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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1. Search the whole document.

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February, 1783 AD (search for this): chapter 1
the American Revolution, (1.464) styles him of Massachusetts; but the name has not been met with in that State before the present century by the most diligent searchers of her archives. His comparatively early death will account for the February, 1783. diversity of traditions in regard to him among his own descendants, the most trustworthy of which is, that he was not a native of the colonies but of the mother country. The location of his grant is unrecorded, but traditionally was higher s by intermarriage; and the tourist on the St. John to-day finds in Sunbury County not only familiar New England names, but perhaps as unmixed a Puritan stock as exists on the continent. Of Joseph Garrison, except that he died at Jemseg in February, 1783, we know nothing more that is eventful. He passed for a disappointed man. His physical characteristics, as determinable from his posterity, may be set down as follows: a long chin and a large bump of firmness (phrenologically speaking), with
s more authentic than any later recollections could have been. The date of Abijah Garrison's marriage is uncertain, except that it was nearly at the close of the last century, and on the 12th day of December. The place of the ceremony is equally unknown; neither has it been ascertained where was the first home of the young couple. Not improbably, from what follows, it may have been among the husband's relatives on the Jemseg, and here perhaps was born Mary Ann, who died in infaney. In 1801 they were settled in Duke Street, St. John, where a son, James Holley, was born to them on July 10, and possibly also a second daughter, Caroline Eliza (1803). Subsequently they removed to Granville, Nova Scotia, in the neighborhood of Fanny's sister Nancy (Mrs. Thomas Delap). To this period belongs the following fragment of a letter from the sailor to his wife: Abijah to Fanny Lloyd Garrison. Nicholas Harbour, April 24, 1804. Ms. Dear Frances: I am now at a Place they Call Nic
rough. River St. John, New Brunswick, to the care of Mr. Geo. Harden, City of St. John. Thus it reads: Abijah Garrison to his parents. Granville, April 4th, 1805. Ms. Much Respected Parents: This perhaps is the last you may Expect from me dated at Granville as I am about to remove to Newbury Port in the united states, Where I Expect to Spend the remainder of my days. I have been following the Rule of false Position, or rather permutation, these Seven Last years, This gives 1798 as the date of the last sojourn on the Jemseg, or even of the marriage of Abijah and Fanny. and have never been able to Solve the Question to my Satisfaction till now. Not that I am disaffected towards Government but the barreness of these Eastern Climates rather Obliges me to seek the welfare of my family in a more hospitable Climate, where I shall be less expos'd to the Ravages of war With Napoleon, namely. and stagnation of business, which is severely felt in Nova Scotia. The Prohibiti
January 31st, 1831 AD (search for this): chapter 1
cally, it may be inferred that Joseph Garrison was uxorious, since at least five of his children were named for his wife's relatives. The Palmer type was also well supplied with firmness; had high cheek-bones, fair skin and hair; was of a quizzical and jocose temperament. From this side of the house were probably derived the characteristics of the Garrison-Palmer offspring indicated in the following extract of a letter from William Garrison (the son of Joseph) to his nephew Andrew (Jan. 31, 1831): I think it a family trait that we are apt to be too sanguine and enthusiastic in many of our pursuits, which may cast a mist prejudicial to our true interests. . . . That would-be witty Devil has more than once proved injurious to our family. It should be further noted that the Palmers were full-lived. Sergeant John lived to be 72; his son Francis to be 76; his son John to be 74; his son Daniel to be 65 at least. William Lloyd Garrison died in his 74th year, far surpassing his fathe
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