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Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
p loaded with provisions and stores, two light boats, a schooner in ballast, five stand of colors, and 150 bags of coffee. But this was not all the damage inflicted upon the enemy. As long as we kept control of the sea, we could hold that post for all time with a small force. That was exactly what we did do, and with a very small force — less than one thousand men. By so doing we controlled the whole coast of North and South Carolina in the sounds, and held the water communication from Norfolk to Beaufort, South Carolina. Burnside's expedition afterwards never could have been sent out had we not held Hatteras. The wonderful stupidity at Washington desired Hatteras Inlet stopped up, so that nothing could get into or out of it. So the fleet had supplied itself with two sand-laden schooners to sink in the inlet, where the sands floating around would have soon made dry land. When I came there I saw the importance not only of having the inlet open but of guarding and defending
Troy, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
cott, Assistant Secretary of War: Dear Sir:--May I ask if you have overlooked the order signed by the President for the raising of five thousand troops? I pray you get this thing through for me, and I will be obliged forever and ever. I am losing good daylight, now that the three months men are being disbanded. Can you not add this to the many kind courtesies of our friendship? Truly yours, Benj. F. Butler. headquarters of the Army, August 8, 1861. Major-General Wool, U. S. A., Troy, N. Y.: It is desirable that you repair to and assume command of the department of which Fortress Monroe is the place of headquarters. It is intended to reinforce that department (recently reduced) for aggressive purposes. Is your health equal to that command? If yes, you will be ordered thither at once. Reply immediately. Winfield Scott. headquarters Department of Virginia, Fortress Monroe, August 11, 1861. Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott: General:--I have the honor to report the
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
Hatteras their surrender midnight ride to Washington telling welcome news to the President a Waa., March 9, 1891. Gen. Benj. F. Butler, Washington, D. C.: Dear Sir:--I have received, through th some safety, I thought, provided I got to Washington and carried the news of the capture myself. neral Wool, I got leave immediately to go to Washington, or, as he expressed it, he sent me to WashiWashington to report the matter, he agreeing with me that it was very necessary to hold Fort Hatteras andth the Baltimore & Ohio, nineteen miles from Washington, I was informed that I could go no further toing to the engineer I said: Won't you go to Washington with me? If you say I shall go, I shall g there might be freight trains coming out of Washington, and that we might run into them, as they st Maine. The regiment was raised and sent to Washington to guard the forts. It had never been in th the Confederate troops could have come into Washington without difficulty if they had chosen to com[9 more...]
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
e sent me to Washington to report the matter, he agreeing with me that it was very necessary to hold Fort Hatteras and keep the inlet open. I went up the bay to Annapolis and left the wounded there, arriving there at a late hour in the evening. I immediately made requisition for a train to take myself and staff to Washington, ande merriment. It was the first considerable success that the navy had anything to do with up to that time, or, indeed, the army either, except at Baltimore and Annapolis. The President shook me very warmly by the hand, and when I ventured to speak about what I had not done, he said: You have done all right, you have done all rigwhom I never saw as such afterwards, that the Cabinet had voted unanimously that he should hold Fort Hatteras and Hatteras Inlet. I had opened the way through Annapolis for the troops to save the capital; I had fulfilled my mission at Fortress Monroe; and by taking Hatteras I had atoned for capturing Baltimore and wiped out Big
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
artillery without guns), very poorly equipped, and almost entirely without ammunition, who had never been in camp, and who dispersed to their homes in the town and neighborhood every night; and you were in command of the United States troops (said to be about ten thousand) at Fortress Monroe. As there were no Virginia troops at that time between Hampton and Richmond (a distance of ninety-six miles), ;save three companies of infantry at Yorktown, and two companies, perhaps, organizing at Williamsburg, and as it was thus evidently important for us to preserve the peace, I had instructions from General Lee, then commander-in-chief of the Virginia troops, to avoid giving any provocation for the commencement of hostilities; to retire before your advance, if attempted; and to obstruct, as far as possible, your progress by burning bridges and felling trees across the public roads, until reinforcements could be sent to Yorktown. At night, after the election (May 23), Col. C. K. Mallory, of
