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Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
t seven hundred and fifty in the battle of the afternoon. The Twenty-third corps, which was moved around from the right, as a support for Hooker, lost slightly. About two o'clock the enemy, learning from prisoners taken from us, that Hovey's Indiana division of raw recruits held a position in the line, and smarting under their successive repulses on other portions of the line, hurled a heavy force upon Hovey, convinced that the recruits would run. Not so, however, The rebels held a strong punded in the hands and feet that they will be fit for duty in two or three weeks. The killed will amount to about eight hundred, among whom are many brave officers who have left behind them brilliant records. Ohio has lost her full proportion. Indiana, too, will mourn the loss of many of her brave sons. The enemy's losses are fully as large as ours, if not larger. In every assault upon our lines their loss was very heavy, and they were driven back, leaving hundreds of their killed and wou
America (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
rest. From the time the brigade entered into action until five o'clock in the evening it battles and bleeds, and at nightfall bearing with it five wounded officers, one killed, eighty-two wounded soldiers, and fourteen killed. The figures speak for the gallantry of the brigade, and every regiment of which fought with all the bravery and tenacity that the occasion demanded. To this brigade the famous Irish regiment (the Ninetieth Illinois) belongs. It is indeed a proud spectacle to see America's adopted sons from the Emerald Isle baring their breasts in battle with the colors of the Union and the green flag of Ireland floating side by side. As I looked upon the bronzed and bloody faces of the heroes borne upon litters from the field, I could not but regret that the monuments that Irish bravery had reared on every soil the sun of heaven shines upon should not be planted on their native soil, among a people united in heart and hand as when Erin's bards sang of Ireland's independ
Hudson (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
front of Dug Gap, in John's Mountain, which is a precipitous elevavation four and a half miles south-west of Dalton, covered with forests, some undergrowth, and loose with tumbling boulders. About three o'clock this afternoon Colonel Buschbeck's and Colonel Candy's brigades, the first consisting of the One Hundred and Nineteenth, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth, New York, Twenty-seventh, Seventy-third, One Hundred and Ninth, Pennsylvania, and Thirty-third Now Jersey, and the latter of the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania, and Twenty-ninth, Fifth, and Seventh Ohio, were marshalled for assault. They advanced up the mountain with splendid spirit, meeting with little opposition until they toiled up the crest, where they received a withering and concentrated fire, which, in about twenty minutes, compelled them to fall back to a plateau on the mountain not far from its base. The rebels were commanded by General John H. Morgan, who is now leading a division of reb
Rocky Face Ridge (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
Lee's House in the valley to the northwest of Rocky Face Ridge. Newton's division halted in line of battle. rteenth corps. The left rested on the base of Rocky Face Ridge. It was General Howard's intention to throw Wventh of February last. Our line extends from Rocky Face Ridge to (report says) the left of General Hooker, wafternoon moved up Crow Valley, to the left of Rocky Face Ridge. He will possibly strike the enemy on his rigll to the left, or immediately to the right of Rocky Face Ridge. Morgan's brigade was immediately thrown rounon's division (chiefly in Harker's brigade) on Rocky Face Ridge, was, up to last evening, one field and one lif the desperate conflict for the possession of Rocky Face Ridge, and, led by the dauntless McIlvaine, it won tap from the sentinel hills at its entrance. Rocky Face Ridge suffers an abrupt depression at Buzzard Roost,combined, had or could put us in possession of Rocky Face Ridge, the impregnable rampart upon and behind which
Rocky Face (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
ed to endeavor to throw a regiment or two up Rocky Face, and to move along it cautiously. General Hdly forward through a gap separating it from Rocky Face. In his attack the fire was quite brisk, an afternoon a few guns opened from a point on Rocky Face, when Brydge's Illinois battery was moved inth Brydge's, promptly silenced the fire from Rocky Face. For some time all was quiet; the rain pourhad been developing the enemy on the left of Rocky Face, this morning met the enemy in very heavy foirection from his fruitless position east of Rocky Face. Other corps follow; perhaps, when daylightcupied and passed through the valley between Rocky Face and it. At night of the seventh our troops lne's self within three-quarters of a mile of Rocky Face or of the little spurs that guard the entrane of the diversion, ascends to the summit of Rocky Face, and asks that he be permitted to march stea, which had marched down the western side of Rocky Face, and passed through Snake Creek Gap in compa[14 more...]
