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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) 942 140 Browse Search
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Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) 457 125 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. Search the whole document.

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A. S. Williams (search for this): chapter 8
same grand record. The veteran divisions of Williams and Geary wore their star-badges through all d, one of which, composed of the divisions of Williams and Shields, and commanded by General Banks, n at Kernstown, Va., on the 23d of March, and Williams' Division fought well at Winchester, May 25thigades. The divisions were commanded by Generals Williams and Geary. At Gettysburg, the Twelfthe right wing at Gettysburg, which left General A. S. Williams, of the First Division, in command of er of the Third Brigade, First Division, took Williams' place as commander of the Red star Division;e, Geary's Division moved to the front, while Williams' Division was stationed along the railroad frps was changed to that of the Twentieth. Generals Williams and Geary still retained command of theilin and Morgan, assisted by two brigades from Williams' (Twentieth) Corps, did most all the fightingWing, under command of General Slocum. General A. S. Williams, of the First Division. succeeded to [6 more...]
Thomas Williams (search for this): chapter 8
n Louisiana since the occupation of New Orleans, one brigade of which, under command of General Thomas Williams, fought at Baton Rouge, August 5, 1862, making a gallant and successful defence against the attack of Breckenridge's Division. General Williams was killed in this battle. Another brigade, under General Weitzel, was engaged in a lot fight, October 27, 1862, at Georgia Landing (Labadiesrmed April 4, 1864, by taking the Twelfth Corps, which was composed of the veteran divisions of Williams and Geary, and adding to it Butterfield's newly organized division. At the same time, two divilfenning's) had been sent to South Carolina. were broken up and distributed to the divisions of Williams, Geary and Butterfield. The badge of the Twelfth Corps was retained, and there was no good rearand corps, and worthy of the hero who was to lead it. In addition to the three divisions of Williams, Geary and Butterfield, there was a Fourth Division, under command of Major-General Lovell H. R
J. H. Wilson (search for this): chapter 8
h White House Landing Nottoway Court House Stony Creek Wilson's Raid Ream's Station Staunton Bridge Moorefield Lurayons were commanded by Generals Torbert, Gregg (D. M.), and Wilson, and contained 32 regiments of cavalry, numbering 12,424, him the First and Third Cavalry Divisions — Merritt's and Wilson's. General Torbert was assigned to the command of the cava Trevilian Raid, Va., June 7-24, 1864 150 738 624 1,512 Wilson's Raid, Va., June 22-30, 1864 71 262 1,119 1,452 Deep Bormed into an Army Corps of seven divisions, and Major-General J. H. Wilson was assigned to its command. At the battle of Nesent. After the defeat and dismemberment of Hood's Army, Wilson entered Alabama with his corps of troopers in March, 1865,ast infantry engagement of the war occurred April 9, 1865, Wilson's Corps fought at Columbus, Ga., on the 16th of April, 186a spirited engagement with Forrest's command. The most of Wilson's men fought dismounted, and the affair — during which a d
Thomas J. Wood (search for this): chapter 8
the commands of Generals Palmer, Sheridan, and Wood. Soon after its organization the corps went intn this battle the two divisions of Sheridan and Wood lost 280 killed, 2,078 wounded, and 12 missing;ng the corps, and Generals Stanley, Newton, and Wood the divisions. Its hardest fighting during tha the death of Mac Pherson; Kimball, Wagner, and Wood were in command of the divisions. On November s severely wounded in this action, and General Thomas J. Wood succeeded to his place. General WooGeneral Wood had served with honor in the armies of the Ohio, and the Cumberland, from the commencement of the ursuit of Hood's defeated army, after which General Wood assembled it at Huntsville, Ala., arriving Divisions; the left wing, under Crittenden, of Wood's, Palmer's, and Van Cleve's Divisions. Walker40 present for duty. Wagner's (2d) Brigade, of Wood's (1st) Division, was not engaged, having been th Thomas during the whole battle; and that General Wood with two brigades of his own division, and [1 more...]
