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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 22, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1 1 Browse Search
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ich they caused when they were driven up. A detachment of Stuart's cavalry could easily bag all this valuable game. Parties from Drewry's Bluff, who arrived here last night, report heavy firing of cannon, and rapid discharges of musketry, all day yesterday across the river. The fight was evidently progressing on the north of the James, but no accounts of results had reached Richmond last night at ten o'clock. We have positive information that the enemy were reinforced yesterday from below. We know not the extent of the reinforcements, but the Vanderbilt, a very large transport, was certainly in the lower James yesterday, crowded with troops. More reinforcements were probably carried up last night.--The immense train of wagons seen yesterday at Berkley are to be used, doubtless, for the purpose of carrying ammunition and provisions to the now much discomfited foe. It is gratifying to know that we are prepared to meet these reinforcements with fresh troops, man for man.
lellan had lost, since he landed in Virginia, at least 80,000 men. That we made a good guess, we are now enabled to prove from the showing of the Yankees themselves. 1st Chandler, in his speech, says that, first and last, 158,000 men had been sent to him. this information he obtained from the War office. It cannot therefore, he called in question. 2d "Agate," the correspondent of the Cincinnati --a thorough war paper — says that President Lincoln, after his visit to McClellan at Berkley said to four gentlemen, only the Friday before the day on which he was writing, "with marked emphasis" I can't tell where the men have gone in that army. I have sent there, at one time and another, one hundred and--(perhaps prudence quires that I should leave the next two places for figures blank.) one hundred and.-- thousand and I can only find just half that many now. Where can they have gone! Burnside accounts to for every man he has taken — so many killed in so many wounded; so m
down trees and tearing up the ground in the yard where the station is situated. The signal men did not shrink from duty during this terrible shower of shell, but continued to wave their flags and pass messages along the line to Petersburg and Richmond. At 2 o'clock the firing ceased, and the Monitor and consorts steamed down the river and joined the flotilla lying at anchor off Harrison's Landing. Nothing more was heard from the fleet until Friday morning, August 29th, when, at 10 o'clock, the entire flotilla commenced the work of weighing anchor and making fast to their sail transports.--We at first thought this was preparatory to a move for Richmond, but to my great surprise they steamed down the river, taking with them all their schooners, lighters, and negroes. At 12 o'clock the last mast had disappeared from view at Berkley. Thus ends the great work for the present, that Com. Wilkes, with his invincible fleet, was to have accomplished before the 15th of August.
The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1862., [Electronic resource], A heart dislocated on the battle-field. (search)
ys that our army slept on the field Wednesday night, fully expecting, and fully prepared to attack the enemy next morning; but when morning came he was nowhere to be seen. He had abandoned all his positions and left for parts unknown. Not a man was to be seen. Scouts sent out in various directions, were unable to procure any tidings of him — The woods were shelled in all directions, but without any effect. It was evident, then, that he had gone off, in the night. Had either sneaked off Berkley fashion, or had with drawn to operate on some other portion of our line. Gen. Lee believed he had passed his flank, to make a movement on Harper's Ferry and get in his rear. He resolved to anticipate him. He therefore fell back to a position on this side of the river, where he is prepared to thwart any movement he may attempt to make Surely, there is nothing like a cheek, tar less a defeat, in all this. On the contrary, it is evident that we ware victorious on Wednesday. We acted on the
, again the Herald proclaimed, "the backbone of the rebellion is broken." When, in his attempt upon our rear guard at Williamburg, he was shamefully repulsed, "the backbone of the rebellion is broken," exclaimed our veracious chronicler.--When he was defeated with the loss of 15,000 men and fifteen cannon at Seven Pines, we again beard the about of triumph, "the backbone of the rebellion is broken." At Mechanicville, at Gaines's Mill, at Cold Harbor, at Savage Station, at Malvern Hill, at Berkley, the same cry rose above the roar of artillery, the shrieks of the wounded, the groans of the dying, and the indescribable noise and confusion of a whole Yankee army routed and flying for life. It ceased not with the chase, defeat, and almost entire destruction of Pope's army; but it was not so confident or so loud, until the "small Napoleon" again got in the saddle, when Bennett, too, a second time, mounted his high horse. Gen. Lee, by a series of manœuvres the most brilliant since t
List of returned officers. --Among the paroled Confederate prisoners who arrived in this city Sunday by flag of truce from the North were the following officers: Colonels--1. Adams and J E Cravens, Ark; J L Hurbridge, 4th Mc cav. Lieut-Colonels--W A D N Berkley, F G Cemeron, 6th Ark. Majors — H. K Douglass. A A G Staff; J S D 14th Ala; N Carrington, 3d Vacav; H C Sa Convenalry. Captains. L G Doughty, 48th Georgia; Couch, I. B Allen, 49th B A Adam A G P 1st Miss Artillery; R 49th Ala; M J R A Q M 50th N W Carden, 1st Da Ratt's; W B Cox, H Kennon 433 Batt's Va Cavalry; C Dow 55th Va; W , 4th Ala Cavalry; G Caldwell, 9th vise: J M Cunningham, Cavalry; Jonathan Archer, 12th Ark; Wm Barter, enrolling officer; J Y Beall, Act Master, service. First Lieutenants-- N G Askew, W G Baldwin, 20th N C. C P Berkeley, 8th Va; J Brown, 28th N C; G W Bowers, 1st Tenn; C O Brooks, 11th Miss; John Carson, A D G, Lane's brigade; H Carter, 53d Va; F Cage, Wm H Br
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