Pelton (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
lonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors, and line and staff officers. Many of them were willing prisoners, who remained in the rebel works and surrendered when we advanced in pursuit. On the evacuation of the valley, the enemy crossed all his cars and locomotives and burned five span of the railway bridge, which can be repaired, however, in one or two days. At nine this (Monday) morning, Hooker's corps threw down pontoons and crossed near Resacca, while Schofield is crossing on the left near Pelton. The cavalry, under Stoneman and McCook, commenced the pursuit early in the morning, and at the present writing they are engaging the enemy with artillery. Brisk firing can be heard, and the rebel rear-guard are evidently meeting with a warm parting salute from our cavalry, which this season is in excellent trim and superior to that of former seasons. McCook, Stoneman, and Kilpatrick, are dashing officers, who never refuse a fight, and invariably whip their antagonists when the forces eng
Lick Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
river that encircles Resacca and Tilton, that the enemy made a stand after being closely pressed on his retreat from Dalton. From our centre to the river, the distance this morning was about seven miles. Our line extends completely around the valley, McPherson's right resting on the river near its junction with the Oothkalaga Creek, or Calhoun, while the left strikes the river north of Tilton, near the junction of the river with Swamp Creek, that takes its rise in the hills of Sugar Valley. Lick and Camp creeks also burst out from the hills in the valley and empty their waters into the Oostenaula River, which is very broad and deep, but can be forded, when the water is low, at six points. The above is as intelligible a description of the field as can be given without the aid of a map; and now for the opening of the ball. As I have already said, our line was formed in a half circle, extending from the river on the left to a point on the river near Calhoun. The corps occupied posi
Altoona (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
M.) it is reported that the train is eight miles further down, the next two bridges below being uninjured. The pursuit was so close that no attempt was made to burn the first bridge. At the second, our cavalry arrived in time to capture the squad which was attempting to fire the bridge, and with the prisoners' greasy haversacks, put the fire out. The Etowah River is fourteen miles from Kingston. There a stand will certainly be male, or it may be that a gap in the Altoona Mountains, at Altoona, six miles from the Etowah, may be chosen. The Etowah —— improperly called the Hightower and Highflower — unites with the Oostenaula at Rome, forming the Coosa. A railroad unites Kingston with Rome, the distance being about thirty miles in a western direction. My last letter gave an account of operations in McPherson's command on the right, up to saturday night, the fourteenth. That day and evening, heavy fighting near Resacca was going on, in part of which one brigade of dodge's comm<
Oostanaula river (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
sition when a terrible concentrated fire of artillery from the forts near the town sweeps the hill. Never, during all my experience, have I witnessed such a storm of shell and shot of every character as on that day tore the earth and shivered the trees on the little knob held by the Twenty-seventh Missouri. No musician extant could allot to its proper place in any diapason known the perfectly incredible and inconceivable variations in sound that on that day floated through the valleys of Oostanaula. Ear never before heard, I am sure, such a perfectly hideous transfusion and jumble of noises, such a perfect salmagundi of screeches, hisses, howls, rolls, yells, thugs, and even whispers, as was heard on that occasion. Shortly after three o'clock Colonel Williams' brigade of Harrison's division emerges from the wooded hill to the left of the road, and swinging round to the left of the bald knob, enters the fight. His right is in an open field, but his left is somewhat sheltered by t
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
Taylor, whose contributions to the press from this army will fill some of the most delightful pages of its history, has gone North under the ban of the commanding General, for saying in one of his letters, our lines now extend from Nashville to Huntsville. It is reported that General Sherman, upon reading this item, wrote an order to his Provost Marshal-General, directing the immediate arrest of a spy, one Benjamin F. Taylor, his trial by drum-head court-martial, and execution. This order resu., May 17. The preliminary operations of General Sherman's campaign are already known to the public — the massing of General Thomas' army at Chattanooga; the advance to Ringgold, and the passage of Taylor's Ridge; the march of McPherson from Huntsville, Decatur, and other places, towards the great theatre of operations in North Georgia; the descent of Schofield from East Tennessee to form part of the left of the grand army — all these things are known. Equally well understood are the next
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