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Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
nock and the Potomac, and bring him to battle at Chambersburg in Pennsylvania, in the Great valley, or at Yorkes. On this same 15th of June, Jenkins moved on Chambersburg with his cavalry, and Ewell's advance crossed th army was stretched from Culpeper in Virginia to Chambersburg in Pennsylvania, Jenkins' cavalry holding the la, a fact of which Lee was still in ignorance, at Chambersburg, on the 27th; as Stuart was that day crossing thrthern Virginia. On the 27th Lee issued, from Chambersburg, a general order to his troops which is worthy ose of the absence of his cavalry, delayed Lee at Chambersburg; but on the night of the 28th, Harrison, a darinust east of the South mountain, on the road from Chambersburg to Gettysburg, where the topographic conditions ill's, marched, on the morning of the 29th, from Chambersburg toward Cashtown, Lee remaining in the former wits of Gettysburg. Pickett's division was left at Chambersburg, in charge of the reserve trains, and Law's brig
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
nt in that direction was one threatening, not only Washington and Baltimore, but also Philadelphia, as was fully realized by the Federal goveMonocacy, in a good defensive position covering the approaches to Baltimore. Buford's cavalry covered the Federal front within the Pennsylvain the valley of Rock creek, on the road leading southeast toward Baltimore. Longstreet and Sickles now confronted each other, each with abop's hill, nearly around to the flank of the Federal right and the Baltimore road. Wright, in the center, and Early on the left, had broken ter threaten the Federal left and rear and the road leading toward Baltimore. Lee's artillery, a body, in its personnel, leading and equipmennd there halted in defensive position, covering the approaches to Baltimore and Washington. Lee determined to renew the attack on the 3d oacing himself on the National road between Lee and Washington and Baltimore. To his army 11,000 veterans were added, also large numbers of m
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
, in the midst of abundance, near Hagerstown; another was in a like favorable encampment near Sharpsburg, while his third division was approaching the fords of the Potomac, near Shepherdstown. Longstreet was crossing the Blue ridge to the banks of the Shenandoah, guarding the passes of that mountain chain from the eastward; while Stuart held the Piedmont country and the passes through the Bull Run mountains, thus keeping Hooker within bounds with his great army encamped from Manassas, near Bull run, to Leesburg, near the Potomac, striving to keep pace with Lee's speedy northward movement. For five days Stuart held steady contention with Hooker's cavalry, effectually veiling Lee's movements, and then holding Ashby's gap of the Blue ridge against superior numbers, but with Longstreet just behind him, all along the ridge, while A. P. Hill passed the rear of the latter, by Chester gap, and rested in the Great valley, in and on the borders of which Lee had now gathered all of his army,
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
satisfied that by so doing he would draw Hooker into Maryland. Hill crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown on the 18th, followed by Longstreet except McLaws' division, which was left with Stuart to watch the passes of the Blue ridge and the roads of the Shenandoah valley until Hooker should have crossed the Potomac. Imboden was also ordered into Pennsylvania, moving to the west of the Great valley, and it was suggested to Gen. Sam Jones that his cavalry should march his command into northwestern Virginia and menace the line of the Baltimore & Ohio. Lee also asked that the brigades left at Richmond should be sent to join him. His force in hand for this important, aggressive northern campaign was about 60,000 men. As he entered Pennsylvania he issued an order instructing his army that No private property shall be injured or destroyed; an order that was rigidly enforced during all the campaign that followed. Feeling that his left was securely guarded by Jones and Imboden, and his a
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
m his strong intrenchments, captured a large portion of his army and his military stores, and scattered the troops that escaped, following them on the 15th to Harper's Ferry, thus again relieving the lower valley and the patriotic city of Winchester from a detested and tyrannical foe, such as Milroy had proved himself to be in wagthe way having been opened by disposing of Milroy's 10,000 at Winchester, by capture and rout, and driving the other scattered forces in the lower valley into Harper's Ferry, which he now passed by, leaving a small force in observation to hold its garrison in position. By the 17th of June the long column of the Confederate army now some miles to the northeast of that town in the Cumberland valley. At this juncture of affairs, Hooker demanded that the 10,000 men, left in garrison at Harper's Ferry, should join his command in the field. This brought on an issue with his government, which resulted in his displacement and the putting of Gen. George Meade
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
f the 14th the three army corps were again in Virginia, and the Federal army was left in amazement at the skill with which Lee had withdrawn from their front and crossed a great river, practically without loss. It was evident that there was no fight left in the Federal army, and Meade was quite content to remain north of the Potomac and carefully watch between Lee and Washington. Before recrossing the Potomac, and while awaiting an attack from Meade, Lee wrote again, urging President Davis to gather an army, under Beauregard, and threaten Washington, as he had persistently asked should be done before and during his invasion of Pennsylvania. He asserted that he was not discouraged, had not lost faith in Providence or in his army, the fortitude of which had not been shaken, and that the Federal army, though it had been much shattered, could easily be reinforced, while he could expect no addition to his numbers; hence the necessity for an immediate demonstration toward Washington.
