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Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, Index (search)
, 515, 516. Gully, William Court, 469-472. Haldane, Mr., 474. Hancock, General, expedition of, against the Kiowas and Comanches, 225-227. Happiness, thoughts on, 237, 238. Harcourt, Sir, William, 473. Hardinge, Captain, David, 67. Harman, Rev. Dr., 246. Harry, boy on board the Windermere, 70-72, 78, 79, 82-84. Hawthorn, Colonel A. T., 168. Healy, Tim, 475, 477. Heaton, Dick (Alice), 107-111. Henderson, Senator, 226, 227. Hills-Johnes, Sir James and Lady, hosts to Stan 240; in Spain, 240-244; his application to duty, 243, 244. Is commissioned by Mr. Bennett to search for Livingstone, 245; at the opening of the Suez Canal, 245; in Egypt, at Jerusalem, at Constantinople, and in the Caucasus, 245, 246; on Rev. Dr. Harman, 246; sees the Carnival at Odessa, 247; in the East, 247-249; arrives at Zanzibar, 250; starts from Zanzibar in search of Livingstone, 251 252; reads Bible and newspapers in wilds of Africa, 252-255; his feeling of tranquillity when in Afric
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. E. B. Stuart's report of operations after Gettysburg. (search)
(late Hampton's) brigade was assigned the duty of protecting the Potomac from Falling Waters to Hedgesville. The other brigades were moved back towards Leetown, Robertson's being sent to the fords of the Shenandoah, where he already had a picket, which, under Captain Johnston of the North Carolina Cavalry, had handsomely repulsed the enemy in their advance on Ashby's Gap, inflicting severe loss with great disparity in numbers. Harper's Ferry was again in possession of the enemy, and Colonel Harman, Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, had, in an engagement with the enemy, gained a decided success, but was himself captured by his horse falling. Upon my arrival at the Bower that afternoon (15th), I learned that a large force of the enemy's cavalry was between Shepherdstown and Leetown. 1 determined at once to attack him, in order to defeat any designs he might have in the direction of Martinsburg. I made dispositions accordingly, concentrating cavalry in his front, and early on the 16th m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
rest here trying to destroy the aqueduct over the Conococheague. Some 5,000 pounds of leather were bought by Major Paxton at Williamsport and sent to the rear. At Hagerstown and Williamsport thirty-five kegs of powder were purchased and sent back. I may as well mention here that at Williamsport, Hagerstown, Chambersburg, &c., large quantities of such articles as were suitable for Government use were obtained by purchase, or certificate, and sent back by Quartermasters Paxton, Rogers and Harman. During the march into Pennsylvania some two or three thousand (2,000 or 3,000) head of cattle were taken, and either appropriated for the command, or sent to the rear for the other divisions. Some 1,200 or 1,500 were thus sent back. The horses were almost all seized by the cavalry of General Jenkins, and were rarely accounted for. My best efforts were made to suppress all irregularities, and being very generally and cheerfully seconded by officers and men, they succeeded satisfactorily.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Early's Valley campaign. (search)
lies for the troops were necessarily drawn from Lynchburg and Richmond. To prevent delay, therefore, orders were sent to these places directing supplies to be forwarded to convenient points along the line of march. Staunton was reached on the 27th of June. This was the most suitable point at which to supply the army, and there Early made a short halt to make the necessary arrangements to insure the uninterrupted continuance of his march. In this he was ably assisted by Colonel Allan, Majors Harman, Rogers, Hawks, and other members of his staff. The beautiful Valley of Virginia everywhere gave evidence of the ravages of war. Throughout the march down the Valley the unsparing hand of Hunter was proclaimed by the charred ruins of the once beautiful and happy homes. At Lexington the cracked and tottering walls of the Virginia Military Institute, the pride of Virginia and the Alma Mater of many of the distinguished sons of the South, were seen, and near them appeared the blackened re
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General J. E. B. Stuart of cavalry operations on First Maryland campaign, from August 30th to September 18th, 1862. (search)
red, with three regiments of cavalry and four pieces of artillery. Munford selected a position and opened fire with a Howitzer and Blakely, when the enemy also brought up two pieces and returned the fire. Their guns had scarcely opened when their cavalry suddenly advanced and charged the Howitzer. They were, however, received with two rounds of canister, which drove them back, and the Seventh Virginia cavalry, Captain Myers commanding, charged them. They also charged the Blakely, but Colonel Harman, with about seventy-five men of the Twelfth Virginia cavalry, met and repulsed them. Lieutenant-Colonel Burks, in temporary command of the Second Virginia cavalry, held the crossroads commanding the approach to Sugar Loaf mountain and kept the enemy in check with his sharpshooters. The loss on this occasion was fifteen, killed, wounded and missing. The cross-roads were successfully held for three days, during which regular skirmishing and artillery firing took place, when on the 11th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Summer campaign of 1863-report of General W. E. Jones. (search)
