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The secessionists declare that nothing is more favorable to their cause, and that military men would sooner die than respond to such a call. At Wilmington, N. C., the proclamation is received with perfect contempt and indignation. The Union men openly denounce the Administration. The greatest possible unanimity prevails. There was great rejoicing there Saturday on the reception of the news of the reduction of Fort Sumter.--Tribune, April 16. Large Union meetings were held at Detroit, Mich., Westchester and Pittsburgh, Pa., Lawrence, Mass., and Dover, N. H. At Pittsburgh the meeting was opened by the Mayor, who introduced the venerable William Wilkinson. Mr. Wilkinson was made President of the meeting. About twenty-five Vice-Presidents were also appointed. Resolutions were adopted, declaring undying fealty to the Union, approving the course of the Legislative and Executive branches of the State Government in responding to the call of the President, disregarding all parti
April 17. The steamship Star of the West was taken near Indianola, Texas, by the Galveston Volunteers, without resistance. She has on board eight to nine hundred barrels of provisions. The steamer Habana has been purchased by the Southern Confederacy, and will be transformed into a war steamer. She will carry eight guns and one pivot gun.--Times, April 22. General Cass made a speech at Detroit, Michigan, on the occasion of the Board of Trade unfurling the national flag over their rooms. He is strongly in favor of supporting the Union, the Constitution, and the country's flag, under all circumstances. Hie said that, in a crisis like the present, it was the duty of every citizen to stand by the Government.--Louisville Democrat. Piqua, Ohio, to-day raised a company, and tendered its services to the Government. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held last night at Michigan City, Ind. Democrats and Republicans are a unit for the Constitution and Union. Strong
on as may be necessary for the general welfare.--(Doc. 94.) The Navy Department at Washington signified its approbation of the loyalty, spirit, and good conduct of William Conway, an aged seaman, doing duty as Quartermaster in the Warrington Navy Yard, Florida, at the time of its surrender, in promptly and indignantly refusing to obey, when ordered by Lieutenant F. B. Renshaw to haul down the national flag.--National Intelligencer, May 3. There was an immense Union meeting at Detroit, Michigan. General Cass presided and delivered a short but effective speech.--(Doc. 95.) Two thousand federal troops are stationed at Cairo, Illinois. Of these, says the Charleston Courier of the 30th April, fully three hundred are supposed to be negroes, and the remainder have been picked up from the gutters of Chicago, and among the Dutch. A force of one thousand firm-hearted Southern men would drive them from the place, if the attack was properly made. The members of the Brown Hig
ing the last three weeks amount to the sum of $23,277,000. Pennsylvania leads the column with a free gift of $3, 500,000. New York and Ohio have each given $3,000,000; Connecticut and Illinois each $2,000,000; Maine, $1,300,000; Vermont and New Jersey, each $1,000,000; Wisconsin and Rhode Island, $500,000; Iowa, $100,000. The contributions of the principal cities are: New York, $2,173,000; Philadelphia, $330,000; Boston, $186,000; Brooklyn, $75,000; Buffalo, $110,000; Cincinnati, $280,000; Detroit, $50,000; Hartford, $64,000.--(Doc. 141.) The Twentieth Regiment of N. Y. S. M. from Ulster County, under the command of Colonel George W. Pratt, left New York for the seat of war.--(Doc. 142.) Reverdy Johnson addressed the Home Guard of Frederick, Md., upon the occasion of the presentation to them of a National flag from the ladies of that place. The population of the city was swelled by the addition of upwards of two thousand persons, who poured in from the surrounding towns an
C., by the United States steamer Flag. When first discovered, the schooner had the Palmetto flag flying, but upon being chased, and satisfied of her fate, she hoisted the English flag, union down, as a signal of distress. Upon the vessel were found concealed a Confederate and a Palmetto flag, and the cook stated that just before the capture the captain burned up the ship's papers. Those found aboard, purporting to be English, were new, and evidently got up for the occasion.--N. Y. Tribune, October 18. The Tenth regiment of Maine Volunteers, under the command of Colonel George L. Beal, left Portland for the seat of war. Rochester, N. Y., has sent eighteen companies to the Union army. Another has been recruited in the country, making nineteen in all from Monroe Co.--Col. Rankin, M. P., who was engaged in recruiting a regiment of Lancers at Detroit for the Federal Government, was arrested at Toronto, Canada, for violation of the enlistment act.--N. Y. Commercial, October 9.
