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rengthen the post to such an extent that they are safe against an immense body of the enemy. Meanwhile, Stuart and Fitz-Hugh Lee, conversant with all the neighboring country, from a long residence — Lee having lived on Arlington Heights — drove iLee having lived on Arlington Heights — drove in a battalion of the First Michigan cavalry, near Wolf Run Shoals, and would have advanced to that point but found the Twenty-eighth and other Pennsylvania regiments in line of battle, having been prepared by the information sent back. They then apand defeated one of the most brilliant officers in the confederate service, Major-Gen. Stuart, who was backed by Brig.-Gen. Fitz-Hugh Lee, and Col. Lee, two of the most promising of the rebel notorieties, and this too with only about eight hundred inCol. Lee, two of the most promising of the rebel notorieties, and this too with only about eight hundred infantry, three hundred cavalry, and two pieces of artillery. All the officers and men are highly elated with the success, and well they may be. On our side there were three killed and nine wounded, and about thirty taken prisoners. Not a man of ou<
in a ferry-boat, and beating back a brigade of cavalry sent to their rescue. He reached the Rappahannock with thirty wagons and one hundred and thirty prisoners. 4. On the twenty-fifth December, Gen. Stuart, with detachments of Hampton's, Fitz-Hugh Lee's, and W. F. Lee's brigades, under the command of their officers, respectively, made a force reconnoisance in the rear of the enemy's lines, attacked him at Dumfries, capturing men and wagons at that place, advanced toward Alexandria, drove h. 6. Gen. W. F. Lee, with a section of his artillery, under Lieut. Ford, on twenty-fifth February, attacked two of the enemy's gunboats at Tappahannock, and drove them down the river, daming them, but suffering no loss on his part. 7. Gen. Fitz-Hugh Lee, with a detachment of four hundred of his brigade, crossed the swollen waters of the Rappahannock on the twenty-fifth of February, reconnoitred the enemy's lines to within a few miles of Falmouth, broke through his outposts, fell upon his c
heir severe labors, but elated and flushed with the excitement which accompanies victory. Learning that both Stuart and Lee had left the main body of the rebel army near Fredericksburgh, for the purpose of enforcing the draft in Fauquier and the the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, with instructions to cross, and proceed in the direction of Culpeper, and wake up Fitz-Hugh Lee's cavalry, who were reported to be in that direction. The force reached Morrisville, eighteen miles out, during thlting and resting a short time, General Averill ordered the column forward, and had proceeded but a mile or two, when Fitz-Hugh Lee's whole brigade was discovered, advancing in vigorous style. Our men were immediately brought into position, suppo Afraid to come beyond the support of their artillery, their progress was slow; and we, who are accustomed to Stuart's and Lee's quick movements, grew impatient, and even thought they had given up all thought of further advance. But presently the l
ir opinion is founded. Viewed strategically, Charleston harbor forms a cul de suc, four miles in length from its entrance at Fort Sumter up to the city. This blind passage varies in width from one to three miles, and is capable of bearing defensive works on each side and on shoal places in mid-channel. On these, natural advantages have been brought to bear time finest engineering skill in the Confederacy (and it was the flower of the genius of the country) during a period of two years. Lee, Beauregard, and Ripley in succession have exhausted their professional efforts to make it impregnable. Every thing that the most improved modern artillery and unlimited resources of labor can do has been done to make the passage of a fleet impossible. And it is impregnable. Sebastopol was as nothing to it. Our fleet got but to the entrance of the harbor. It never got within it. Had the iron-clads succeeded in passing the obstructions, they would still have found those miles of batteri
condemning the delay. Sedgwick driven back, Lee was emboldened and strengthened. There was raitand the pounding longest will win. Jackson and Lee will not desire to see many more such achievemeit is not in my power to decide. I believe General Lee expected a more brilliant result. It was ner that period the whole credit belonged to General Lee, not only for planning, but for being in con slain in battle might be replaced, but if General Lee should fall, who could take his place? Eching took place, has been aptly described by General Lee as a tangled wilderness, and yet this secti, cut the railway communication, and so cripple Lee for supplies as to secure for Hooker a bloodlesast about him. The messenger who carried General Lee the intelligence of this severe misfortune,sed them on Sunday, had he not have fallen, General Lee quietly said, These people shall be pressedy that ten Jacksons should have fallen than one Lee. General Jackson, after receiving his wound,[6 more...]
posite the fort. They burned the bridges over the Chickahominy, destroyed three large trains of provisions in the rear of Lee's army, drove in the rebel pickets to within two miles of Richmond, and have lost only one lieutenant and thirty men, havi near Cedar Point, which work was most effectually accomplished. Sunday night, the third, it is believed both Hampton and Lee's brigades were encamped within two miles of General Buford. On the morning of the fourth, a picket, consisting of sixts first hailed by the Yankee cavalry, several persons who were in the back car, among them a bearer of despatches from General Lee, jumped off and succeeded in escaping, and are supposed to have made their way to our forces at the South-Anna, or to at the individual before him was a live Yankee, for the first time flashed across his mind. He at once concluded that General Lee must have been defeated, and that Hooker was marching on Richmond. Having secured the horses, the Yankees rejoined th
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