C. R. Woods (search for this): chapter 8
formed the right wing of Sherman's Army as it marched through Georgia on its way to the sea, and was composed of the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps, only, that part of the Sixteenth Corps--2 divisions — which had served with the Army of the Tennessee on the Atlanta campaign having been consolidated with the two other corps. Although the three other corps in Sherman's Army marched uninterrupted to the sea, the Fifteenth had a brisk engagement at Griswoldville, in which Walcutt's Brigade, of Woods' Division, repelled a determined attack; and, again, upon reaching the sea, Hazen's Division was the one selected for the storming of Fort McAllister. Savannah was evacuated December 21, 1864, after a short siege, and on the 1st of February, Sherman's Army started on its grand, victorious march through the Carolinas. General Logan having returned, he was again in command of his corps, which now numbered 15,755, infantry and artillery. It encountered some fighting in forcing disputed cro
Charles R. Woods (search for this): chapter 8
nd men. On the 12th of November, 1864, the corps started with Sherman's Army on the march through Georgia to the sea. General Logan being absent, the corps was under the command of General Osterhaus; the four divisions were commanded by Generals C. R. Woods, Hazen, John E. Smith, and Corse. They contained 60 regiments of infantry, and 4 batteries, the infantry numbering 15,894, present for duty; it was the largest corps in the Army that marched to the sea. The Army of the Tennessee, underGeneral Logan having returned, he was again in command of his corps, which now numbered 15,755, infantry and artillery. It encountered some fighting in forcing disputed crossings at some of the larger rivers, and captured Columbia, S. C., General C. R. Woods' Division occupying the city at the time it was burned. The corps was also in line at the battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19, 1865; but General Slocum had won a substantial victory with his wing of the Army, and but little fighting, c
John E. Wool (search for this): chapter 8
e battles, which occurred between May 9th and October 19th, 1864, were fought wholly, or in part, by the Army of West Virginia, which was, for the most part, identical with the forces in the two divisions under General George Crook. These two divisions, by a provisional arrangement, formed a part of the Eighth Corps, and eventually came to he known as the corps itself. The Eighth Corps proper was created by General Orders No. 84, July 22, 1862, which designated the troops under Major-General John E. Wool as the Eighth Corps. These forces were stationed in Maryland, at Annapolis, Baltimore, Harper's Ferry, along the Baltimore & Ohio R. R., east of Cumberland, and along the railroad from Harper's Ferry to Winchester, Va. During the summer of 1864,and, also, in Sheridan's campaigns in the Valley, the Eighth Corps was commanded by General George Crook; the First Division, comprising three brigades, was commanded by Colonel Joseph Thoburn; the Second Division, containing two brigade
John G. Wright (search for this): chapter 8
g campaign came next, in which the divisions were commanded by Generals Wright, Howe, and Newton. The corps was held in reserve at Gettysburs. On the Mine Run campaign the divisions were commanded by Generals Wright, Howe, and H. D. Terry, but were not in action to any extent. Third Division was broken up, Shaler's Brigade being transferred to Wright's (lst) Division, while the brigades of Eustis and Wheaton were plaRapidan on the previous day. At Spotsylvania, the Jersey Brigade of Wright's Division was engaged in a deadly struggle, the percentage of kill modern wars. General Sedgwick was killed at Spotsylvania, and General Wright succeeded to the command, General Russell succeeding Wright in Wright in the command of the First Division. The casualties of the corps at the Wilderness were, 719 killed, 3,660 wounded, 656 missing; total, 5,035; Corps, it should be noted in connection with that affair, that General Wright had already given Early a successful check, had made the dispos
S. K. Zook (search for this): chapter 8
age of loss in the First Minnesota, Gibbon's Division, being without an equal in the records of modern warfare. The loss in the corps was 796 killed, 3,186 wounded and 368 missing; a total of 4,350 out of less than 10,500 12,363 infantry, 82 cavalry and 551 artillery present for duty, equipped. engaged. Gibbon's Division suffered the most, the percentage of loss in Harrow's (1st) Brigade being unusually severe. Hancock and Gibbon were seriously wounded, while of the brigade commanders, Zook, Cross, Willard and Sherrill were killed. The monthly return of the corps, June 30, 1863, shows an aggregate of 22,336 borne on the rolls, but shows only 13,056 present for duty. From the latter deduct the usual proportion of non-combatants,--the musicians, teamsters, cooks, servants and stragglers, and it becomes doubtful if the corps had over 10,000 muskets in line at Gettysburg. General Hancock's wounds necessitated an absence of severa. months. General William Hays was placed in com
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