis Wallace (search for this): chapter 8
) of that division. The corps lost about 1,200 men at Winchester; at the Opequon it lost 104 killed, 683 wounded, and 7 missing--a total of 794; at Cedar Creek it lost 48 killed, 270 wounded, and 540 captured, or missing; total, 858. General Lew. Wallace was assigned to the command of the Eighth Corps on March 12, 1863, and was in command at the battle of Monocacy, July 9, 1864. But that battle was fought chiefly by Ricketts' Division of the Sixth Corps; the only troops of the Eighth Corp some regiments from the Baltimore garrison, organized as the First Separate Brigade of the Eighth Corps, General E. B. Tyler commanding. On July 11th, General Ord was assigned to the command of the corps, but on the 28th it was restored to General Wallace. In December, 1864, the First and Third Brigades of the First Division (Thoburn's) were transferred to the Army of the James, then near Richmond, and were designated as the Independent Division of the Twenty-fourth Corps, General J. W. Turn
William T. Ward (search for this): chapter 8
amounted to 145 killed, 837 wounded and 202 missing; total 1,184, over half of which occurred in Ward's Brigade of Birney's Divison. After the battle the corps returned to its quarters at Falmouth, eneral Butterfield, commanding the Third Division, was succeeded during the campaign by General William T. Ward. Upon the evacuation of Atlanta, some troops of the Twentieth Corps--Coburn's Brigade of Ward's Division — were the first to enter and occupy the city, the entire corps remaining there to hold their important prize, while Sherman and the rest of the Army marched in pursuit of Hood. Williams, of the First Division. succeeded to the command of the corps, with Jackson, Geary, and Ward as division generals. When it started on this march, the corps numbered 13,741, present for duty was the only infantry engaged; loss, 77 killed, and 475 wounded. Three days later, Jackson's and Ward's Divisions were hotly engaged in General Slocum's battle at Bentonville. At the close of the ca
G. K. Warren (search for this): chapter 8
's Mills), with a loss of 1,319 killed, wounded, and missing. On March 31, 1865, just before the final campaign, the morning reports show the corps strength to have been 17,073, present for duty, equipped. In the closing battles of the war, from March 29th to April 9th, 1865--including Gravelly Run, White Oak Road, and Five Forks--the casualties in the corps aggregated 2,465 in killed, wounded, and missing. Its last battle was fought at Five Forks, in which action the corps, still under Warren, captured 3,244 men, 11 flags, and 1 battery of artillery. The war having ended, the organization was discontinued, June 28, 1865. Sixth Corps. West Point Gaines' Mill Golding's Farm Garnett's Farm Savage Station White Oak Swamp Malvern Hill Manassas Crampton's Gap Antietam Fredericksburg Marye's Heights Salem Church Banks' Ford Gettysburg Funkstown Rappahannock Station Mine Run Wilderness Spotsylvania Cold Harbor Petersburg Monocacy Fort Stevens Island F
Gouverneur K. Warren (search for this): chapter 8
s immediately after the battle of Gettysburg, retaining the command until August 12th, when he was relieved by General Gouverneur K. Warren, who was ordered to take Hancock's place during the latter's absence. Warren had distinguished himself at GetWarren had distinguished himself at Gettysburg by his quick comprehension of the critical situation at Little Round Top, and by the energetic promptness with which he remedied the difficulty. He had also made a brilliant reputation in the Fifth Corps, and as the chief topographical officone which was noticeable for the dash with which officers and men fought, together with the superior ability displayed by Warren himself. He also commanded at Mine Run and Morton's Ford, the divisions at that time being under Generals Caldwell, Webb generals were Bartlett, Ayres, and Crawford. In March, 1864, the First Corps was transferred to the Fifth, and General G. K. Warren was assigned to the command. The First and Second Divisions of the Fifth Corps were consolidated, forming the Fir
C. C. Washburn (search for this): chapter 8
gust, 1863) moved on transports down the Mississippi to New Orleans. The troops were assigned to duty at various places in the Department of the Gulf,--in Texas and Louisiana. General Osterhaus was succeeded in command of his division by General C. C. Washburn. The Third and Fourth Divisions fought at Grand Coteau, La., November 3, 1863. The winter of 1863-4 was spent in the vicinity of New Orleans and the Lower Mississippi, a part of the corps being stationed in Texas. Corps headquarters wes of Smith, Kimball, and Lauman were ordered to Vicksburg in response to Grant's call for re-inforcements, and participated in the investment of that place. This detachment of the corps, while at Vicksburg, was placed under command of Major-General C. C. Washburn. It would be impossible to give anything like a connected history of the Sixteenth Corps from this time on, so many were the changes in its ranks, and so widely were its divisions scattered. The Sixteenth suffered more than any oth
Alexander S. Webb (search for this): chapter 8
ess with which he remedied the difficulty. He had also made a brilliant reputation in the Fifth Corps, and as the chief topographical officer of the Army of the Potomac. He was, subsequently, in command at Bristoe Station, a Second Corps affair, and one which was noticeable for the dash with which officers and men fought, together with the superior ability displayed by Warren himself. He also commanded at Mine Run and Morton's Ford, the divisions at that time being under Generals Caldwell, Webb and Alex. Hays. Upon the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac, March 23, 1864 the Third Corps was discontinued, and two of its three divisions were ordered transferred to the Second. Under this arrangement the Second Corps was increased to 81 regiments of infantry and 10 batteries of light artillery. The material of the old Second Corps was consolidated into two divisions, under Generals Barlow and Gibbon; the two divisions of the Third Corps were transferred intact, and were number
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