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on resolutions approving the Crittenden propositions, and by the adoption of resolutions in the New York and Massachusetts Legislatures, (doubtless to be followed by others,) offering men and money for the war of coercion. We have thus placed before you the facts and conclusions which have become manifest to us from this post of observation where you have placed us. There is nothing to be hoped from Congress; the remedy is with you alone, when you assemble in sovereign Convention. We conclude by expressing our solemn conviction that prompt and decided action by the people of Virginia in Convention will afford the surest means, under the providence of God, of averting an impending civil war, and preserving the hope of reconstructing a Union already dissolved. [Signed,] J. M. Mason, E. S. Martin, R. M. T. Hunter, H. A. Edmundson, D. C. Dejarnette, Roger A. Pryor, M. R. H. Garnett, Thos. S. Bocock, Shelton F. Leake, A. G. Jenkins. Washington City, 22d January, 1861
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.the Commissioner to Washington — CaptainDoubleday — Clerical,&c. Charleston, Jan. 22d, 1861. We still remain in a state of "masterly inactivity," to the great annoyance of our troops. On yesterday, it is said that Col. Hayne was to have offered to the Government at Washington his "ultimatum," but up to the present writing we have heard nothing from him. We expect to hear nothing but a rejection of all overtures for peace made by our Commissioner. Verily, those men at the North seem to have lost their senses. The idea of forcing even little Carolina back into society with them — society that has stunk in our nostrils for twenty years&is the height of impudence. This Cayting Dobleday, of Fort Sumter, I learn from a reliable gentleman, to-day, has dealings with Spirits. He believes in Spirits and Spiritualism, and therefore ought to be excused for that silly letter to his dear friend down East. I learn, also, to-day, that<
cooperation with our Southern sister States; yet, as good citizens, we yield to the will of the majority of her people, as expressed by their representatives, and we here by pledge "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" to the defence of Georgia, if necessary, against hostile invasion from any source whatever. Jas P. Simmons, of Gwinnet. Thos. M. McRae. F. H. Latimer, of Montgomery. Davis Whelchel. P. M. Byrd, of Hall. Jas. Simmons, of Pickens. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 22, 1861. Important Army intelligence. Gen. Scott has issued orders to the following effect; I. Officers on leave of absence who have been absent from duty for a period of eight months, will immediately proceed to join their respective companies or stations. Offices absent for a less period, but whose leave of absence exceeds eight months, will, in like manner, return to duty at the expiration of that number of months. II. Officers absent on account of sickness will present t
ry. This is but two squares from the scene of the inaugural ceremonies. Ten thousand copies of Clemens' patriotic speech have been taken for circulation in Maryland, seventy-five thousand in the South, and fifteen thousand in the Northern States. More than one hundred thousand copies have been subscribed for already. The following letter expresses the spirit which now animates some of the branches of the public service: Post-Office Department, Appointment Office, January 22, 1861. Sir --In answer to the inquiry in your letter of the 15th to the Postmaster General, he instructs me to inform you that you were removed from the office of Postmaster at Paducah because you announced yourself as "devoutly in favor of disunion," and it is not considered prudent to retain in the service of the Government men openly seeking its overthrow. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, Horatio King. First Assistant Postmaster General. John C. Noble, Esq., Paducah,
es issued: 1860.1861 Fives,Fives, Tens,Tens, Twenties,Twenties, Fifties.Fifties. Specie15,282.0914,132.31 Circulation74,365.0066,260.00 Notes of other Banks in the State6,223.006,982.00 Notes of other Banks out of the State000.00715.00 Value of Real Estate4,500.004,500.00 Contingent Fund3,401.503,214.22 Deposits94,100.49108,306.70 Loans to Directors925.00875.00 We, the undersigned, Directors of the Bank of Winchester, have examined the foregoing statement, and believe it to be correct: Hugh Sidwell, Lewis P. Hartman, Wm. L. Bent. Richard R. Brown, Mathias Schultz. Corporation Of Winchester, To Wit: Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace for the corporation aforesaid, Robert B. Wolfe, Cashier of the Bank of Winchester, and made oath that the above statement is correct, according to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand, this 22d day of January, 1861. R. J. W. Polk, J. P.
ly conflict, no hesitation was felt in attempting to uphold it at any cost against an act of treachery, as the ensign of the public authority and the emblem of unnumbered vic- tories by land and sea. The revenue cutter Henry Dodge, at Galveston, Texas, was understood to be so much out of repair as to render it very questionable whether she could be safely taken to New York. Under these circumstances the following order was sent to her commanding officer: Treasury Department, Jan. 22, 1861. Sir: --If the revenue cutter Henry Dodge, to the command of which you were assigned by an order of the 19thinst., should, on examination, prove to be seaworthy, you will immediately provision her for six weeks, and sail for New York, reporting yourself, on your arrival, to the Collector of the Port. While making your preparations for sailing, you will exercise the utmost vigilance in guarding your vessel against attack from any quarter. If any hostile movement should be made aga
's amendment, and insert-- "Provided, That no part of the money authorized to be borrowed by this act, shall be borrowed, except so much thereof as may be required to pay the necessary expenses of the Government, except it shall be necessary to repel invasion, or to provide for the defence of the State, when, in the opinion of the Executive, it shall be necessary for our protection so to do; nor shall any money be paid out of the public treasury to carry into effect the act passed January 22d, 1861, creating an Ordnance Department; nor shall any money be paid out of the public treasury under the provisions of the act of 20th January, providing for the defence of the State, and of any other moneys, except the money borrowed under the provisions of this act." Mr. Kemper opposed the proposition and hoped the House would stand by the original bill. The Speaker ruled that the proposition of Mr. Haymond was out of order, as the bill could only be amended by way of a ryder.
Richmond Library Company. --A general meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond Library Comp'y will be held at the Merchants' Insurance Company's Office on Tuesday, the 22d day of January, 1861, at 6 o'clock P. M. As business of great importance will be transacted, it is earnestly requested that a full meeting take place either of the stockholdings in person or by proxy. By order of the President. Alex. Scott, S ja 12--10t
Richmond Library Company. --A general meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond Library Comp'y will be held at the Merchants' Insurance Company's Office on Tuesday the 22d day of January, 1861. at 6 o'clock P. M. As business of gross importance will be transacted, it is earnestly requested that a full meeting take place either of the stockholders in person or by proxy. By order of the President. Alex. Scott, S ja 12--10
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