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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) 942 140 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. Search the whole document.

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Godfrey Weitzel (search for this): chapter 8
s contained three divisions, commanded by Generals Brooks, Weitzel and Hinks, the division of the latter being composed of cocolored (Third) division; and while at Chaffin's Farm, General Weitzel, who had been acting as chief of staff to General Butlceeded Ord in command of the corps. The Eighteenth, under Weitzel, was also engaged at the battle of Fair Oaks, October 27, ams was killed in this battle. Another brigade, under General Weitzel, was engaged in a lot fight, October 27, 1862, at Georames. Upon the fall of Petersburg these troops, under General Weitzel, the commander of the Twenty-fifth Corps, marched on Riments. It was organized December 3, 1864, and Major-General Godfrey Weitzel was placed in command. It was composed of the ender. In the meantime, Kautzā€˜ Division accompanied General Weitzel to Richmond, the colored troops of the Twenty-fifth Co enter that city. In May, 1865, the corps accompanied General Weitzel to Texas, where it joined the Army of Occupation, and
Thomas Welsh (search for this): chapter 8
of Vicksburg, Parke's two divisions joined the main army in its movement on Jackson, and became engaged in the fighting there, with a loss of 34 killed, 229 wounded, and 28 missing; total, 291. The First Division was then under command of General Thomas Welsh, General Willcox having been assigned to duty in Indiana. Although the Vicksburg campaign had not cost the corps the bloody tribute exacted in previous campaigns, still it was no less destructive of life, as disease made fearful inroads in the ranks. Among those who succumbed to the deadly malaria of the Vicksburg camps, was General Welsh, who, soon after, went home to die. The corps left Mississippi in August, 1863, and returned to Kentucky, where, after a short rest, it joined in Burnside's advance into East Tennessee, a movement which had already been commenced. The two divisions were now reduced to about 6,000 men. General Parke having been made chief of staff of the Army of the Ohio, General Robert B. Potter succeeded
Frank Wheaton (search for this): chapter 8
reserve at Gettysburg, excepting Shaler's Brigade, which was sent into action as a support to the Twelfth Corps; several casualties, also, occurred in Eustis' and Wheaton's Brigades, of Newton's Division. During the pursuit of Lee's Army, after Gettysburg, the Vermont Brigade was engaged in a very creditable affair at Funkstown, M864, several changes were made. The Third Division was broken up, Shaler's Brigade being transferred to Wright's (lst) Division, while the brigades of Eustis and Wheaton were placed in the Second Division, the command of which was given to General Geo. W. Getty, an able officer who had served as a division-general in the Ninth Corunded, and 200 missing; total, 2,126. Its total loss in the Shenandoah campaign, Aug. 22d to Oct. 20th, was 4,899, out of 12,615 present for duty, in August. General Wheaton succeeded to the command of the lamented Russell, while General Truman Seymour was assigned to the command of the Third Division, in place of General Ricketts
A. W. Whipple (search for this): chapter 8
almouth, where it spent the winter of 1862-63. General Sickles was promoted to the command of the corps, and General Hiram Berry to that of Sickles' Division. On May 1, 1863, the corps broke camp and marched to Chancellorsville, an eventful field in its history; a battle in which the brunt of the fighting fell on the Third and Twelfth corps. It took 17,568 men, including non-combatants, on that campaign, losing 378 killed, 2,634 wounded and 1,090 missing; total 4,102. Generals Berry and Whipple were among the killed. The depleted ranks were still further lessened by the loss of four New York regiments whose two-years term of enlistment had expired; a nine-months regiment from Pennsylvania had also gone home. The corps was accordingly consolidated into two divisions; the First under General Birney, and the Second under General Andrew A. Humphreys, an able officer who had distinguished himself as a division commander at Fredericksburg. At Gettysburg, the corps took a prominen
Amiel W. Whipple (search for this): chapter 8
en on its way to Fredericksburg, and arriving at Falmouth on the 24th, encamped there until the battle of December 13th. In the meantime, General Hooker had been promoted to the command of the Centre Grand Division, composed of the Third and Fifth Corps; General George Stoneman had been assigned to the command of the Third Corps; General Birney to that of the First Division, vice Kearny killed; General Sickles to the Second Division, vice Hooker promoted; and a third division, under General A. W. Whipple had been added. The corps was not prominently engaged at Fredericksburg, although under a heavy fire; still, its casualties amounted to 145 killed, 837 wounded and 202 missing; total 1,184, over half of which occurred in Ward's Brigade of Birney's Divison. After the battle the corps returned to its quarters at Falmouth, where it spent the winter of 1862-63. General Sickles was promoted to the command of the corps, and General Hiram Berry to that of Sickles' Division. On May 1, 1
