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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 126 0 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1 115 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 94 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 64 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 42 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 38 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 2 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 34 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 28 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 24 0 Browse Search
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rib was never locked, and from this the negroes fed their chickens and sold them to us at the market price; shelled as much as would do them for a week, and ground their own and the supply of meal for the white family on Saturday afternoon. Around their houses they each had a few peach-trees, their chicken-houses, and near by, a sweet potato patch, for their exclusive use. At the death of one of the negroes his or her family had a regular tariff, which was enforced after the manner of Mr. Calhoun's sliding-scale of duties. A large quantity of flour, several pounds of sugar, the same quantity of coffee, a ham, a shote, and half a dozen or a dozen bottles of claret constituted the supper on which they felt they could be wakeful and watch the corpse; for a baby it was less; for a bride more, with a wedding-dress added thereto, and these requests were never denied them. The cerements were always furnished by us in case of a death. In case of illness, if chicken-soup was needed we b
as the choice of the majority. A motion was made to instruct the delegates to support Mr. Van Buren in the Convention as long as there was any reasonable prospect of his selection. Mr. Davis offered an amendment instructing them to support John C. Calhoun as their second choice. In advocating this amendment he eulogized Mr. Calhoun and his principles in a speech of such force and eloquence that he was unanimously chosen an elector. As this was the only occasion on which I was ever a candida Mr. Davis offered an amendment instructing them to support John C. Calhoun as their second choice. In advocating this amendment he eulogized Mr. Calhoun and his principles in a speech of such force and eloquence that he was unanimously chosen an elector. As this was the only occasion on which I was ever a candidate for the legislature of Mississippi, it may be seen how unfounded was the allegation that attributed to me any part in the legislative enactment known as the Act of repudiation.
Chapter 20: visit of Calhoun, 1845. Mr. John C. Calhoun had always been such a strict constructding a commercial convention in Cincinnati, Mr. Calhoun had in some measure changed his views, and ted to welcome him. Mr. Davis had known Mr. Calhoun with some degree of intimacy since 1836, anhe afternoon of the night that was to bring Mr. Calhoun to us. A numerous company of elegant peoplee door opened, and the committee, escorting Mr. Calhoun, entered. My Whig proclivities had inclith whom I could feel no sympathy; but when Mr. Calhoun, with head erect, cast his eagle eyes over that no dignity could be more supreme that Mr. Calhoun's. His voice was not musical; it was the danger of our country; a short review of Mr. Calhoun's career as Secretary of War, Senator, and the right to do it with all his might. Mr. Calhoun made no appeals to any emotion. The duty oina, formed in the same physical mould with Mr. Calhoun, but bearing aloft a cavalier's head, and w[4 more...]
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 21: Mr. Davis's first session in Congress. (search)
ther members, We shall hear more of that young man, I fancy. While these amenities were at their height, Mr. Giddings showed a full set of gleaming teeth, and evidently enjoyed the little impromptu debate, not caring which got the worst of it. He seemed to think the slave-holders were given over to each other, and was willing to let them alone. On March II, 1846, Mr. Polk sent a message in which he declared a state of war already existing. Mr. Davis, in the House, simultaneously with Mr. Calhoun, in the Senate, neither knowing the other had made the point, announced that while the President could declare a state of hostilities the right to declare war rested alone with Congress, the agent of the States. The rate at which Federal power has encroached can be somewhat marked by this incident, which occurred in Congress at the time the first hostilities began in Mexico. Finally the war, long threatened, had been in due form declared between the United States and Mexico. As the
n hand, pushed on to the fight; and all smaller people stood aside for the two champions. Mr. Calhoun never willingly engaged in these tilts. He was anxious about the policy which he thought it so they generally came to a friendly armistice. Mr. Davis, only a few years ago, wrote of Mr. Calhoun: In my early manhood I enjoyed his personal acquaintance, and perhaps more of his conside one occasion I was permitted to hear, was deeply interesting. It will be remembered that Mr. Calhoun was induced to leave the repose his impaired health required, and return to the Senate, becaun those days were called pumps, tied in a bow on the instep of his shapely feet. He, like Mr. Calhoun, always listened most attentively to any Senator who was speaking; but Mr. Webster, except when Mr. Calhoun or some other intellectual giant had the floor, had the air of protecting indulgence that a superior being might wear to an inferior. He was rarely offensive, but sometimes showed a d
