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The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1862., [Electronic resource], Outrages of the enemy in Eastern North Carolina. (search)
few who remained at home, clothes beds, bedding, spoons, and books, abstracted, costly furniture, crockery, doors, harness, and vehicles demolished; looks, windows, and mirrors broken; fences burned; corn, potatoes, and pass gathered from the barns and fields and consumed; iron safes dug to pieces and thrown out of doors, and their contents stolen. Every horse and mule, wagon and cart, that could be hauled up, were carried off by the retreating army. The persons of gentlemen and ladies were violently searched, and money and jewelry taken. Fourteen private residences in the town of Hamilton were burned down, and the property of all faithful negroes was pillaged equally with that of their owners. Widows, orphans, and others, were as heartlessly robbed of the scanty earnings of their toil, as the wealthy of their comforts and luxuries. So far as theft and slaughter were concerned, the enemy stopped not a moment to inquire the Secession or Union proclivities of any property holder.
ere ordered up from the extreme right in the direction of Port Royal, and about 9 o'clock on Saturday morning took position to the west of the railroad, and near Hamilton's crossing. Before there arrival, however, our line of battle had been formed — the right wing consisting of A. P. Hill's and Tallaferro's divisions, and the lewas nearly a semi — circle, and reached about four miles from the extreme left to the right wing. About 9½ o'clock the booming of the first gun was heard at Hamilton's Turnout, away off to the left, in the direction of the town. In a short time the excessive reports of artillery told unmistakably that the ball was opening, alar order, were observed moving up from their position near the river, in the direction of our batteries on the hill side, three--fourths of a mile in advance of Hamilton's crossing. As they moved across the wide valley, stretching along between the river and the railroad, one of our batteries away off to the right opened upon th
sons and brothers. He could have entertained the proposition on the 16th of December; but he and wickedly drove away all overturns. The question now arises, who has refused terms of peace or war!--The Administration party — the Abolitionists. Before Mr. Vallindigham took his seat Mr. Groon, of the Sun, stopped on the platform and presented to Mr. Vallindigham a box inside of which was a string of hand butterflies in a woven by evergreen, and red, white, place by the citizens of Hamilton to present that moments to the vailant champion of the great and growing element of this country. Gen. Darral W. Vochhass addressed the mosting. The meeting did not adjourn until after six o'clock. The attendance is variously estimated at from ten to twelve thousand, the majority of whom stood the seven hours of the meeting, shoulder to shoulder in the park, without faltering the slightest, or showing the least evidence of fatigue. The meeting was exceedingly orderly and peaceful
The Daily Dispatch: May 8, 1863., [Electronic resource], Another Visit of Scouts to St. Simons (search)
bouts of the enemy, and done them considerable harm. The following account we take from the Savannah Republican: Accompanied by three of his men, viz: Corporal Stafford, privates Chas. Miller and Jas. Harris, Capt. Hazzard left his camp on the 18th of the present month in a small open canoe, and reached the island about 10 o'clock the same night. Landing near the site of the old family residence at West Point, he walked about eight miles the same night and arrived at a place known as Hamilton, where a portion of the Yankees were stationed. Upon approaching the place he discovered that houses near the wharf were lit up, which satisfied him at once that the Yankees were on hand. Notwithstanding this, he placed his three men at different points for the purpose of keeping a look out, and took some lightwood and turpentine, which he carried with him for the purpose, and went on the wharf, where he discovered some three hundred wheelbarrows, about two hundred shovels, a large amount
, 1st Ga. J Ryan, H, 8th Ala. T D Ackeman, Capt Duke's Texas Vol. M Murphy, Capt Duke's Texas Vol. Sergt M Maghan, Capt Duke's Texas Vol. M McCloskey, G. 8th Ala. J Othiel, Capt Ritter's Bar. J Usean, D, 6th La. J Hogan, 3d Md Art. J Caliahan, D, 14th Ala. C Oaks, Washington Art. W H Howell, H, 2d Ga. W Collins, I. 4th La. S B Harston, F, 21st Ga. J J Driscoll, C, 2d Va Cav. P White, Hamilton Bat. M Sullivan, Morton's Art. W Payton, E, 11th Va. R Copland, Hamilton's Bat. G W Crash, K. 60th Va. W H Lemon, F, 60th Va. S Hambrick, K, 60th Va. S H Lense, 10th Va Militia. H P Dudlep, K, 60th Va. C L Persinger, K, 60th Va. E R Covington, C, 13th Miss. J Webber, Washington Art. J Moses, F, 1st Ga. W A Gaulden, A, 7th La. T Evans, Parker's Bat. P Gallager, Orleans Bat. J Miller, DeGournay's Bat. M F Shaffel, substitute. A Strong, E, 48th Va. W Katis, K, 48th Va. H H Wood, substitute. E Woods, Carpenter's Bat. N L Gree
The bombardment of Hamilton, N. C. --The bombardment of the village of Hamilton, N. C., a defenceless village, was a most barbarous affair. The following telegram to the Raleigh Telegraph gives the fullest account we have seen: Weldon, July 10.--A courier has just arrived here, and states that seven or eight Yankee gunboats came up the Roanoke yesterday, and, without the slightest notice, opened a bombardment upon the town of Hamilton. The result of the grand attack was one infant killed on the part of the inhabitants. A portion of Capt. Whitakers cavalry was before them, resisted their landing, and succeeded in killing several. Yankees, with but two or three wounded amongst his men. The Yankees are now in possession of Hamilton — always an undefended place.