Bethel, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ses Decides to dislodge Confederate forces at Bethel order for detail of the movement gross mismausand in Yorktown, that might possibly come to Bethel, as they afterwards did. After the most care at all difficult. Newport News was nearer Bethel, and my proposition was that the regiment therbelieve. It will be seen that the affair at Bethel was simply a skirmish, and not even a respectaaking it for cavalry, as we lost altogether at Bethel. When the plan of the expedition became fuly have retired a large part of their forces to Bethel, without making any attack upon Newport News. e of even a platoon under my command except at Bethel, and that there the movement was well planned about, and found that Magruder had retired to Bethel and Yorktown with his troops, and given up hisfficulty if they had chosen to come. Again, Bethel and Bull Run are alike in another thing: In BeBethel our people retreated because they thought they saw large numbers of reinforcements coming up. A
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 8
ailed to do duty with me at Fortress Monroe, had not been in his seat and explained the senselessness of the clamor. But one senator from my own State voted for me, the other, the senior senator, voting against me because of my difference with Governor Andrew on the slave question. In the meantime neither horses nor artillery came. I did, however, get a very valuable reinforcement of a California regiment and a half, at the head of which was Colonel Baker, who had had some experience in Mexico as an officer. We agreed to attempt, as soon as our horses and artillery should come, an expedition that would reflect credit on both of us, and we determined that neither should blame the other if it failed, because both would go together. I asked, on the 23d of May, for a few artillery and cavalry horses with their equipments. These were not received from Washington until July 21, and then only after every possible exertion on my part even to the extent, as we have seen, of causing th
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
escape him entirely, and Patterson never thought of following him up. If he had followed him up he could have been in Johnston's rear or on the left flank of the rebel army at the battle of Bull Run. But what could Patterson do? The rebel army had gone away from him, and he did not know they were gone until three days afterwards. He thought there were thirty-five thousand men before him, when there had been less than nine thousand, and they had gone down to operate on McDowell's right. The battle of Bull Run illustrates every vice, weakness, and incapacity of officers and men, who were good and true undoubtedly, but in a condition in which they will never fight. So bad was it all that one might reverently believe that a special Providence ordered it, so that slavery might be wiped out. Because if we had beaten at Bull Run, I have no doubt the whole contest would have been patched up and healed over by concessions to slavery, as nobody in power was ready then for its abolition.
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
aid they belonged to Colonel Mallory, who commanded the Virginia troops around Hampton, and that he was now making preparation to take all his negroes to Florida soofication (though anticipated) was definitely known. I was then in command, at Hampton, of four volunteer companies of about two hundred men (one of them artillery wee slaves, the property of Colonel Mallory, commander of the rebel forces near Hampton, were brought in by our picket guard yesterday. They reported that they were ps. There was a point nine miles from the fort and on the road leading from Hampton to Yorktown, which I learned the rebels intended to entrench and hold, becauseryea to push out two picket posts at 10 P. M.; one two and a half miles beyond Hampton, on the county road, but not so far as to alarm the enemy. This is important. to pass out through their lines. Persons to be allowed to pass inward toward Hampton, unless it appears that they intend to go roundabout and dodge through to the
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
who came to me voluntarily, men, women, and children. I had $60,000 worth of them. That question included the slaves of loyal men. In this matter I wanted the sanction of the government. I had adopted a theory on this question for myself in Maryland, and got rapped over the knuckles for it by Governor Andrew. I had learned what manner of man Scott was, and I was desirous to take instructions from him for my action but not for my law. If Mr. Hay had stopped at the point where he was led 1861. Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott: General:--I have the honor to report the safe return of an expedition under Lieutenant Crosby, of my command, upon the Eastern shore, for the purpose of interrupting the commerce between the rebels of Maryland and their brothers in Virginia. I also enclose herewith a copy of a report of a reconnoissance of the position of the enemy, made from a balloon. The enemy have retired a large part of their forces to Bethel, without making any attack upon New
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