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Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) 942 140 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. Search the whole document.

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, Hancock succeeding to the command of the corps, and Caldwell to that of Hancock's Division. While on the march to Gettysburg, General Alex. Hays' Brigade joined, and was assigned to the Third Division, Hays taking command of the division. At Gettysburg, the corps was hotly engaged in the battles of the second and third days, encountering there the hardest fighting in its experience, and winning there its grandest laurels; on tlhe second day, in the fighting at the wheat-field, and on the third, in the repulse of Pickett's charge, which was directed against Hancock's position. The fighting was deadly in the extreme, the percentage of loss in the First Minnesota, Gibbon's Division, being without an equal in the records of modern warfare. The loss in the corps was 796 killed, 3,186 wounded and 368 missing; a total of 4,350 out of less than 10,500 12,363 infantry, 82 cavalry and 551 artillery present for duty, equipped. engaged. Gibbon's Division suffered the most, the percenta
severe loss, 2,715 of its number falling, killed or wounded in that ill-advised attempt. Accompanying the Army to Petersburg it participated in the preliminary operations incidental to the investment of that stronghold. But its stay was of short duration, Early's invasion of Maryland necessitating a transfer of troops to confront him, and the heroes of Marye's Heights were selected for that duty. On July 6th, Ricketts' (3d) Division embarked at City Point, and, landing at Baltimore on the 8th, marched out to meet Early. This division took part in the battle at Monocacy on the following day, and, although unable to defeat Early, checked his advance. The other two divisions embarked on the 10th and, landing at Washington, attacked Early, whose advance had reached Fort Stevens, within the city limits. The brunt of this fight fell to the lot of Bidwell's (3d) Brigade, of Getty's (2d) Division, every regimental commandant in this brigade, but one, being either killed or wounded.
vy loss, its casualties at Cold Harbor amounted to 448 killed, 2,36;5 wounded, and 206 missing; total, 3,019. On June 12th, General Smith's command withdrew from Cold Harbor, and, re-emnbarking, sailed for Bermuda Hundred, arriving there on the 14th. On the following day the Eighteenth Corps advanced to Petersburg and assaulted the works that evening, Hinks' Colored Division gaining a partial success and capturing several pieces of artillery. This was the first time in the war in which colo7th Penn.) being the only Keystone regiment in the Department of the Gulf. Active operations were soon commenced, and on April 12, 1863, the corps encountered the enemy at Fort Bisland, La., with a loss of 40 killed, and 184 wounded; and on the 14th, at Irish Bend, La., with a loss of 49 killed, 274 wounded, and 30 missing; total casualties in both actions, 577. The investment of Port Hudson was accomplished in the following month, and on May 27th a gallant but unsuccessful attempt was made
s Division, the Excelsior Brigade, the Second Jersey Brigade, and other well known commands. Its brilliant record is closely interwoven with the history of the Virginia campaigns of 1862 63, in which it fought during two eventful years. It was organized March 13, 1862, with Generals Hooker, Hamilton and Fitz John Porter as its three division commanders, and General S. P. Heintzelman in command of the corps. It was immediately ordered to the Peninsula, Hamilton's Division embarking on the 17th, and leading the advance of the Army of the Potomac on that memorable campaign. During the siege of Yorktown the corps was at its maximum, the morning reports of April 30th showing an aggregate of 39,710, with 64 pieces of light artillery, and 34,633 reported as present for duty. But this aggregate was maintained but for a short time, as Porter's Division was taken away soon after to form part of the newly organized Fifth Corps. Hamilton was relieved on April 30th, and General Philip Kearn
This new corps was formed April 27, 1863, with Major-General George L. Hartsuff in command. Generals Julius White and Milo S. Hascall were assigned to division commands. The proposed campaign in East Tennessee was postponed, as the Ninth Corps was ordered to Vicksburg, to reinforce Grant's army; but in August, the Ninth Corps returned to Kentucky, and the advance of the Twenty-third commenced. The Second Division (White's) made its rendezvous at New Market, from whence it marched on the 19th, arriving at Loudon, Tenn., on the 4th of September. General Longstreet's Corps had been detached from Lee's Army, and, in October, 1863, marched into East Tennessee to drive out Burnside's Army of the Ohio, as the united forces of the Ninth and Twenty-third Corps were then designated. The fighting was continuous, minor engagements occurring almost daily, and on November 16th a spirited battle occurred at Campbell's Station, in which White's Division was actively engaged. Burnside moved nex
