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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 18 0 Browse Search
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion 18 0 Browse Search
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army 16 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 16 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 16 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 14 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 12 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 36: campaign in Maryland and Virginia. (search)
e North Fork of the Shenandoah, about two miles below Strasburg. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad crosses the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and passing through Martinsburg in Berkeley County, crosses Back Creek near its mouth, runs up the Potomac, crossing the South Branch of that river near its mouth, and then the North Branch to Cumberland in Maryland. From this place it runs into Virginia again and, passing through Northwestern Virginia, strikes the Ohio River by two stems, terminating at Wheeling and Parkersburg respectively. There is a railroad from Harper's Ferry to Winchester, called Winchester & Potomac Railroad, and also one from Manassas Junction on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, through Manassas Gap in the Blue Ridge, by Front Royal and Strasburg to Mount Jackson, called The Manassas Gap Railroad, but both of these roads were torn up and rendered unserviceable in the year 1862, under the orders of General Jackson. From Staunton, in Augusta County, there is a fine m
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
10, 114 Watkins, Colonel, 114 Watson, 198 Waynesboro, Pa., 254, 281, 370-71- 372, 381, 434-35, 460, 468 Waynesboro, Va., 366, 369, 464-66, 474 Weiglestown, 259, 263 Weisiger, General D. A., 356 Welbourn, Captain, 212, 460 Wellford's Mill, 106 Wells, Colonel (U. S. A.), 326, 437 Westover, 88 Western Virginia, 75 Wharton, General G. C., 188, 253, 375, 399, 414-15, 423-27, 429-30, 434, 441-443, 445-47, 449, 452, 457-58, 460, 462-64 Wheat's Battalion, 3, 31 Wheeling, 368 White, Captain, Elijah, 134, 255-58, 261, 263-64, 280 White, General (U. S. A.), 136, 137 White House, 361, 465 White Oak Swamp, 77 White Plains, 54, 114 White Post, 167, 397, 406, 411, 414 White's Ford, 43, 134, 137 Whiting, GeneralW. H., 74-76, 78-79, 86, 88, 105 Whittle, Colonel, 67, 72 Whitworth, 198 Wickham, General W. C., 416, 424- 425-26, 429, 433-34-35, 441, 454, 457 Wilcox, General, 58, 60-61, 208-09, 212, 218, 352, 354, 355, 358 Wilderness, 3
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
. You say I must let you know when I am ready to receive visits. Now! Have you any desire to see the celebration, etc., of the Fourth of July? Bring Sis Nannie and the little ones; I long to see you all; I only arrived yesterday, after a longjourney up the Mississippi, which route I was induced to take for the better accommodation of my horse, as I wished to spare her as much annoyance and fatigue as possible, she already having undergone so much suffering in my service. I landed her at Wheeling and left her to come over with Jim. I have seen but few of our friends as yet, but hear they are all well. Cousin Anna is at Ravensworth. I met Mrs. John Mason yesterday as I passed through W. All her people are well. I hear that that pretty Rhett, hearing of my arrival, ran off yesterday evening to take refuge with you. Never mind, there is another person coming from Mexico from whom she can not hide herself. Tell her with my regrets that I brought muchas cosas from her young rifleman,
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, West Point-graduation (search)
r in favor of my going to West Point — that he thought I would go --there was another very strong inducement. I had always a great desire to travel. I was already the best travelled boy in Georgetown, except the sons of one man, John Walker, who had emigrated to Texas with his family, and immigrated back as soon as he could get the means to do so. In his short stay in Texas he acquired a very different opinion of the country from what one would form going there now. I had been east to Wheeling, [West] Virginia, and north to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, west to Louisville, and south to Bourbon County, Kentucky, besides having driven or ridden pretty much over the whole country within fifty miles of home. Going to West Point would give me the opportunity of visiting the two great cities of the continent, Philadelphia and New York. This was enough. When these places were visited I would have been glad to have had a steamboat or railroad collision, or any other accident happen, b
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XIX. October, 1862 (search)
rigadier-generals, and a number of lieutenant-generals. The New York Herald, and even the Tribune, are tempting us to return to the Union, by promises of protecting slavery, and an offer of a convention to alter the Constitution, giving us such guarantees of safety as we may demand. This is significant. We understand the sign. Letters from Gen. Lee do not indicate an immediate purpose to retire from the Potomac; on the contrary, he has ordered Gen. Loring, if practicable, to menace Wheeling and Pennsylvania, and form a junction with him via the Monongahela and Upper Potomac. But Loring does not deem it safe to move all his forces (not more than 6000) by that route; he will, however, probably send his cavalry into Pennsylvania. And Gen. Lee does not want any more raw conscripts. They get sick immediately, and prove a burden instead of a benefit. He desires them to be kept in camps of instruction, until better seasoned (a term invented by Gen. Wise) for the field. Se