Walter C. Whitaker (search for this): chapter 8
rms of this war. The midnight battle of Wauhatchie was followed in the next month by the brilliant victory at Lookout Mountain, where the White star Division fought its famous battle above the clouds. Geary was assisted in this engagement by Whitaker's Brigade, of the Fourth Corps, one of Whitaker's regiments, the Eighth Kentucky, being the first to plant its flag on the summit of the mountain. In April, 1864, the designation of the corps was changed to that of the Twentieth. Generals WilWhitaker's regiments, the Eighth Kentucky, being the first to plant its flag on the summit of the mountain. In April, 1864, the designation of the corps was changed to that of the Twentieth. Generals Williams and Geary still retained command of their divisions, and the men still wore their Twelfth Corps badge. This badge (the star) was adopted by the reorganized corps. The new organization was formed by the consolidation of the Eleventh and Twelfth corps, to which was added some minor commands. The action of the War Department in striking out the Twelfth Corps number was stupid, unnecessary, and unjust. If done out of consideration for the Eleventh, it was a mistake; for the men of that cor
Julius White (search for this): chapter 8
s relieved from command of thle First Division, and General Julius White, of the Twenty-third Corps, was assigned to Ledlie'Weldon Railroad, August 19-21, 1864, the three divisions of White, Potter, and Willcox were engaged with considerable loss, aion of tile corps became necessary, and so the regiments in White's Division were transferred to the divisions of Potter and ander of the Red star Division; General Geary commanded the White star, or Second Division. The Army followed Lee into Virnth by the brilliant victory at Lookout Mountain, where the White star Division fought its famous battle above the clouds. G with Major-General George L. Hartsuff in command. Generals Julius White and Milo S. Hascall were assigned to division commadvance of the Twenty-third commenced. The Second Division (White's) made its rendezvous at New Market, from whence it marche a spirited battle occurred at Campbell's Station, in which White's Division was actively engaged. Burnside moved next to Kn
George L. Willard (search for this): chapter 8
the First Minnesota, Gibbon's Division, being without an equal in the records of modern warfare. The loss in the corps was 796 killed, 3,186 wounded and 368 missing; a total of 4,350 out of less than 10,500 12,363 infantry, 82 cavalry and 551 artillery present for duty, equipped. engaged. Gibbon's Division suffered the most, the percentage of loss in Harrow's (1st) Brigade being unusually severe. Hancock and Gibbon were seriously wounded, while of the brigade commanders, Zook, Cross, Willard and Sherrill were killed. The monthly return of the corps, June 30, 1863, shows an aggregate of 22,336 borne on the rolls, but shows only 13,056 present for duty. From the latter deduct the usual proportion of non-combatants,--the musicians, teamsters, cooks, servants and stragglers, and it becomes doubtful if the corps had over 10,000 muskets in line at Gettysburg. General Hancock's wounds necessitated an absence of severa. months. General William Hays was placed in command of the co
eral Cox the command of the corps fell to General Willcox. General W. W. Burns was appointed to filassigned to the command of the corps, and General Willcox returned to the command of his division, oceed there with his two remaining divisions, Willcox's and Sturgis's. Just prior to the departure en under command of General Thomas Welsh, General Willcox having been assigned to duty in Indiana. paralleled privations endured by the men. General Willcox resumed command of the corps on January 1g General Potter; on the 26th, Parke relieved Willcox, who then took command of the Second Divisiond of the four divisions of Stevenson, Potter, Willcox, and Ferrero, the latter division being compothe following day, the losses in Potter's and Willcox's Divisions being unusually severe in proportre transferred to the divisions of Potter and Willcox. Under this arrangement Willcox's Division wWillcox's Division was numbered as the First; Potter's, as the Second; Ferrero's colored troops were designated as the [2 more...]
oss Roads and Pleasant Hill, the corps was engaged in several minor actions while on this expedition. In July, 1864, the First and Second Divisions proceeded to New Orleans, and embarked for Virginia, leaving the rest of the corps in Louisiana. On arriving at Washington the two divisions were ordered into Maryland to confront Early's invasion, after which they served in the Shenandoah Valley, in Sheridan's Army. The Nineteenth Corps, or this part of it, was now under the command of General William--H. Emory; the First Division, containing 17 regiments, was commanded by General William Dwight; the Second Division, containing 4 brigades, 21 regiments, was commanded by General Cuvier Grover. The returns from these two divisions for August, 1864, show an aggregate of 21,640, present and absent; 14,645 present, with 13,176 present for duty. Of the latter, the corps lost over 5,000 men in the Shenandoah campaign. It lost at the Opequon, September 19th, 314 killed, 1,554 wounded, and
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