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Puritan (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
nfit for a Christian stomach. Every lover of that invaluable esculent has reason to remember with gratitude the settlers of Londonderry. Their moral acclimation in Ireland had not been without its effect upon their character. Side by side with a Presbyterianism as austere as that of John Knox had grown up something of the wild Milesian humor, love of convivial excitement and merry-making. Their long prayers and fierce zeal in behalf of orthodox tenets only served, in the eyes of their Puritan neighbors, to make more glaring still the scandal of their marked social irregularities. It became a common saying in the region round about that the Derry Presbyterians would never give up a pint of doctrine or a pint of rum. Their second minister was an old scarred fighter, who had signalized himself in the stout defence of Londonderry, when James II. and his Papists were thundering at its gates. Agreeably to his death-bed directions, his old fellow-soldiers, in their leathern double
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ing, and, in 1743, was ordained at Sheffield, (now Great Barrington,) in the western part of Massachusetts. There were at the time only about thirty families in the town. He says it was a matter of burden under which it is now staggering. In the language of the late Theodore Sedgwick, of Massachusetts, a consistent democrat of the old school: Slavery, in all its forms, is antidemo-cratic,—an teps of retiring Liberty will be seen, not, as Daniel Webster said, in the proud old Commonwealth of Massachusetts, about Bunker Hill and Faneuil Hall; but she will be found wailing, like Jephthah's description — not very flattering to the Old Commonwealth—of the treatment of the agent of Massachusetts in South Carolina:— Slavery may perpetrate anything, and New England can't see it. It can horsewhip the old Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and spit in her governmental face, and she will not recognize it-as an offence. She sent her agent to Charleston on a State embassy. Slavery caugh
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
sounding up from its rocky channel, through its green hem of maples, while reading them. We give a brief extract from an editorial account of an autumnal trip to Vermont: We have recently journeyed through a portion of this free State; and it is not all imagination in us that sees, in its bold scenery, its uninfected inland ts, about Bunker Hill and Faneuil Hall; but she will be found wailing, like Jephthah's daughter, among the hollows and along the sides of the Green Mountains. Vermont shows gloriously at this autumn season. Frost has gently laid hands on her exuberant vegetation, tinging her rock-maple woods without abating the deep verdure off killed, not bereft yet of signs of life. Decay's effacing fingers' had not yet swept the hills' where beauty lingers. All looked fresh as growing foliage. Vermont frosts don't seem to be killing frosts. They only change aspects of beauty. The mountain pastures, verdant to the peaks, and over the peaks of the high, steep h
Guatemala (Guatemala) (search for this): chapter 1
tronger and healthier. With something of the spirit which dictated them, we renew our vows to freedom, and, with manlier energy, gird up our souls for the stern struggle before us. As might have been expected, and as he himself predicted, the efforts of his friends to procure his nomination failed; but the same generous appreciators of his rare worth were soon after more successful in their exertions in his behalf. He received from President Van Buren the appointment of the mission to Guatemala,—an appointment which, in addition to honorable employment in the service of his country, promised him the advantages of a sea voyage and a change of climate, for the restoration of his health. The course of Martin Van Buren on the subject of slavery in the District of Columbia forms, in the estimation of many of his best friends, by no means the most creditable portion of his political history; but it certainly argues well for his magnanimity and freedom from merely personal resentment
Westminster (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
tes, some portion of which, not uninstructive to the reader, may still be found in Burton's Diary, the following horrible resolution was agreed upon:— That James Nayler be set in the pillory, with his head in the pillory in the Palace Yard, Westminster, during the space of two hours on Thursday next; and be whipped by the hangman through the streets from Westminster to the Old Exchange, and there, likewise, be set in the pillory, with his head in the pillory for the space of two hours, betweWestminster to the Old Exchange, and there, likewise, be set in the pillory, with his head in the pillory for the space of two hours, between eleven and one, on Saturday next, in each place wearing a paper containing a description of his crimes; and that at the Old Exchange his tongue be bored through with a hot iron, and that he be there stigmatized on the forehead with the letter B; and that he be afterwards sent to Bristol, to be conveyed into and through the said city on horseback with his face backward, and there, also, publicly whipped the next market-day after he comes thither; that from thence he be committed to prison i
