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led, and the speakers were constantly interrupted by wild cheers and responses. A similar meeting was held at Norwalk, Ohio.--Buffalo Courier. The Directors of the Bank of Commerce, of Providence, R. I., advanced a loan of $30,000 to the State for aiding in the outfit of troops. Large offers from private citizens have also been made to Governor Sprague for a similar purpose. The Globe Bank tendered to the State a loan of $50,000.--Tribune. An immense Union meeting was held at Troy, N. Y. Resolutions were adopted, sustaining the Government, and pledging the city to raise a regiment of volunteers. Hon. John A. Griswold presided, and Isaac McConihee, Jonas C. Heartt, Henry Ingraham, Judge Gould, and Judge Robinson were made Vice-Presidents. Secretaries were also appointed. The meeting adjourned in a body to the residence of General Wool, where, on behalf of the citizens, an address was made by Martin J. Townsend, to which General Wool responded that his heart was rejoic
exchange of prisoners, will make the invaders account for at least a portion of the contrabands they have stolen, though in making up their relative value it should appear that one nigger was equal to two Yankees. The town of Newburg, Ind., was this day entered by a band of rebel guerrillas, under Capt. Johnson, and robbed of a large amount of property.--Evansville Journal, July 21. Large and enthusiastic meetings were held in Memphis, Tenn., Milwaukee, Wis., Danbury, Ct., and Troy, N. Y., for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army, under the call of President Lincoln. In the British House of Commons a debate took place on the following motion submitted by Mr. Lindsay: That, in the opinion of this House, the States which have seceded from the Union of the republic of the United States have so long maintained themselves under a separate and established government, and have given such proof of their determination and ability to support their independe
dings to retire to their homes and employments, declaring to them that unless they do so at once, I shall use all the power necessary to restore the peace and order of the city. --(See Supplement.) A reconnoissance was made from Donaldsonville, La., down the La Fourche River by the National troops under Generals Weitzel and Grover. The rebels were met in strong force, and the Nationals were obliged to retire with the loss of one section of the First Maine battery.--riots occurred at Troy, N. Y., and Boston, Mass., both of which were suppressed without much trouble.--(Doc. 128.) General Thomas's corps of the army of the Cumberland, following in the rear of General Bragg's retreating forces, reached Elk River, and encountered a portion of General Buckner's division of infantry and artillery together with a part of Wheeler's cavalry, whom they dispersed after a short skirmish.--the rebels under General Morgan reached Miamiville, on the Little Miami road, this morning, tore up
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 17: events in and near the National Capital. (search)
of New York, Colonel Marshall Lefferts, had left for Washington City; and on the day after the great meeting (Sunday, the 21st), three other regiments had followed, namely, the Sixth, Colonel Pinckney; the Twelfth, Colonel Butter-field; and the Seventy-first, Colonel Vosburg. Major-General Wool, next in rank to the General-in-chief, and the Commander of the Eastern Department, which comprised the whole country eastward of the Mississippi River, was then at his home and Headquarters at Troy, New York. When he heard of the affair at Baltimore, he hastened to Albany, the State capital, to confer with Governor Morgan. While he was there, the Governor received an electrograph, urging him to send troops forward to Washington as speedily as possible. At the same time he received an offer of the regiment of Colonel Ellsworth, whose skillfully executed and picturesque Zouave tactics had lately excited the attention and admiration of the country. These volunteers were accepted, and the Go
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 19: the repossession of Alabama by the Government. (search)
el had not yet been resumed, to a great extent. The roads were in a rough condition, the cars were wretched in accommodations, and the passengers were few. The latter were chiefly Northern business men. We arrived at Augusta early in the morning, and after breakfast took seats in a very comfortable car for Atlanta. It was a warm, pleasant day, and the passengers were many. Among them the writer had the pleasure of discovering two highly-esteemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Hart, of Troy, New York, who were then members of General Wool's family. traveling for the purpose of seeing the country; and he enjoyed their most agreeable companionship many days, until parting at New Orleans. We had just reached the beginning of the more picturesque hill-country of Georgia, which seemed to be peculiarly charming in the region of Crawfordsville, the home of Stephens, the Vice-President of the Confederacy, whose house we saw on an eminence to the right. As we approached Atlanta, we noticed