Another raid into North Carolina. The North Carolina papers contain the following dispatches indicating the progress of the new raid which is being made into the interior of that State. Goldsboro' July 27.-- Gov. Vance. The following dispatch just received here, at half past 10 o'clock this morning, from Maj. Venable, at Rocky Mount: Rocky Mount, July 27--Reliable news from Col. Martin, at Hamilton, represents that the Yankees are advancing from both Plymouth and Washington, their destination no doubt being Weldon via Fort Branch. Their force is said to be three thousand, from Plymouth, and four pieces artillery. The force from Washington not known. (Signed) T. Brown Venable, Jas A. J Bradford. The enemy certainly Advanced Dr. Covey, Medical Director for North Carolina, has kindly placed at our disposal the following dispatch from Dr. Scott, the Surgeon in charge of the hospital stores at Tarboro' Wilson, July 27 --Medical Director D. N.
the armies of Gens. Lee and Meade, but in this the public expectation was disappointed. The annexed dispatch from Gen. Lee will show that the enemy are still feeling our position, reluctant to make an assault: Hdq'rs Army Northern Va., Via Orange C. H., Dec. 1st, 1863. To Gen. S. Cooper: The enemy opened their batteries on our lines yesterday. Some skirmishing took place, but no attack. (Signed) R. E. Lee, General. Passengers by the Fredericksburg train yesterday afternoon report that heavy cannonading was heard at Hamilton's crossing when the train left, but we have nothing to confirm the belief that any serious engagement took place. The Central train yesterday afternoon brought one hundred and ten prisoners, captured in the engagement of Friday last. The more intelligent of the prisoners express the belief that it is the intention of Meade to winter in the vicinity of Fredericksburg. They say that his army numbers about 75,000 effective men.
began to prepare in earnest for a forward movement, as was generally believed, into the enemy's country. Gen. Ewell's corps took up the line of march from its camps near Fredericksburg on the morning of Thursday, June 4th, moving in the direction of Culpeper C. H. On the same evening Longstreet's corps moved in the same direction. On Friday, June 5th, the enemy crossed a force below Fredericksburg near the Bernard house, as if they intended to move ones more upon our lines stretching from Hamilton's crossing up to Fredericksburg. Ewell and Longstreet were halted at or near Locust Grove, in Orange county, to await the issue of the move.--Hooker having made this diversion in our front, set himself to work like a beaver in removing his stores and in retiring his troops from the Stafford heights. The enemy kept their force on the south side of the Rappahannock from Friday evening, June 5th, until Saturday night, June 13th, when they recrossed to the Stafford side and took up their pont
a law on the anniversary of the birthday of the great Virginian who was the father of his country and the chief author of his country's flag, and the anniversary of the day which gave birth to the permanent Government of the Confederate States. I am, General, most respectfully, Your obedient servant, Art. L. Rogers, Major C. S. Artillery. Chaffin's Bluff, January 2, 1865. The basis of the flag of the United States was "the great Union flag" displayed by General Washington on Prospect Hill, "in compliment," as he said, "to the united colonies," on the 2d day of January, 1776, the day of forming the new continental army. On the evacuation of Boston by the British, this standard was carried into the city by the American troops. It was the union of the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, with thirteen stripes through the field of the flag, alternate red and white.-- Hamilton's History of United States Flag, page 59, American Archives, 4th series, vol. V., page 423.
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