Ellwood (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
shionable reviews, but is none the less deserving of attention. Ellwood was born in 1639, in the little town of Crowell, in Oxfordshire. Having this change in view, the light which the farthing candle of Ellwood sheds upon one of these illustrious names will not be unwelcome. n to this, the world has been the better for your faithfulness. Ellwood and some thirty of his friends were marched off to prison in Old Bted, during this season of hot persecution. From the Bridewell, Ellwood was at length removed to Newgate, and thrust in, with other Friend. At the next session of the municipal court at the Old Bailey, Ellwood obtained his discharge. After paying a visit to my Master Milton,enningtons, and his young Quaker companion, the patient and gentle Ellwood. Wherefore, says the latter, some little time before I went to Ayt present; and as our whole stock of light literature consisted of Ellwood's Davideis and the selections of Lindley Murray's English Reader,
Dixon, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
on his back; unhesitatingly counting her enemies his own, whether in the guise of Whig monopoly and selfish expediency, or democratic servility north of Mason and Dixon's line towards democratic slaveholding south of it; poor, yet incorruptible; dependent upon party favor, as a party editor, yet risking all in condemnation of thatneys, Jeffersons, Henrys, and Martins, of Maryland and Virginia. The example set at Charleston did not lack imitators. Every petty postmaster south of Mason and Dixon's line became ex officio a censor of the press. The Postmaster-General, writing to his subordinate at Charleston, after stating that the post-office department hato hold the slave. It is the character of the nation that binds and holds him. It is the Republic that does it, the efficient force of which is north of Mason and Dixon's line. By virtue of the majority of Northern hearts and voices, slavery lives in the South! In 1840, he spent a few weeks in England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Tunbridge (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
th powerless for evil. Let those who are disposed to laugh at this notable Ecumenical Council of the Hat consider that ecclesiastical history has brought down to us the records of many larger and more imposing convocations, wherein grave bishops and learned fathers took each other by the beard upon matters of far less practical importance. In 1669, we find Ellwood engaged in escorting his fair friend, Gulielma, to her uncle's residence in Sussex. Passing through London, and taking the Tunbridge road, they stopped at Seven Oak to dine. The Duke of York was on the road, with his guards and hangers-on, and the inn was filled with a rude company. Hastening, says Ellwood, from a place where we found nothing but rudeness, the roysterers who swarmed there, besides the damning oaths they belched out against each other, looked very sourly upon us, as if they grudged us the horses which we rode and the clothes we wore. They had proceeded but a little distance, when they were overtaken
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
er mad, we may consider their opinions in relation to the blacks, what honest, independent mind can blame them? Where is the man so poor of soul, so white-livered, so base, that he would do less in relation to any important doctrine in which he religiously believed? Where is the man who would have his tenets drubbed into him by the clubs of ruffians, or hold his conscience at the dictation of a mob? In the summer of 1835, a mob of excited citizens broke open the post-office at Charleston, South Carolina, and burnt in the street such papers and pamphlets as they judged to be incendiary; in other words, such as advocated the application of the democratic principle to the condition of the slaves of the South. These papers were addressed, not to the slave, but to the master. They contained nothing which had not been said and written by Southern men themselves, the Pinkneys, Jeffersons, Henrys, and Martins, of Maryland and Virginia. The example set at Charleston did not lack imitat
Worms (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ale of democracy. Father Ritchie scolded and threatened. The democratic committee issued its bull against him from Tammany Hall. The resolutions of that committee were laid before him when he was sinking under a severe illness. Rallying his energies, he dictated from his sick-bed an answer marked by all his accustomed vigor and boldness. Its tone was calm, manly, self-relying; the language of one who, having planted his feet hard down on the rock of principle, stood there like Luther at Worms, because he could not otherwise. Exhausted nature sunk under the effort. A weary sickness of nearly a year's duration followed. In this sore affliction, deserted as he was by most of his old political friends, we have reason to know that he was cheered by the gratitude of those in whose behalf he had wellnigh made a martyr's sacrifice; and that from the humble hearths of his poor colored fellow-citizens fervent prayers went up for his restoration. His work was not yet done. Purified b
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