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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
T. J. Jackson 874 6 Browse Search
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 810 42 Browse Search
R. S. Ewell 588 6 Browse Search
A. P. Hill 529 95 Browse Search
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Big Horse Creek (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
officers, and troops, that I succeeded in bringing the wagons through. Encamped for the night within three miles of Big Horse Creek, the advance division of the corps being camped on the creek. The rear of my column did not reach camp until half-pamp on the other side. The weather continued fine — country poor, roads good, excepting through the large swamps at Big Horse Creek and Crooked Run. Distance to-day, four miles. December 5.--Moved at half-past 6 A. M., crossed, during the day, ine A. M., marched about three miles, halted for repairing of a bridge, moved again at half-past 2 P. M., arrived at Big Horse Creek, and halted for trains to pass. Crossed at eight, and camped for the night. 5th. Moved at seven A. M., Twenty-nly destroyed about four miles, by piling fence-rails on the track, and setting them on fire. Moved into a camp near Big Horse Creek, the First brigade coming in about eleven o'clock P. M. December 4.--Moved Second division in line. Went into ca
Bostwick (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
th, commenced the destruction of the railroad in the morning. Marched thirteen miles, passing through Key West, and went into camp at Spears Station. November twenty-ninth, marched eight miles, destroying railroad track, going into camp near Bostwick. On this day's march my regiment destroyed at least two miles of track, besides burning a large lumber and timber yard, situated on both sides of the track, and extending a quarter of a mile. This yard contained the worked timber for four comps. 28th. Moved out on the railroad and tore up track until five P. M. Marched back to Davisboro, and camped near our old camp. 29th. Moved at half-past 7; moved in a south-east direction until seven P. M., and encamped for the night near Bostwick. 30th. Marched at seven; crossed the Ogeechee River, marched about six miles and camped for the night. December 1.--Moved at eight A. M., marched until dark and camped; marched about nineteen miles. 2d. Marched at six A. M.; moved bri
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
22.--Marched to Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia. When within one mile of the city, the Third December 22.--Crossed balance of regiment to Georgia shore, and marched seven miles south to two mhrough the rich and well-settled districts of Georgia by the way of Decatur, Social Circle, Madison and arrived at Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia, at nine o'clock P. M. Laid up November twent dismounted cavalry from Iverson's brigade of Georgia troops. This line of the enemy advanced withilledgeville, Georgia, the capital of the State of Georgia, and camped outside the city, where we reed the corps at Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia. Marched about fifteen miles, crossed the Ocched with the corps on the great raid through Georgia. During the campaign, the regiment obtaineed before Savannah, were on the march through Georgia, tearing up railroad tracks and doing other dwhich it is attached) on the campaign through Georgia. Arrived at Social Circle on the eighteenth,[10 more...]
Apalachee (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
about fifteen (15) miles. At eight A. M., again moved forward about ten (10) miles and bivouacked about five P. M., at Littlefield. 17th. Started at five A. M., marched about fifteen (15) miles, and bivouacked near Green Creek, at five P. M. 18th. Started at half-past 5 A. M., marched about twenty (20) miles, and bivouacked near Madison, Georgia, at half-past 5 P. M. 19th. Started at five A. M., marched about ten (10) miles and bivouacked, just beyond Buckhead and near the Appalachee River, at four P. M. During the afternoon the regiment destroyed about eight hundred (800) yards of railroad track, on the Augusta Railroad, by tearing up the track and burning the ties. 20th. Started at seven A. M., left the line of the Augusta Railroad, marched about fifteen (15) miles, and bivouacked at Denham's Factory, at quarter-past five P. M. 21st. Started at seven A. M., marched about ten (10) miles through a drenching rain-storm, and bivouacked at Dr. Nesbitt's plantation, a
East Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
ying the track on the West-Point Railroad, during which considerable skirmishing took place with the rebel cavalry near East-Point. October 26.--At seven A. M., I left Atlanta, in command of a foraging expedition composed as follows: The Third ake up the rails on the Macon and on the West-Point Railroad, and the first day went to a point about one mile west of East-Point, on the West-Point Road, where the track was being destroyed by the enemy, who were driven from their work, after a slid, and the rails taken from their fires. The track on the Macon Road was taken up to a point about two miles south of East-Point. Slight skirmishing occurred each day, but without loss to us. 23d. The brigade marched toward East-Point, to suppEast-Point, to support the Second brigade of this division, which relieved this command in guarding the trains, but did not engage the enemy. 26th. The brigade, with the One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania volunteers, Second brigade Second division Twentieth army co