tersburg, Va. 4 Totopotomoy, Va. 7 By Prison Guard 1 Present, also, at Mine Run; Morton's Ford; North Anna; Jerusalem Road; Strawberry Plains; Hatcher's Run; Sailor's Creek; Farmville; Appomattox. notes.--Recruited and organized at Troy, N. Y. It was mustered into the United States service August 29, 1862, and left the State immediately, en route for Harper's Ferry, where it was captured on September 15th, at the surrender of that post. The captured garrison was immediately paroledthose killed by the explosion of the magazine, the day after the fort was captured39 Present, also, at Edenton Road; Carrsville; Blackwater; Zuni; Nansemond; South Anna; Drewry's Bluff; Darbytown Road; Wilmington. notes.--Organized at Troy, N. Y., and mustered in by companies during September and October, 1862, the men coming from Rensselaer and Washington counties. The regiment was actively engaged in the defence of Suffolk, Va., April, 1863, where it served in Foster's Brigade, Corc
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 6: contraband of War, Big Bethel and Hatteras. (search)
cott, Assistant Secretary of War: Dear Sir:--May I ask if you have overlooked the order signed by the President for the raising of five thousand troops? I pray you get this thing through for me, and I will be obliged forever and ever. I am losing good daylight, now that the three months men are being disbanded. Can you not add this to the many kind courtesies of our friendship? Truly yours, Benj. F. Butler. headquarters of the Army, August 8, 1861. Major-General Wool, U. S. A., Troy, N. Y.: It is desirable that you repair to and assume command of the department of which Fortress Monroe is the place of headquarters. It is intended to reinforce that department (recently reduced) for aggressive purposes. Is your health equal to that command? If yes, you will be ordered thither at once. Reply immediately. Winfield Scott. headquarters Department of Virginia, Fortress Monroe, August 11, 1861. Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott: General:--I have the honor to report the
account of the burning of, Doc. 119 Gordon, Lieut., at Fairfax Court House, Va., D. 89 Gould, —, judge of Troy, N. Y., D. 27 Grace Church in N. Y., American flag raised on the spire of, P. 56; the flag on, a sign of the times, DoccClellan, the revenue cutter, surrendered, D. 16 Robins, Harry, the wife of, P. 148 Robinson, —, Judge, of Troy, N. Y., D. 27 Robinson, —, Judge, of Virginia, offers the command of the Southern army to Gen. Scott, P. 41 Robin R., Colonel, Doc. 134 Trinity Church, N. Y., American flag displayed from, D. 33 Tripp, —, Capt., D. 30 Troy, N. Y., Union meeting at, D. 27 Tucker, —, Attorney-Gen., D. 14 Tucker, St. George, of Va., his Dissertation on Sla D. 42 Woodward, S. H., Doc. 328 Wool, John E., Gen., his declaration in favor of Union, D. 8; Union speech at Troy, N. Y., D. 27; letters to a friend, Doc. 10; epigram on the letter of, P. 20 Worcester, Dr., of Salem, Mass., anecdo
arbors those whose lives, laid down In gallant faith and generous heat, Gained only sharp defeat. All are at peace, who once so fiercely warred: Brother and brother, now, we chant a common chord. For, if we say God wills, Shall we then idly deny Him Care of each host in the fight? His thunder was here in the hills Fold up the banners, smelt the guns The tangled heap is all that remains of hundreds of captured Confederate artillery carriages, gathered at the Watervliet Arsenal in Troy, New York, and burned for the iron. A more impressive illustration of the line quoted from the stirring battle-ballad could hardly exist. But Thompson's words were used in a higher sense. Never more shall Americans level artillery or musketry upon their fellow-countrymen. Gettysburg virtually decided that. Not only so, but the people shall be bound together by active pride in their common blood and common traditions which finds expression in common hopes and aspirations for the future. Ameri
Vicksburg. E. W. Rice, Colonel of the 19th regiment. James I. Gilbert, Colonel of the 27th Infantry. after the Confederate evacuation, and at this time he was made major-general. He was given command of the Middle Department in June, and headed the Eighth Army Corps when it was organized in July. In January, 1863, he went back to the Department of the East, which had been recreated, and remained there until July 18th. He was retired from the army on August 1, 1865, and died in Troy, New York, November 10, 1869. Major-General Robert Cumming Schenck was born in Franklin, Ohio, October 4, 1809. He became a lawyer, and was minister to Brazil, 1851-53. When the Civil War broke out he was made brigadier-general of volunteers, and commanded a brigade at the battle of Bull Run. His force was transferred to the Department of Western Virginia, and he aided in saving that valuable region to the Union. In the new Mountain Department, Schenck had an independent Brigade, and he
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