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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Petersburg. (search)
cast up strong intrenchments upon its exposed sides. When the Army of the Potomac was led to the south side of the James River (June 14-16), it began immediate operations against Petersburg, which was then the strong defence of Richmond. Butler, at Bermuda Hundred, was very securely intrenched. Grant sent General Smith's troops quickly back to him after the battle at cold Harbor (q. v.), and directed him to co-operate with the Army of the Potomac in an attempt to capture Petersburg. On June 10 Butler sent 10,500 men, under Gillmore, and 1,500 cavalry, under Kautz, to attack the Confederates at Petersburg; at the same time two gunboats went up the Appomattox to bombard an earthwork a little below the city. The troops crossed the Appomattox 4 miles above City Point, and marched on Petersburg, while Kautz swept round to attack on the south. The enterprise was a failure, and the Nationals retired. Five days later there was another attempt to capture Petersburg. Smith arrived at
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
ger scale than heretofore were begun, the army of occupation having been reinforced by 30,000 men. April 4. The commission issued a proclamation promising The amplest liberty of self-government, reconcilable with just, stable, effective, and economical administration, and compatible with the sovereign rights and obligations of the United States. April 22–May 17. General Lawton led an expedition to San Isidro. April 25–May 5. General MacArthur captured Calumpit and San Fernando. June 10-19. Generals Lawton and Wheaton advanced south to Imnus. June 26. General Hall took Calamba. Aug. 16. General MacArthur captured Angeles. Sept. 28. General MacArthur, after several days' fighting, occupied Porac. Oct. 1-10. General Schwan's column operated in the southern part of Luzon and captured Rosario and Malabon. Nov. 2. The Philippine commission appointed by the President, consisting of J. G. Schurman, Prof. Dean Worcester, Charles Denby, Admiral Dewey, and General O
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
ladelphia and put in charge of Robert Morris, the superintendent of the treasury. Count de Rochambeau received intelligence at the close of May, 1781, that the Count de Grasse might be expected on the coast of the United States with a powerful French fleet in July or August. This news caused the French forces, which had lain idle at Newport many months, to move immediately for the Hudson River, to form a junction with the Continental army there under Washington. A part of them moved on June 10, and the remainder immediately afterwards. They formed a junction with the American army, near Dobb's Ferry, on the Hudson, July 6. The Americans were encamped on Valentine's Hill, in two lines, with the right wing resting on the Hudson River near the ferry. The French army was stationed on the hills at the left, in a single line, reaching from the Hudson to the Bronx River. There was a valley of considerable extent between the two armies. The American army had been encamped at Peekski
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Spain, War with (search)
second call for volunteers, the number being 75,000. May 25. The first Manila expedition from San Francisco started. May 30. Admiral Sampson's fleet arrived at Santiago from Porto Rico. May 31. Forts at the entrance of Santiago Harbor were bombarded. June 3. Lieutenant Hobson sank the Merrimac in the entrance to Santiago Harbor. June 4. Captain Gridley, of the Olympia, died at Kobe, Japan. June 6. Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes was sunk by American navy at Santiago. June 10. War revenue bill was finally passed by Congress. It was signed by the President June 13. June 11. Marines landed at Guantanamo, and skirmished with the Spaniards the following day. June 12-14. General Shafter's army of invasion, 16,000 strong, embarked at Key West for Santiago. June 14, 15. There was fighting between marines and Spaniards at Guantanamo Bay and a bombardment of the fort at Caimanera by war-ships. June 15. Admiral Camara's fleet sailed from Cadiz for the Suez
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tripoli, War with (search)