near Funkstown, fell in with the Seventh Virginia cavalry, which availed itself of the opportunity of settling old scores. Sabres were freely used, and soon sixty-six bloody-headed prisoners were marched to the rear, and the road of slumbering wrath was marked here and there by cleft skulls and pierced bodies. The day at Fairfield is fully and nobly avenged. The Sixth United States regular cavalry numbers among the things that were. Colonel Marshall's report will give more fully the particulars. The report of Colonel Massie will give the particulars of the affair of the 14th instant near Harper's Ferry, in which we captured one Major, one Lieutenant and twenty-five men, losing Colonel Harman, one Lieutenant and three men. In this campaign my brigade participated in three battles and the affair of Boonsboro. It killed and wounded many of the enemy, and captured over six hundred prisoners. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. E. Jones, Brigadier General Commanding.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Death of General A. P. Hill. (search)
n since the affair of the Federal stragglers. We then made the branch, becoming obscured from the enemy, and crossing the Bowdtoin (not Boydtown, as some writers have called it) plank road, soon made the woods, which were kept for about a mile, in which distance we did not see a single person, and emerged into the field opposite General Heth's, at a point two miles due southwest from General Lee's headquarters, at the Turnbull House, and at right angles with the Bowdtoin plank road, at the Harman House, which was distant half a mile. When going through the woods, the only words between General Hill and myself, except a few relating to the route, were by himself. He called my attention and said: Sergeant, should anything happen to me you must go back to General Lee and report it. We came into the field near its corner, at the foot of a small declivity, rising which I could plainly see that the road was full of troops of some kind. The General, raising his field-glass, said: They
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), From the Rapidan to Spotsylvania Courthouse. (search)
n the attempt to stem the attack on his division early on the 12th of May. My staff during this campaign consisted of Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Pendleton and Major Campbell Brown, Acting Adjutant-Generals; Colonel A. Smead (Colonel of Artillery), Acting Inspector-General; Major B. H. Greene, Engineer; Lieutenant Thomas T. Turner, Aide-de-camp; Lieutenant-Colonel William Allan, Chief of Ordnance; Surgeon Hunter McGuire, Medical Director; Majors John Rogers and A. S. Garber, Quartermasters (Major Harman having been transferred just before the campaign opened); Major W. J. Hawks and Captain J. J. Locke, Commissaries of Subsistence. All except Majors Brown, Greene and Rogers, and Lieutenant T. T. Turner, had been of the staff of Lieutenant-General Jackson. That officer should be held hardly more remarkable for his brilliant campaigns than for the judgment he almost invariably showed in his selections of men. It would be difficult without personal knowledge to appreciate Colonel Pendleton
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fortification and siege of Port Hudson—Compiled by the Association of defenders of Port Hudson; M. J. Smith, President; James Freret, Secretary. (search)
as pressed with energy all day Tuesday and Tuesday night, so that, by Wednesday morning, an imperfect line of rifle-pits had been thrown up to protect the most exposed points on the left wing. Two pieces of siege artillery were removed during Tuesday night from the heavy batteries on the river and mounted on this lineā€”one rifled 24 pounder, under command of Lieutenant Sandford, Company A, First regiment Alabama volunteers, on the Commissary Hill, and another rifled 24-pounder, under Lieutenant Harman, Company A First regiment Alabama volunteers, at Bennett's house. For three or four days previous to this time (Wednesday, May 27th), the enemy had been making active demonstrations against Colonel Johnson's position. Sharpshooters had become so annoying as to seriously interfere with the construction of the heavy earth worths necessary for the defence of this most exposed position. On the extreme left, commanded by Colonel Shelby, the enemy had not been idle while making his approa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.34 (search)
ibed, Gordon exhorting and the men clamoring for General Lee to go back. As Lee retired through Gordon's line Pegram's Virginia brigade, and both that brigade and Evan's also moved forward. Major Hunter in command. General Lee then said to me: Major Hunter, collect together the men of Johnson's division and report to General Gordon. I immediately called for Johnson's men who were scattered about the valley, Captain Virginius Dabney, of General Johnson's Staff, assisting me. I saw Captain Harman, of the Second Virginia Infantry, and other officers, who actively exerted themselves to get the men who had escaped capture to form in line. In half an hour we had succeeded in getting together some three or four hundred men, with officers here and there of various ranks. There were ten (10) Louisiana regiments (fragments), two (2) North Carolina and eight (8) Virginia regiments in Johnson's division, and the remnants of these, which had not been captured, were intermingled together
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