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ry and artillery. Col. Wickersham, with 4 cavalry regiments, reported to Blunt at Cane Hill two hours afterward, with tidings that Herron would be at Fayetteville early next morning. Blunt now attempted to warn Herron of his danger, but it was too late; his messengers were intercepted by Marmaduke's cavalry. Hindman was probably reaching for Blunt's trains at Rhea's Mills, when, to their mutual astonishment, he locked horns with Herron on Illinois creek, near the settlement known as Prairie Grove. Herron, divested of his cavalry, had but about 4,000 men in hand, and ought to have stood on the defensive, Gen. Herron. in a private letter to a friend at Dubuque, Iowa, dated Dec. 16, says: For four miles, we fought their cavalry, driving them back to Illinois creek, where I found their whole force strongly posted on a long ridge, with magnificent positions for batteries. For one mile in front, it was clear ground, and my road lay right in the center of their line. From
; reorganized by Unionists, 555; see Pea. Ridge, Prairie Grove. Arkansas, Rebel ram, passes through Union flleasant Hill, La., 542. Port Hudson, La., 329. Prairie Grove. Ark., 39. Proctor's Creek, Ga., 634. Pumpkinveld. 36; routs Rebels at Maysville, Mo., 87; at Prairie Grove. 38 to 41; at Honey Springs, 449. Boomer, Colrouts Rebels near Fayetteville, Ark., 37, 38; at Prairie Grove, 38 to 41; extracts from letters from, 88; 41; a1. Hindman, Gen. T. C., 36; 37; in command at Prairie Grove. 38 to 41; retreats from Prairie Grove, 40; at CPrairie Grove, 40; at Chickamauga, 422. Hinkley, Col. (Rebel), killed at Hartsville, 447. Hitchcock, Gem., his report of strengt Prairie D'Anne, Steele's battle at, 552. Prairie Grove, Ark., battle at, 38-41. Preble, commander Geo. klin's failure at, 339. Salomon, Gen., 36; at Prairie Grove, 39. Sanborn, Brig-Gen., at Iuka, 224; chases Stone River, 281. Stein, Gen., 27; killed at Prairie Grove, 40. Steinwehr's division, at Wauhatchie, 436
New York This regiment appears again in this same list. Gettysburg Alex. Hays's Second 88 22d Michigan Chickamauga Morgan's Reserve 88 20th Wisconsin Prairie Grove Herron's ------ 88 9th Massachusetts Gaines's Mill Morell's Fifth 87 8th U. S. Colored Olustee Seymour's Tenth 87 32d Iowa Pleasant Hill Mower's Sixtee list. Chancellorsville Whipple's Third 72 5th Vermont This regiment appears again in this same list. Savage Station W. F. Smith's Sixth 72 19th Iowa Prairie Grove Herron's ------ 72 9th Ohio Chickamauga Brannan's Fourteenth 72 38th Ohio Jonesboro Baird's Fourteenth 72 81st New York Cold Harbor Brooks's Eighteent Chancellorsville Schurz's Eleventh 53 10th Wisconsin Chaplin Hills Rousseau's ------ 52 38th Ohio Chickasaw Bluffs Steele's Fifteenth 52 26th Indiana Prairie Grove Herron's ------ 52 11th Iowa Shiloh McClernand's ------ 52 13th Iowa Atlanta (July 22d) Giles A. Smith's Seventeenth 52 15th Indiana Stone's River T.
cellorsville Schurz's 359 47 13+ 84th Illinois Stone's River Palmer's 357 67 18+ 93d Illinois Alatoona Pass Corse's 290 34 11+ 14th Indiana Antietam French's 320 49 15+ 15th Indiana Stone's River T. J. Wood's 440 52 11+ 15th Indiana Mission Ridge Sheridan's 334 45 13+ 19th Indiana Manassas Hatch's 423 62 14+ 19th Indiana Antietam Doubleday's 202 28 13+ 19th Indiana Gettysburg Wadsworth's 288 41 14+ 22d Indiana Chaplin Hills Mitchell's 303 57 18+ 26th Indiana Prairie Grove Huston's 445 52 11+ 27th Indiana Antietam Williams's 409 41 10+ 27th Indiana Gettysburg Williams's 339 40 11+ 48th Indiana Iuka Hamilton's 434 48 11+ 73d Indiana Stone's River T. J. Wood's 331 38 11+ 87th Indiana Chickamauga Brannan's 380 61 16+ 3d Iowa (Cavalry) Pea Ridge ---- 235 27 11+ 3d Iowa (Inf.) Jackson Lauman's 241 36 14+ 5th Iowa Iuka Hamilton's 482 62 12+ 7th Iowa (8 Cos) Belmont Grant's 410 74 18+ 9th Iowa Pea Ridge E. A. Carr's 560 74 13+ 13t
m a long distance from their own army, and in which any small detachment was always liable to be cut off by the vigilant enemy which hovered around the flanks and rear of the raiding column. The cavalry of the Union Armies, including both Eastern and Western, lost 10,596 officers and men killed or mortally wounded in action, and about 26,490 wounded who survived. Cavalry Corps. (Armies of the West.) Stone's River, Tenn. McMinnville, Tenn. Pea Ridge, Ark. lone Jack, Mo. Prairie Grove, Mo. Streight's Raid Middleton, Tenn. Franklin, Tenn. Triune, Tenn. Shelbyville, Tenn. Jackson, Tenn. Sparta, Tenn. Canton, Miss. Grenada, Miss. Grierson's Raid Graysville, Ga. Chickamauga, Ga. Carter's Station, Tenn. Murfreesboro Road, Tenn. Farmington, Tenn. Blue Springs, Tenn. Byhalia, Miss. Wyatt's Ford, Miss. Maysville, Ala. Blountsville, Tenn. Sweetwater, Tenn. Moscow, Tenn. Cleveland, Tenn. Ripley, Miss. Salisbury, Tenn. Bean's Station, Tenn. Morristown,
sconsin Rousseau's ---------- 38 103 56 197 123d Illinois Jackson's ---------- 35 119 35 189 10th Wisconsin Rousseau's ---------- 37 109 4 150 22d Indiana Mitchell's ---------- 49 87 23 159 Pocotaligo, S. C.             Oct. 22, 1862.             47th Pennsylvania Brannan's ---------- 18 94 -- 112 76th Pennsylvania Brannan's ---------- 12 66 1 79 Labadiesville, La.             Oct. 27, 1862.             8th New Hampshire Weitzel's ---------- 12 35 1 48 Prairie Grove, Ark.             Dec. 7, 1862.             20th Wisconsin Herron's ---------- 50 154 13 217 19th Iowa Herron's ---------- 45 145 3 193 26th Indiana Huston's ---------- 25 175 1 201 10th Kansas Blunt's ---------- 6 63 -- 69 Hartsville, Tenn.             Dec. 7, 1862.             104th Illinois ---------- ---------- 25 131 568 724 Fredericksburg, Va. Most of the missing in this battle were killed or wounded.        