Tripoli, War with In the autumn of 1800, the ruler of Tripoli, learning that the United States had paid larger gross sums to his neighbors (see Algiers) than to himself, demanded an annual tribute, and threatened war in case it was refused. In May, 1801, he caused the flag-staff of the American consulate to be cut down. and proclaimed war June 10. In anticipation of this event, the American government had sent Commodore Richard Dale with a squadron to the Mediterranean. His flag-ship was the President. He sailed from Hampton Roads, reached Gibraltar July 1, and soon after the Bey had declared war he appeared before Tripoli, having captured a Tripolitan corsair on the way. The Bey was astonished, and the little American squadron cruising in the Mediterranean made the Barbary States more circumspect. Recognizing the existence of war with Tripoli, the United States government ordered a squadron, under Commodore Richard V. Morris, to relieve Dale. the Chesapeake was the commo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
a.......Sept. 6, 1869 William Pitt Fessenden, born 1806, dies at Portland, Me.......Sept. 8, 1869 Financial panic in New York City culminates in Black Friday ; gold quoted at 162 1/2......Sept. 24, 1869 George Peabody lands at New York, June 10; he endows several institutions, adds $1,400,000 to his Southern education fund, and leaves for London......Sept. 30, 1869 Northwestern branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, near Milwaukee, Wis., dedicated......October,nial opened in Washington by President Harrison......April 8, 1891 President Harrison and party leave Washington for an extended trip in the South and West......April 14, 1891 Resignation of Senator John H. Reagan, of Texas, to take effect June 10......April 24, 1891 China formally objects to Henry W. Blair as minister from the United States because of his speech in Congress against the Chinese......April 28, 1891 Charles Pratt, philanthropist, born. 1830, dies at New York City....
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indiana, (search)
formed by a German community under Frederick Rapp, from Pennsylvania......1814 Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Indiana at Madison, incorporated by legislature......Sept. 6, 1814 Bank of Vincennes incorporated......Sept. 10, 1814 Congress passes an enabling act for Indiana; the northern boundary a line drawn east and west 10 miles north of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan......April 19, 1816 Ordinance accepting the enabling act passed by a convention which meets at Corydon, June 10......June 29, 1816 State constitution adopted by convention......June 29, 1816 Jonathan Jennings inaugurated first governor at Corydon......Nov. 7, 1816 Indiana admitted into the Union by act approved......Dec. 11, 1816 Act to appoint superintendents of school sections authorized to lease school lands, every lessee required to set out 100 apple and 100 peach trees within four years......Dec. 14, 1816 Bank of Vincennes adopted as State bank of Indiana, empowered to adopt the F
e of the Republican party of Mexico and appointed governor of Galveston......1819 Lafitte is compelled to evacuate Galveston Island by Lieutenant Kearney of the United States brig Enterprise......1821 Stephen F. Austin leaves Natchitoches, June 10, and founds the colony for which his father, Moses Austin, received a grant from Mexico, on the Brazos River......July, 1821 He founds San Felipe de Austin as colonial town......1823 By decree of the constituent Mexican congress, Coahuila appropriates $500,000 to improve Galveston Harbor, and authorizes the Secretary of War to contract for the completion of the work; estimated to cost $6,200,000......September, 1890 United States Senator John H. Reagan resigns, to take effect June 10......April 24, 1891 Five constitutional amendments ratified at special election......Aug. 11, 1891 Experiments in rain-making by explosives......Aug. 18-26, 1891 Horace Chilton appointed, qualifies as United States Senator......Dec. 7,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wisconsin, (search)
liers build a stockade on Chequamegon Bay, where Ashland now is......1661 Jesuit missionary to the Hurons, Rene Menard, loses his life near the Black River......June, 1662 Father Claude Allouez establishes a mission at La Pointe, on Chequamegon Bay......1665 Mission established at the Rapids de Pere on the Fox River, near Green Bay, by Father Allouez......1670 Father Marquette and M. Joliet from Michilimackinac enter Green Bay and pass Fox River portage to the Wisconsin River, June 10, and down the Wisconsin, discovering the Mississippi......June 17, 1673 Marquette coasts Lake Michigan from Green Bay, reaching the site of Chicago......Dec. 4, 1674 La Salle, leaving his ship the Griffin at Green Bay, sails up the coast of Lake Michigan......1679 Daniel Greysolon Duluth ascends the Bois Brule from Lake Superior, and descends the St. Croix to the Mississippi River......1680 Father Louis Hennepin, with Duluth, journeys from Lake St. Francis to Green Bay by way of
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