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re our readers a cor- account of the affair, just received from Northwest. The exploit of John will be placed on record as one of the incidents of the war. -pears that Righter, a true Southern whose house had been destroyed by the determined to visit Marion county -pose, and made his way successfully, through the Federal at great personal risk. He represents there were Northern soldiers there small guard stationed at Farming- and they were in the habit of a place called Worthington for the -pose of getting drank. Righter de- to attack them, which he with some fifteen men, and drove them of the place. Two "Union" men, Lem Parrish and Henry Nay, sent haste to Clarksburg, and, representation that Righter had four hundred men his command, urged the Federal commander to send a force to capture him. With- of time, a force of two thousand troops four pieces of artillery was sent from - ksburg but Righter, nothing daunted, men and fired upon their out- The result w
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