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Colin Campbell (search for this): chapter 1.2
se natives, with the trees in the spacious ground twinking with colored lights, the beautiful open arched houses, the music, the dancing naucht girls, the delicious viands and the cooling drinks made all an earthly paradise to me. From Bombay we ran down the coast of Hindoostan, sighting the ancient city of Gou in passing. After a short run we anchored off Colombo, in the Island of Ceylon. Here again we were the recipients of all sorts of courtesies and attention. The Governor, Sir Colin Campbell, was one of England's heroes. A noble looking old Scotchman. I remember that when he came on board the Brandywine the band played The Campbells are Coming. The commodore and Mr. Cushing were quartered at the Governor's palace during our brief stay at the delightful island. We gave a midday entertainment to the people who had treated us so generously. The anchorage at Colombo being an open roadstead and the ship rolling a good deal, it was not safe to get the ladies from the boats
Walter R. Butt (search for this): chapter 1.2
gh Mr. Mallory, the Secretary of the Navy, was in favor of it from the inception of the plan, but money, or rather the want of it, seemed to be the cause of delay, which, however, being provided to the amount of $25,000, we, together with Lieut. Walter R. Butt, one of our wardroom mess on board the old Merrimac, were at last ordered to hold ourselves in readiness to proceed on the duty assigned us, when suddenly the order was changed, it having been decided in cabinet council that our operationr relations with England and thus prevent the completion of ironclads and other vessels building for us in the private shipyards of that country. With this expedition thus broken up, Murdaugh, disheartened, sought other duty, and he, Carter and Butt were ordered abroad, leaving me here as the only representative of a scheme whose prospects were so inviting and so brilliant. Capt. Bulloch again wanted Capt. Murdaugh detailed to command one of three vessels to make an attack on the New Eng
nnot always be seen from the deck in the darkness, often with my heart in my throat would I be shouting to the persons below to luff the ship or brace the yards more in to save the men. How often I think when I heard of the hard times professional men have on shore, preachers of all others getting the most of the pitying, how men go through life never experiencing that agony that comes to one when they feel that the lives of many men are hanging upon his weak judgment. Hic opus est. From Rio we went to Bombay, a voyage of eighty days, during which we never sighted land. My recollection of India are a confused jumble—the smell everywhere of burning sandal wood, it was before the days of the common use of matches, of Hindoo temples, of endless balls, dinners and picnics given us by the governor general, navy men, army men in red coats, and native princes, veritable princes some, merchant princes others. The country places of these natives, with the trees in the spacious ground
my moving northward. (5) When Longstreet and Hill were encamping near Chambersburg June 27th, notd be in supporting distance, and Longstreet and Hill marched to the Potomac. The former crossed at val at Carlisle was received on July 1st, after Hill had met the enemy. First report: The leadof the 23rd); and he endeavors to show that General Hill was responsible for the miscarriage of Geneosite Shepherdstown, and Anderson's division of Hill's corps was to be at Shepherdstown the next dayquehanna. Of the movements of Longstreet and Hill while Hooker was still lying quiet south of therther says on page 179: If Longstreet and Hill had rested one day longer in the Shenandoah Val And again on Page 192: If Longstreet and Hill had stayed quiet a day longer Stuart would haveground upon which the advance of Longstreet and Hill could be regarded as premature is that it put ty of the main army. Furthermore he claims that Hill and Heth should bear the blame because they pre[9 more...]