Cumberland Valley (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
25th and was then threatening his line of communication at Hagerstown, as above stated. This news led Lee to at once recall Ewell's divisions from the Susquehanna, near Harrisburg and Columbia, and order a concentration of his army at Cashtown, in the Piedmont country of Pennsylvania, just east of the South mountain, on the road from Chambersburg to Gettysburg, where the topographic conditions were all favorable for a defensive battle, and where he could draw supplies from the fertile Cumberland valley in his rear. Moreover, a movement in that direction was one threatening, not only Washington and Baltimore, but also Philadelphia, as was fully realized by the Federal government when it at once ordered the throwing up of defenses in front of the city of brotherly love. Lee well knew that such a strategic movement would draw the army of the Potomac from menacing his rear that it might interpose itself between the army of Northern Virginia and the important cities and lines of communi
Rock Creek, Menard County, Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
this time extended from his left, near Round Top, almost due north along the western side of the Taneytown road to Cemetery hill, then curved to the eastward around the front of that hill and the crest of Culp's hill, with his extreme right turned in reverse to the westward. One corps was on his left, the Second under Hancock in the center, and the Twelfth and the fragments of the First and Eleventh held the right on the Cemetery and Culp hills. The Fifth was in reserve in the valley of Rock creek, on the road leading southeast toward Baltimore. Longstreet and Sickles now confronted each other, each with about 12,000 men. Law ascertained, as he advanced, that the Federal left flank was unprotected, and he and Hood urged Longstreet to move farther to the right and occupy Round Top, and thus turn the Federal left, rather than advance along the Emmitsburg road, which was commanded by the Federal artillery, while its infantry was well protected by the stone fences and outcropping ro
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
rtunity for striking him an effective blow. He had urged this view upon President Davis before the campaign of Chancellorsville, and had asked that troops might be drawn from the more Southern States to reinforce his army, confident that his plan of campaign would furnish more relief to the Confederacy than could be gained by holding scattered forces to defend distant positions. Longstreet rejoined Lee in May at Fredericksburg, with the portion of his troops that had been wintering near Suffolk, south of the James, where supplies were more abundant and easy of access. The general commanding then proceeded to reorganize his army, by dividing it into three corps—the First under Longstreet, the Second under Ewell (who having lost a leg at Second Manassas, had just returned from hospital), and the Third under A. P. Hill—and worked untiringly to get his army into condition for a forward movement, constantly urging the Confederate government to add to his numbers in Virginia, and to th
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
he could not replace, Lee did all in his power to follow up the victory of Chancellorsville by an aggressive movement on the army of the Potomac. But for his meagerl blow. He had urged this view upon President Davis before the campaign of Chancellorsville, and had asked that troops might be drawn from the more Southern States to the whole length of the scene of his recent victories at Salem church and Chancellorsville; followed by Ewell, who with eager interest scanned the field of victory aumble followers and supporters here, can't stand another Fredericksburg or Chancellorsville. From Williamsport, on the 25th, where Longstreet was crossing the Potoy had again won over the Federal corps that they had so recently routed at Chancellorsville, and they were eager to follow in pursuit of the 6,oco Federals remaining otecting their flanks, and joining in the filial onslaught, as they had at Chancellorsville. By 9 o'clock, Pickett and Pettigrew were in line, on Seminary ridge, a
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