lly wounded. and 34 missing, and at Chickamauga, 13 killed (including Colonel Heg), 53 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 45 missing; the 20th, at Prairie Grove, 500 killed, 154 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 13 missing; the 22d, at Resaca, 11 killed, 56 wounded, and 1 missing; the 29th, at Champion's . W. M. Total. Regiment. Battle. K. W. M. Total. 2d Iowa Fort Donelson 33 164   197 16th Iowa Shiloh 17 101 13 131 3d Iowa Shiloh 23 134 30 187 19th Iowa Prairie Grove 45 145 3 193 5th Iowa Iuka 37 179 1 217 22d Iowa Vicksburg 27 118 19 164 6th Iowa Shiloh 52 94 37 183 23d Iowa Big Black 13 88   101 7th Iowa Belmont til the war had ended. They fought in the numerous battles in the Indian Territory, and were also engaged in some of the battles in Arkansas and Missouri,--at Prairie Grove, and at Newtonia. These regiments were recruited mostly from the Creeks and Cherokees. The 1st Kansas lost at Wilson's Creek 77 killed, 187 wounded, Inc
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
Island, N. C. Resaca, Ga. Opequon, Va. New Berne, N. C. Atlanta, Ga., July 21-22. Cedar Creek, Va. Carter's Farm, Va. Piedmont, Va. Five Forks, Va. Prairie Grove, Ark. Bentonville, N. C. Sailor's Creek, Va. Nashville, Tenn. Tupelo, Miss.   The Union armies were successful, also, in the following assaults. They weS. C 43 294 3 340 Oct. 27 Georgia Landing, La 18 74 5 97 Dec. 5 Coffeeville, Miss 10 63 41 114 Dec. 7 Hartsville, Tenn 58 204 1,834 2,096 Dec. 7 Prairie Grove, Ark 175 813 263 1,251 Dec. 12-17 Kinston; Goldsborough, N. C 92 487 12 591 Dec. 13 Fredericksburg, Va 1,284 9,600 1,769 12,653 Dec. 28, 29 Chickasaw Bl, Ky 510 2,635 251 3,396 Oct. 22 Pocotaligo, S. C 21 124 18 163 Dec. 5 Coffeeville, Miss 7 43 10 60 Dec. 7 Hartsville, Tenn 21 104 14 139 Dec. 7 Prairie Grove, Ark 164 817 -- 981 Dec. 12-17 Kinston, Whitehall, N. C 71 268 400 739 Dec. 13 Fredericksburg, Va 596 4,068 651 5,315 Dec. 26-29 Chickasaw Bluffs, Miss
ter the action of the twenty-eighth of November. The united rebel force was believed to be very much greater than our own, two divisions of which were more than one hundred miles in the rear. Immediately upon learning General Blunt's danger from an overwhelming attack of the enemy, General Herron, by forced marches of one hundred and ten miles in three days, arrived at Fayetteville, Arkansas, early on the morning of the seventh December, and soon after encountered the enemy in force at Prairie Grove, while attempting a flank movement to get between Blunt and the approaching succor, to crush them both in succession. This skilfully devised project was fortunately frustrated by the valor and endurance of Herron's division, which stoutly held their ground till about two o'clock in the afternoon. When Blunt's forces arrived upon the field, the engagement became general along the entire line, and continued to be fiercely contested until dark. During the night the enemy retreated acro
For their deeds of valor upon the field of Prairie Grove, their native States may well be proud of , army of the frontier, battle-field of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 9. General: In reviewing t die. Your noble conduct upon the field of Prairie Grove, as also upon other occasions, gives evide Blunt and Herron, from the battle ground, Prairie-Grove, near Fayetteville, Arkansas: Our loss on Cane Hill. General Herron remains at Prairie Grove burying the dead and taking care of the woeadquarters Twentieth regiment Wis. Vols., Prairie Grove, twelve miles South of Fayetteville, Ark.dquarters Nineteenth Iowa volunteers, camp Prairie Grove, December 10, 1862. To Colonel William Orm Third division army of the frontier, camp Prairie Grove, December 15, 1862. You have undoubtedlan's trained sharpshooters on the field of Prairie Grove. Late in the day the enemy, having graduahad chosen on which to meet us. Instead of Prairie Grove, this should be called Grove Prairie, for [3 more...]
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