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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
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R. S. Ewell 588 6 Browse Search
A. P. Hill 529 95 Browse Search
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Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
l in rear, and encamped at ten P. M.., near Springfield. Country low and swampy, and roads bad. Maseventh, crossed Turkey Branch; camped near Springfield. December 8th.--Marched about ten miles.umber of felled trees. Went into camp near Springfield, having marched eleven miles. December 8les south-west to near Eden; passed through Springfield. December 9.--Marched three miles south , and at ten P. M., encamped one mile above Springfield. The distance marched on this day was fiftrigade crossed Jack's Creek, and arrived at Springfield. My command was now unencumbered, and marcth, marched about eight or ten miles toward Springfield. On the seventh, seven companies were deta marched ten (10) miles in the direction of Springfield, and encamped at eight P. M. December 8. encamped at eight P. M. within one mile of Springfield. 8th. Marched at half-past 6 A. M., pas Marched in single file. We passed through Springfield, county-seat of Effingham county. The road[43 more...]
Turkey Creek (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
ittle Buckhead Creek, and Waynesboro Railroad. December 4.--Marched sixteen miles east to six miles south-east of Sylvania; crossed Little Ogeechee River at Hunter's Mill. December 5.--Marched two miles south-east, and camped eight miles south-east of Sylvania. December 6.--Marched eleven miles south-east to sixteen miles north-west of Springfield; passed into Effingham County. December 7.--Marched fifteen miles south-east to one mile north-west of Springfield; crossed Turkey Branch Creek. December 8.--Marched twelve miles south-west to near Eden; passed through Springfield. December 9.--Marched three miles south to the Monteith road; thence along this road south-east to the Monteith Swamp, which the road crosses fourteen miles from Savannah. Here we found the rebels had built two forts across the road, which was also obstructed by felled timber. Our brigade was sent to the right of the forts, formed in two lines in a rice-swamp. The rebels opened upon us wit
Horse Creek (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
, at six A. M. Travelled about fourteen miles, and encamped near Horse Creek at four P. M. December fourth, started this morning at six o'cloction of this road, my command pressed forward and encamped near Horse Creek at forty-five minutes past four P. M. The distance marched on thhed the camp of the division three and a half (3 1/2) miles from Horse Creek, at half-past 6 A. M., December fourth. Distance marched, fourt) miles. December 4th.--Marched at nine A. M. During the day, Horse Creek and Crooked Creek were crossed. Distance marched, ten (10) mile M., marching across a large swamp, and halted one (1) mile from Horse Creek, at eight P. M., after marching eight (8) miles without incidentguard. 4th. Moved at half-past 10 A. M., and bivouacked near Horse Creek. 5th. Moved at daylight, and crossed Horse Creek. Division Horse Creek. Division still rear-guard. 6th. Regiment detailed to forage for brigade. 7th. Regiment still on duty foraging for brigade. Rejoined same near
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
want of boats, the passage to the South-Carolina shore was made with great difficulty, and it was not until the nineteenth instant that the whole brigade had effected a landing on the Carolina shore, where it took up a position threatening the Charleston and Savannah road. Understanding that the object of this movement was merely to threaten the enemy's only line of communications, and thereby cause him to withdraw his troops from his main line in front of Savannah, I directed Colonel Carman treek, and remaining there until sundown, reached camp at eleven P. M. 9th. Broke camp at daylight; marched fourteen miles; are getting within striking distance of Savannah. 10th. Marching at daylight on an excellent road, we crossed the Charleston and Savannah road ten miles from the latter place. About four miles out, our advance struck the enemy's outposts, and skirmishing continued throughout the day. Troops went into position, and our brigade being in reserve, went into camp in good
Sylvania (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
k at Hunter's Mill, and encamped six miles south-east of Sylvania. December 5.--Marched two miles south-east. Decembethe rebels kept our prisoners. Made sixteen miles toward Sylvania. Obtained an abundance of sweet potatoes and pork, (abou.--Marched sixteen miles east to six miles south-east of Sylvania; crossed Little Ogeechee River at Hunter's Mill. Decemo miles south-east, and camped eight miles south-east of Sylvania. December 6.--Marched eleven miles south-east to sixte On the third, my brigade marched at seven A. M. on the Sylvania road. My command occupied the centre of the division and miles north of Millen, and marching in the direction of Sylvania. On the fourth, we marched about twelve miles. On the fin in line. Went into camp at cross-roads, six miles from Sylvania. December 5.--Marched at seven A. M.; passed First dived the Augusta and Millen Railroad about dark, taking the Sylvania road and going into camp about midnight four (4) miles ea
