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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. Search the whole document.

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by the developments that swiftly followed the bombardment of Fort Sumter, but especially by the occurrences in Baltimore and the attitude of Maryland. For a few weeks, all petty differences seemed effaced, all partisan jealousies and hatreds forgotten. A few conservative presses sought to stem the rushing tide; a few old Democratic leaders struggled to keep the party lines distinct and rigid; but to little purpose. Twelve States, whose Legislatures happened to be sitting in some part of April or May, 1861, tendered pecuniary aid to the Government, amounting, in the aggregate, to nearly Nineteen Millions of Dollars; while some Five Millions were as promptly contributed, in the cities and chief towns of the North, to clothe and equip volunteers. Railroads and steamboats were mainly employed in transporting men and munitions to the line of the Potomac or that of the Ohio. Never before had any Twenty Millions of people evinced such absorbing and general enthusiasm. But for the dep
August 26th (search for this): chapter 33
tone Bridge, giving a hand to Sherman's brigade of Tyler's division, and all but clearing this road of the Rebel batteries and regiments, which here resisted our efforts, Beauregard's official report of the battle, which was dated Manassas, August 26th, (after he had received and read all our official reports,) says of the state of the battle at this time: Heavy losses had now been sustained on our side, both in numbers and in the personal worth of the slain. The 8th Georgia regiment He guesses that our losses will amount to 4,500 in killed, wounded, and prisoners, and adds: The ordnance and supplies captured include some 28 Our reports admit a loss of 17 guns; other accounts make it 22. Beauregard, writing on the 26th of August, should have been able to state the exact number. His statement of the number of muskets taken at over 500, including all those dropped by our dead and wounded, proves that tho stories told by excited correspondents and other fugitives, of o
ganized at Chambersburg, Pa., under the command of Major-Gen. Robert Patterson, of the Pennsylvania militia; while Gen. Butler, having completed the taming of Baltimore, by planting batteries on the highest points and sending a few of her more audacious traitors to Fort McHenry, was made May 16th. a Major-General, and placed in command of a Department composed of tide-water Virginia with North Carolina. George B. McClellan, John C. Fremont (then in Europe), and John A. Dix had already May 1st and speedily thereafter. been appointed Major-Generals in the regular army--Gen. Dix commanding in New-York. Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, at Washington, was commander-in-chief, as well as in immediate charge of the large force rapidly pouring into the capital and its environs — in part, by steamboat up the Potomac; in part, by way of the Railroad through Baltimore. There were cities that hailed the Union soldiers with greater enthusiasm, but none that treated them with more civility and de
he one side to the James on the other, were barely able, on the 21st--three weeks after we should have been before Richmond — to beat a third of our regiments that might and should have confronted them. That Gen. Scott, though loyal and Union-loving, was always in favor of buying off the Rebellion by compromises and concessions, and averse to what was most unjustly termed coercion and invasion, is no secret. How eagerly he jumped upon the finality platform when nominated for President, in 1852, and ordered a grand salute of one hundred guns in honor of the passage of Mr. Guthrie's Compromise propositions in the Peace Conference of 1861, are matters of record. That he sought to have Fort Sumter evacuated, a month later, as a military necessity, is well known. Two or three weeks thereafter, on the very morning that the Rebels opened fire on Sumter, The National Intelligencer, of April 12th, contained the following, which was widely understood to have been inspired, if not directly
June 2nd, 1861 AD (search for this): chapter 33
le you to give the earliest authentic information at these headquarters, or to the officers under my command. I desire to assure you that the utmost protection in my power will be given to you all. G. T. Beauregard, Brigadier-General Commanding. Three days before, and in utter unconsciousness of the fulmination which Beauregard was preparing, Gen. McDowell, in command of our forces in his front, had issued the following: Headquarters Department of N. E. Virginia, Arlington, June 2d, 1861. General order No. 4.--Statements of the amount, kind, and value, of all private property taken and used for Government purposes, and of the damage done in any way to private property, by reason of the occupation of this section of the country by the United States troops, will, as soon as practicable, be made out and transmitted to department Headquarters of brigades by the commanders of brigades, and officers in charge of the several fortifications. These statements will exhibit:
August 16th (search for this): chapter 33
oned the position that night, and retreated so far as Yorktown, ten miles up the Peninsula. Col. (since, Major-Gen.) D. H. Hill, who commanded the 1st North Carolina in this affair, in his official report, after claiming a victory, says: Fearing that heavy reinforcements would be sent up from Fortress Monroe, we fell back at nightfall upon our works at Yorktown. [No further collisions of moment occurred in this department that season. Gen. Butler was succeeded by Gen. Wool on the 16th of August. Reports of a contemplated Rebel invasion of the North, through Maryland, were current throughout the month of May, countenanced by the fact that Maryland Hights, opposite Harper's Ferry, were held by Johnston through most of that month, while a considerable force appeared opposite Williamsport on the 19th, and seemed to meditate a crossing. A rising in Baltimore, and even a dash on Philadelphia, were among their rumored purposes. Surveys and reconnoissances had been made by them of
June 5th, 1861 AD (search for this): chapter 33
iately — the Rebels to Fairfax Court House. As very much has since been said, on both sides, with partial justice, of outrages and barbarities, devastation and rapine, whereof the enemy is always assumed to be guilty, the following manifesto, issued by a Confederate chief at the very outset of the contest, and before it could have had any foundation in fact, casts light on many similar and later inculpations: A proclamation.Headquarters, Department of Alexandria, Camp Pickens, June 5th, 1861. To the people of the Counties of Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William: A reckless and unprincipled tyrant has invaded your soil. Abraham Lincoln, regardless of all moral, legal, and constitutional restraints, has thrown his Abolition hosts among you, who are murdering and imprisoning your citizens, confiscating and destroying your property, and committing other acts of violence and outrage, too shocking and revolting to humanity to be enumerated. All rules of civilized warfare ar
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