ut 3,000 more; after Manassas, it drew rations at Fairfax Station for only 2,400 men. The arduous nature of its campaigns, as well as the bullets of the enemy, had told sadly on its numbers. The corps was so reduced by its losses that it was ordered into the defences of Washington to rest and recruit, remaining there during the Maryland campaign, and hence was not present at Antietam. In November it joined Burnside's Army, then on its way to Fredericksburg, and arriving at Falmouth on the 24th, encamped there until the battle of December 13th. In the meantime, General Hooker had been promoted to the command of the Centre Grand Division, composed of the Third and Fifth Corps; General George Stoneman had been assigned to the command of the Third Corps; General Birney to that of the First Division, vice Kearny killed; General Sickles to the Second Division, vice Hooker promoted; and a third division, under General A. W. Whipple had been added. The corps was not prominently engaged a
Third Corps accompanied the Army of the Potomac to Manassas, where it was sent to reenforce Pope. The corps left Harrison's Bar on August 14th, and marching to Yorktown embarked on the 20th for Alexandria. It arrived at Warrenton Junction on the 26th, and on the following day the Excelsior Brigade had a sharp fight at Bristoe Station. On the 29th, the corps was engaged at Groveton, Grover's Brigade, of Hooker's Division, having a desperate fight at the railroad embankment, in which the use of enemy. The campaign in East Tennessee was a memorable one by reason of the Siege of Knoxville, and the unparalleled privations endured by the men. General Willcox resumed command of the corps on January 17, 1864, relieving General Potter; on the 26th, Parke relieved Willcox, who then took command of the Second Division. General Burnside was again assigned to duty as commander of his old corps, which was ordered to repair to Annapolis, Md., for reorganization. In April, the corps was assemb
The corps left Harrison's Bar on August 14th, and marching to Yorktown embarked on the 20th for Alexandria. It arrived at Warrenton Junction on the 26th, and on the following day the Excelsior Brigade had a sharp fight at Bristoe Station. On the 29th, the corps was engaged at Groveton, Grover's Brigade, of Hooker's Division, having a desperate fight at the railroad embankment, in which the use of bayonets and clubbed muskets was officially reported. On tlhe 1st of September, Kearny's Divisionned large losses, daily, in killed and wounded. On August 26th it was relieved by the Tenth Corps, and ordered within the defenses of Bermuda Hundred. In the latter part of September it was ordered to the north bank of the James, where, on the 29th, the First Division (Stannard's) participated in the brilliant and successful assault on Fort Harrison, at Chaffin's Farm. At this time, General Stannard commanded the First Division, General Brooks having resigned in July; General Paine had succ
report of June 20th to 27,474 present and absent, of whom 18,428 were reported present for duty, equipped; this included eight batteries of light artillery, of 40 guns. After deducting the large number of non-combatants and detailed men which are included in the present for duty, the corps probably numbered at this time about 17,000 effectives, available in case of action. The corps made the opening fight in the Seven Days Battle, at Oak Grove, June 25th, fighting again at Glendale on the 30th, and at Malvern Hill on July 1st; its losses in these engagements aggregated 158 killed, 1,021 wounded, and 794 missing; total, 1,973. The heaviest loss occurred in Robinson's Brigade of Kearny's Division; the First New York, Berry's Brigade, also encountered a hot fire at Glendale. Upon the withdrawal from the front of Richmond, the Third Corps accompanied the Army of the Potomac to Manassas, where it was sent to reenforce Pope. The corps left Harrison's Bar on August 14th, and marching
flag of the Twenty-second Kentucky was scarcely less torn, and not less dripping with blood. --[Official Report.] In January, McClernand moved on an expedition against Arkansas Post, talking with him the Thirteenth and Fifteenth corps. He styleg; total, 13,249. Over 25 per cent. were killed or wounded. By authority of the War Department--General Order No. 9--January (9, 1803), the right wing, centre, and left wing of the Fourteenth Corps were designated respectively as the Twentieth, present for duty before the battle. The fighting in the Valley having ended? Grover's (2d) Division was ordered, in January, 1865, to proceed to Savannah, where it was followed by the First Division, which left the Valley in April. The latter ming part of Butler's expedition to Fort Fisher. Butler's troops returned without having accomplished anything; but, in January, Ames' three brigades were ordered to return to Fort Fisher, this second expedition being entrusted to the command of Ge
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