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
undreds were leaving. Harrisburg, June 17th.-The aspect of affairs, so far as can be judged by the reports from the border, seems to be this: The rebel force occupy Hagerstown and such other points as leave them free to operate either against Harrisburg or Baltimore. Apprehensions are entertained by the people of Altoona and other points on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, that the rebels will strike for the West, and then go back to their own soil by way of Pittsburg and Wheeling. The fortifications constructed on the hills opposite Harrisburg are considered sufficient protection for the city, and an offensive movement on our part is not unlikely. June 21 To-day we have an account of the burning of Darien, Ga. The temptation is strong for our army to retaliate on the soil of Pennsylvania. June 22 To-day I saw the memorandum of Mr. Ould, of the conversation held with Mr. Vallandigham, for file in the archives. He says if we can only hold out this y
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 15: the Maryland campaign. (search)
contingency; so slow and cautious was the march that he only covered forty or fifty miles in seven days. On the 12th his Headquarters were at Urbana, where he received the following telegram from President Lincoln: Governor Curtin telegraphs me, I have advices that Jackson is crossing the Potomac at Williamsport, and probably the whole rebel army will be drawn from Maryland. The President added,-- Receiving nothing from Harper's Ferry or Martinsburg today, and positive information from Wheeling that the line is cut, corroborates the idea that the enemy is recrossing the Potomac. Please do not let him get off without being hurt. Rebellion Record, vol. XIX. part i. p. 41. McClellan's official account. Elsewhere General McClellan has written of the 12th: During these movements I had not imposed long marches on the columns. The absolute necessity of refitting and giving some little rest to the troops worn down by previous long-continued marches and severe fighting, together wi
yed the armed hand of Abraham, and he could not fire another shot. Father and son were thus captured. Harry escaped in a day or two; but the father was tied and dragged along at a rapid pace towards the Maryland line. When he could no longer walk a step, they allowed him to get into a wagon with nothing to rest upon but some old iron, rough tools, etc. Thus they hastened him to Cumberland, Maryland, where they handcuffed him and put him into solitary confinement; thence he was hurried to Wheeling, where he was again, with his manacles on, shut up in a dungeon, seven feet by ten, with nothing to relieve the sufferings incident to such a fate, nothing to expect or hope for, but the bitterest cruelty. From this dreadful captivity he was released two or three weeks ago, and reached the house of his daughter, in this city, with health, bad for years, now worse than ever, and constitution entirely broken by hard and cruel bondage. Cheered by freedom, and the society of his children who
l and activity. His instructions made it a part of his duty to encourage and support the Unionists of Western Virginia in their political movement to divide the State and erect a Union commonwealth out of that portion of it lying northwest of the Alleghanies. General Lee, not fully informed of the adverse popular sentiment, sent a few Confederate regiments into that legion to gather recruits and hold the important mountain passes. McClellan, in turn, advanced a detachment eastward from Wheeling, to protect the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; and at the beginning of June, an expedition of two regiments, led by Colonel Kelly, made a spirited dash upon Philippi, where, by a complete surprise, he routed and scattered Porterfield's recruiting detachment of one thousand Confederates. Following up this initial success, McClellan threw additional forces across the Ohio, and about a month later had the good fortune, on July I I, by a flank movement under Rosecrans, to drive a regiment of th
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 12: West Virginia. (search)
its material development, its expansive business energy. Wheeling aspired to rival Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, not Richmond.d on May 13th, delegates from twenty-five counties met at Wheeling to consult and devise further action whereby they might fre and Ohio Railroad with its branches to Parkersburg and Wheeling. But the reaction against secession, the reawakening to fight for the Union, gathered recruits more rapidly at Wheeling, than the rebel camps which Colonel Porterfield had been on the 26th, ordered two regiments to cross the river at Wheeling, and two others at Parkersburg, and to simultaneously movghanies and the Ohio River, met in a formal convention at Wheeling, on June 11th. Its first step (June 13th), was to repuditure was constituted by calling together, on July 1st, at Wheeling, such members chosen at the election of May 23d as would the head of the provisional government thus organized at Wheeling, made a formal application under the Constitution, to the
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