e crops of cotton and corn, and to erect his defences at Port Royal and other places on the island.--Washington Republican, Nov. 30. A band of rebels, under the notorious Sy. Gordon, captured Capt. Robb, Capt. White, and Lieutenant Moonlight, three United States officers, from the railroad train, at Weston, Missouri.--The Sixty-third New York regiment (third regiment, Irish Brigade) left New York for Washington. Col. Mulligan, the commander of the Irish Brigade at the siege of Lexington, Mo., had a reception at Detroit, Mich., and in response to a speech of welcome made an address, rehearsing some interesting particulars of the siege.--(Doc. 203.) The Annual Thanksgiving festival of the Free States was celebrated this day — with more than usual earnestness. Proclamations by various persons in authority called attention to it as a fit occasion to render thanks, especially, that so many loyal men were ready to fight for the honor and glory of the country.--See Supplemen
now first spoken of as a substitute.--New York World, July 15. The rebel Colonel Morgan visited Midway, Ky., at noon to-day, and cut the telegraph wires and tore up the railroad. He took away with him every thing he could convert to his use. He had four twelve-pound howitzers. In the evening he left for Georgetown, and encamped there on Gano's farm. At Cleveland, Ohio, the City Council appropriated thirty-five thousand dollars to aid in recruiting for the new regiments.--At Detroit, Michigan, a meeting was held to facilitate the raising of new regiments. Patriotic resolutions were passed. A very large gathering of citizens was held in the Capitol Park, at Albany, N. Y. Great enthusiasm was manifested. Governor Morgan presided, and among the Vice-Presidents were Mayor Perry, Senator John V. L. Pruyn, John Tracy, General Cooper, and other prominent citizens. Strong resolutions in favor of the new levy, and recommending an extra session of the Legislature, to authoriz
August 9. At Macon City, Mo., twenty-six rebel prisoners were shot for breaking their parole.--Hundreds of citizens of the West and other portions of the loyal States fled into Canada like cravens, to escape the draft. The exodus through Detroit was very large.--Detroit Free Press, August 9. Colonel McNeill overtook Porter's guerrillas at Stockton, in the western part of Macon County, Mo., and after a sharp fight, routed them, killing and wounding a large number, and capturing many horses. The rebels were scattered in all directions. Some of the prisoners captured had taken the oath and given bonds.--Gen. Schofield's Report. This day the battle of Cedar Mountain was fought, about eight miles from Culpeper Court-House, Va., between the National forces under General Banks, and the rebel army under General Jackson. The battle lasted about two hours, resulting in the retreat of the rebels with great loss. The Union army lost one thousand five hundred men in killed, w
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), The drummer-boy of the Rappahannock. (search)
from Fredericksburgh, General Burnside said to him, in the presence of the army: Boy, I glory in your spunk; if you keep on this way a few more years, you will be in my place. Robert is a native of New-York, but moved with his parents to Michigan when he was an infant. His father died ten or twelve years ago, leaving his mother in destitute circumstances, and with a family of four children to support and educate. About fifteen months ago, our drummer-boy went from Jackson (Michigan) to Detroit, with Captain C. V. Deland, in the capacity of waiter in the Ninth Michigan. With that regiment he went to Louisville, West-Point, Ky., and Elizabethtown, Ky.--at the last-named place he was appointed drummer-boy. Since that time he has been in six battles, as follows: Lebanon, Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Shelbyville, McMinnsville, and Fredericksburgh. At the battle of Murfreesboro, where the Union forces were taken by surprise before daylight in the morning, after beating the long-roll,
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Colonel Morrow's Recollections. (search)
Colonel Morrow's Recollections. Colonel Morrow, the brace leader of the famous Twenty-fourth Michigan, lately made a long war-speech to his fellow-citizens of Detroit. Among other things he told them the following: One of the rebel officers captured by us afterward met me in Gettysburgh, where I was a prisoner. A man came up to me in the street and said: Colonel, how do you do? You don't know me, and think I don't know you. (I had cut off my straps to prevent my being recognized as a colonel.) Come and take a drink. Of course, I drank with him, and then asked who he was. He took me one side from the rebel officers, and said: Your regiment captured me at Fitz-Hugh's Landing, d — n you! Said I: Glad of it. Didn't they treat you well? Bully, was his reply. Then treat me the same. We will; where are your straps? I have lost them for the time being. All right, I shan't say a word. He kept his promise, and when I left the rebels, they took me for a surgeon. Twenty-fou
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