Cherokee Hill (Wyoming, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
e right, on the Potter's Plantation road. The One Hundred and First Illinois volunteers and Sixty-first Ohio veteran volunteers covered the Savannah road near Cherokee Hill. The Eighty-second Illinois volunteers covered the line of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. The Thirty-first Wisconsin volunteers was placed three quarters of a mile south of Cherokee Hill, on a road leading in that direction. The positions thus chosen, excepting those of the two regiments first named, were covered by substantial breastworks. A section of artillery, which reported to me on the fourteenth, was posted on the Savannah road and was covered by a redoubt. My brigad command was busily employed destroying the tracks. My division was ordered forward to protect the working party. Threw First brigade in line of battle, near Cherokee Hill. Received orders to move forward until I came to opposition; was not checked until within four and one half miles of Savannah. Here we ran upon the enemy's w
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 64
Colonel Warren W. Packer, commanding this brigade, was mustered out of the United States service, his term having expired, and was succeeded in command by the undereville, and disposed of by Major-General Sherman. Steamer Resolute, of confederate States Navy, with the following cargo, turned over to Captain Whittlesey, Assist 5000 lances, or John Brown pikes, burned; 1500 cutlasses, burned; 15 boxes United States standard weights and measures, burned; 170 fixed artillery ammunition, thro lances, burned; one thousand five hundred cutlasses, burned; fifteen boxes United States standard weights and measures, burned; one hundred and seventy boxes fixed f my own division, were unfurled from the dome of the Exchange and over the United States Custom-House. Barnum's brigade, which led in entering the city, was at oncesident street. With the remainder of the command, I took possession of the United States barracks. Attached to this report, please find inventories of ordnance a
Tennille (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
line of battle. At twelve Mr. moved south to Tennille, having marched ten miles. Destroyed half a m and bending the rails, and went into camp at Tennille. November 27.--Marched, at seven o'clock Aslightly. We then resumed our march south to Tennille, Station No. 13; skirmishers thrown out on bothat my regiment did not come up with him. At Tennille, my regiment was placed directly on the railrof the division at seven A. M. The route from Tennille pursued a secluded, untravelled road on the s under charge of Third division, proceeded to Tennille, (Station No. Thirteen, on the Central Railro camp near a school-house four miles east of Tennille. One battalion of Michigan Engineers, under noon, halted one hour for dinner. Marched to Tennille, some three miles distant, at Station No. 13,ght o'clock A. M. back on the railroad toward Tennille, to complete the destruction of the road. Redersville at one P. M. At four P. M. moved to Tennille. 27th. Moved at six A. M. Engaged all day[2 more...]
Dallas, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
ry, I moved at eight A. M. on the road to Philadelphia Church; reaching which, I took the Milledgeville road, crossed Crooked Creek, and encamped at the forks of the road, one leading to Dennis Mill and Station, the other to Waller's Ferry, at the murth. Distance marched, fourteen (14) miles. December 4th.--Marched at nine A. M. During the day, Horse Creek and Crooked Creek were crossed. Distance marched, ten (10) miles. December 5th.--The distance marched this day was fifteen (15) miler a very bad road, and bivouacked at seven P. M. Day's travel, fifteen miles. 5th. Marched at six A. M., crossed Crooked Creek at dark, and bivouacked on east bank. Day's travel, six miles. 6th. Marched at seven A. M; progress slow; bivouaistance marched, eleven miles. 4th. Moved at half-past 7 A. M., encamped for the night at half-past 5 P. M., near Crooked Creek. Distance marched, five miles. 5th. Moved at nine o'clock A. M., crossed Little Horse Creek and Little Ogeechee
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
the city of Atlanta same day, and went into camp in the enemy's outer line of works, with right resting near Marietta Railroad. The fifth of September, received orders to report to Colonel Beckworth, Commissary Subsistence, Military Division Mississippi, for duty as supply-guard, where we remained until the morning of the fifteenth November, 1864, when, with the First brigade, Second division, Twentieth army corps, we started on the campaign just ended. Nothing transpired of note during thnt, from the occupation of Atlanta to December twenty-first. The day after its entry into Atlanta, September fourth, it was temporarily detached from the brigade and ordered to report to Colonel Beckwith, Chief Commissary, military division Mississippi. By him it was assigned to guard and fatigue duty in the quartermaster and commissary departments, under command of Colonel Crane, One Hundred and Seventh New-York volunteers, commanding provisional brigade. One company, B, was detailed for d
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