only representative of a scheme whose prospects were so inviting and so brilliant. Capt. Bulloch again wanted Capt. Murdaugh detailed to command one of three vessels to make an attack on the New England ports. In a letter to the Secretary of the Navy from London, January 10, 1865, Capt. Bulloch says: I have long thought that a severe blow might be struck at New Bedford, Salem, Portland and other New England towns by sending from this side ships prepared with incendiary shells and Hall's rockets. If you will send out Commodore Davidson and Lieut. J. Pembroke Jones and will detail Lieut. Murdaugh, who is now in Europe, these three officers to command the ships, and each having not more than two subordinates of prudence and experience, I think the expedition could be secretly managed in the spring or early summer. This scheme was never consummated, coming as it did so soon before the termination of the war. What I have here recorded does not do justice to the naval ca
ur defeat. From these two causes we have the following result: The possession of Fort Hatteras, the key of the sound, the road open to invasion at any moment, Capt. Barron, Lieut. Sharp and about 700 or 800 men prisoners. I must not forget to mention a trivial circumstance, it may seem, but one which exhibits the brave man andores and machinery. Charlotte was the place chosen to become our inland navy yard, rendering much service to the country. Soon after he was ordered to join Commodore Barron and Capt. Bulloch in England, who were superintending the building of several ships, one of which he was to command. Capt. Bulloch, in a letter to CommodoreCommodore Barron, dated Liverpool, August 31, 1864, says: I feel now a reasonable certainty of getting a ship very shortly and the commander should be placed in communication with me. Murdaugh, I suppose, ought to have the ship, and he would do his work well. If you can detail him please send him to me at once. If his duties as ordnan
specific denial of the above statements of General Lee in regard to his orders and the management was between them. This is a denial of what General Lee says he expected of Stuart, and is justifiethe right flank of the two corps that were with Lee, or to move into Pennsylvania and join Ewell onGeneral Stuart received another letter from General Lee, which differed from the first (of June 22)tion of the status in Hooker's army depended on Lee. At that time the design was perfectly practicano pressing necessity for the movement. General Lee did regard the movement of Longstreet and His nothing in either order to Stuart, or in General Lee's letter to General Ewell, of June 22nd, thim, wrote a dispatch, sent off a courier to General Lee. * * * * The information was that Hooker's in Pennsylvania at Chambersburg, having, as General Lee says, advanced so far without any report thhe crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown, as General Lee suggested, or elsewhere. That was the esse[30 more...]
Jubal A. Early (search for this): chapter 1.2
r to move into Pennsylvania and join Ewell on the Susquehanna. It merely advised General Ewell, who had been authorized to move towards the Susquehanna, that Stuart would be on his right and in communication with him during his march, and not after he reached the Susquehanna. When on June 22nd, Ewell was authorized to move towards the Susquehanna he was in Maryland, opposite Shepherdstown, and Anderson's division of Hill's corps was to be at Shepherdstown the next day—which would relieve Early's division and enable Ewell to move his whole corps into Pennsylvania, with Jenkins' cavalry in advance and Imboden on his left. If Hooker was moving northward, Stuart was to cross the Potomac with three brigades of his cavalry, take position on Ewell's right, place himself in communication with him, guard his flanks, etc., and he was also to take charge of Jenkins' brigade. The other divisions of Hill's corps were advancing to the Potomac at Shepherdstown. Longstreet had been withdrawn
. I was attending to the taking in the jib when the ship made a dip. I saw a green mass of water coming over the catheads. With this sea I went on my back until I was stopped half stunned by my head coming in contact with some hard substance. I was fully sure that I had gone with the water down the fore hatch and that I was down in the bowels of the ship. However, I was only jammed in between the foremast and the pipe rail, my head being caught between two fixed blocks. I might here, as Pepys in his diary says, be funny, did I choose, after the manner of Sidney Smith, who, when there was a question of putting down a pavement of wooden blocks about Westminster Abbey, said; if they could only get the bishops to put their heads together the job might be done. I have told of my baptism at sea. We hauled the Constitution alongside the frigate Brandywine and transferred to that ship all our stores, and even the yards and sails. The change from the dark, old-fashioned Constitution
J. E. B. Stuart (search for this): chapter 1.2
ing the movements of the enemy. Some of General Stuart's defenders have claimed that he simply exso much injustice as well to himself as to General Stuart. In a note on page 203, Col. Mosby sayoin him with three brigades of cavalry—or that Stuart had authority to cross the Potomac in Hooker'spages 179 and 180), he could not have expected Stuart to communicate with him while he was executingdenial of what General Lee says he expected of Stuart, and is justified only by Mosby's assumption tGeneral Lee after receiving two notes from General Stuart, which; no doubt stated in reply to his le. And on page 173: The selection (by Stuart), of the route through Hooker's army was basedit put the Federal army in motion and delayed Stuart's crossing of the Potomac; and if that made th masking his own side and unmasking the other— Stuart never had an equal. General Lee knew this at very reason felt more keenly the absence of Stuart and his cavalry when they were most needed in [84 more...]<
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