Milan, Sullivan County, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
eft the railroad, moving up the Ogeechee River on the south side until near Louisville, where we crossed the river and joined our train. December 1st.--Broke camp at eight A. M. Found the roads very bad, running through an almost impassable swamp. Camped at midnight ten miles from where we started. December 2d.--Broke camp at six A. M. Camped at eleven P. M., in the woods. December 3d.--Resumed the march at eight A. M. Reached the Milan and Augusta Railroad about noon. Camped near Milan. December 4th.--Broke camp at daylight, and marched fifteen miles, and went into camp. Remained in camp December fifth until six P. M., waiting for the wagon-trains to pass. Moved two miles, and camped. December 6th.--Resumed the march, guarding the rear of the trains. Made a distance of twelve miles, and camped. December 7th.--Broke camp at seven A. M. Marched thirteen miles. Roads very bad. Rained during most of the forenoon. Camped at nine P. M. December 8th.--Resumed th
Buckhead Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
Buckhead Church, crossed Janes's Mill and Buckhead Creeks; passed through Birdsville. December 3d at daylight, and was uninterrupted until Buckhead Creek was reached. The bridge over this place warched past Jones's plantation; we crossed Buckhead Creek and camped at half-past 3 P. M. The Twentyles. 2d. Marched at six A. M., crossed Buckhead Creek, and encamped near Buckhead Church. Day'smiles and bivouacked about six P. M., near Buckhead Creek. 3d. Started at half-past 12 P. M. Mar A. M. Marched some fifteen miles, crossed Buckhead Creek, and bivouacked for the night. 3d. Too in charge of same trains. Marched toward Buckhead Creek; camped within one mile of that stream abo near Jones Creek, about one mile west of Buckhead Creek, having marched fifteen miles. Decembern of two hundred and forty wagons, crossed Buckhead Creek, passed Millen prison-camp about noon. Le. Moved at six A. M., and bivouacked near Buckhead Creek. 3d. Moved at eleven A. M., and bivou
Big Haynes Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
Rockbridge Post-Office. Marched ten miles. November 17th.--Marched at ten A. M., in the rear. Crossed No Business, Big Haynes, and Little Haynes Creeks, and encamped for the night near Flat Creek, the rear of the division not getting up until af the corps, marched from its camp near Rock Bridge at noon on the seventeenth. It crossed No Business Creek at one, Big Haynes Creek at five, and Little Haynes Creek, at Summer's Mills, at seven P. M. My column was greatly detained by the trains, whe two days march. November seventeenth, moved at six A. M., passing through Sheffield and Somers's Mill, crossing Big Haynes Creek shortly after noon. March continued through the night until three o'clock in the morning of November eighteenth. ver, at Rockbridge. 17th. Broke camp at half-past 3 A. M., marching till dark in an easterly direction, crossing Big Haynes Creek shortly after dinner. 18th. Marched all day and night with train, reaching Social Circle just after sunrise. Pa
Little Buckhead Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
fifteen miles east to Buckhead Church, crossed Janes's Mill and Buckhead Creeks; passed through Birdsville. December 3.--Marched sixteen miles east to three miles north of Millen; passed Camp Lawton, and into Seriven County; crossed Little Buckhead Creek, and Waynesboro Railroad. December 4.--Marched sixteen miles east to six miles south-east of Sylvania; crossed Little Ogeechee River at Hunter's Mill. December 5.--Marched two miles south-east, and camped eight miles south-east of marching through swamps and in the rain, halting about every one hundred (100) steps, we stopped at half-past 6 A. M., of the fourth. Distance marched, twelve (12) miles, in direction east, south-east, and north-east of Millen, crossing Little Buckhead Creek, having marched, all night, a distance of twelve (12) miles. December 4.--Started at half-past 9 A. M., and marched until eleven A. M. Halted for dinner, and were off again at three P. M., marching across a large swamp, and halted one
Savannah River (United States) (search for this): chapter 64
red the rebel despatch steamer Ida, on the Savannah River, taking thirteen prisoners, among whom wash corps, to cross to Argyle Island, in the Savannah River, secure such property as he might find the about two miles out of the city, near the Savannah River, second regiment from the left of our brigWisconsin volunteers on the right near the Savannah River, and those of the Fourteenth army corps onand burned it up, near the bridge over the Savannah River, and encamped four and a half miles from S A. M., the brigade marched to the bank of Savannah River, opposite Huchinson's Island, and went intand took position on a road leading to the Savannah River, where we remained, doing skirmish duty aneon, and turned off to the left toward the Savannah River. A short time thereafter, the command wased and sent to Gibbon's plantation, on the Savannah River, to support a battery and blockade the rivok a cross-road leading to the bank of the Savannah River, at a point about six miles from the city [24 more...]
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