company on horseback. Lieutenants Posey, Corwine, and Stockard were wounded, but set the valuable example of maintaining their posts. Such, also, was the conduct of Sergeants Scott of Company C, and Hollingsworth of Company A, of private Malone of Company F, and of others whose names have not been reported to me. In addition to the officers already commended in this report, I would mention as deserving of especial consideration for their gallantry and general good conduct, Lieutenants Calhoun and Dill and Arthur and Harrison and Brown and Hughes. It may be proper for me to notice the fact that, early in the action, Colonel Bowles, of Indiana, with a small party from his regiment, which he stated was all of his men that he could rally, joined us, and expressed a wish to serve with my command. He remained with us throughout the day, and displayed much personal gallantry. Referring for casualties in my regiment to the list which has been furnished, I have the honor
n from several Southern Senators, among whom Calhoun was the most prominent. He had vigorously opered country and a suspended autonomy haunted Calhoun, so did the bugbear of a military Frankensteie fear of ultimate absorption, entertained by Calhoun and those who, with him, foresaw the dismembePoland, Mr. Davis stated that he could accept Calhoun's resolutions, and still vote for the bill. ntally, the policy of internal improvements. Calhoun spoke in favor of the bill. Although holding This seemed to bring him side by side with Calhoun. But here he took issue with the great champ rather the form of it, did not quite satisfy Calhoun. He considered it as untenable and dangerouss. On the other hand, the difference between Calhoun and Davis was technical, not radical. Upon t fusillade was at once poured into the bill. Calhoun himself gave the word of command. He chargedersonal. Among those from the South, besides Calhoun and Mr. Davis, who participated, were Butler,
r meals across a little bridge that communicated with the dining-room. Governor McWillie, of Mississippi, and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Toombs, of Georgia, and Mr. and Mrs. Burt, of South Carolina, made up our mess. Mrs. Burt was the niece of Mr. Calhoun, and a very handsome and amiable woman. Her husband was a strong-hearted, faithful, honest man who agreed with Mr. Calhoun in most things. We did not know his full worth then, and mistook him for simply an elegant man, formed to adorn societMr. Calhoun in most things. We did not know his full worth then, and mistook him for simply an elegant man, formed to adorn society; but when he was tried by the fires of adversity, the metal that was in him shone without a grain of alloy. Mr. and Mrs. Toombs were both comparatively young, and one could scarcely imagine a wittier and more agreeable companion than he was. He was a university man, and had kept up his classics. He had the personal habits of a fine gentleman, and talked such grammar determinately, not ignorantly, as the negroes of this day eschew-unless he became excited, and then his diction was good,
Chapter 31: thirty-first Congress, 1849-50. The first session of the Thirty-first Congress opened on Monday, December 3, 1849. In no preceding Senate had been seen more brilliant groups of statesmen from both South and North. Among the distinguished senators then, or soon subsequently to be, famous, were Davis, Calhoun, Clay, Webster, Benton, Corwin, Cass, Fillmore, Johnson, Stephen A. Douglas, Seward, Chase, Houston, Badger, of North Carolina; Butler, of South Carolina; Hamlin, Hunter, and Mason, of Virginia; Berrien, Mangum, and Pierre Soule. It was to this Congress that Mr. Clay presented his famous compromise resolutions, which may be regarded as the beginning of the last period of the long controversy between the sections before the secession of the Southern States from the Union. It was memorable by the threatening prominence given to the Anti-slavery agitation, which was now beginning to overshadow all other Federal issues. The growth of the Anti-slavery movem
read it — which he did most admirably. Mr. Calhoun, Like some bold seer in a trance Seeing allators' seats, on a stool. I was quite near Mr. Calhoun and saw him come in, supported on each sidee speech, and baited him for over an hour. Mr. Calhoun, rising with difficulty from time to time, turned toward the Whig side of the Senate, Mr. Calhoun was again brought in and took his seat. Mrty of the slave interest of the South. Mr. Calhoun: Another view is distinctly given. Mrt disguise his conduct or his motives. Mr. Calhoun: Never, sir, never. Upon Mr. Calhoun'sand gesture, stretched out both his arms to Mr. Calhoun with a voice filled with tears, and said: ther, humane master, and faithful friend, John C. Calhoun. His funeral was conducted with the uthing that had been imagined or launched at Mr. Calhoun's devoted head in the twenty-five years of as one of the nullification-school of which Mr. Calhoun is generally considered the founder, and wi[7 more...]
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