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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Monument to the Confederate dead at Fredericksburg, Virginia, unveiled June 10, 1891. (search)
rtion of the cemetery on a mound about five feet high, where the unknown dead are buried, and is about twenty-five feet in height. The apex of the monument rests on four columns of red granite. Upon the apex the figure of a Confederate soldier stands in a position of parade rest, and is facing to the South. On the four sides of the apex are cut crossed muskets, crossed sabres, a cannon, and a castle with battlements; on the east side under the cannon are the words: To the Confederate Dead. The corner-stone was laid on June 4, 1874, by Fredericksburg Lodge, A. F. and A. M. The statue of a Confederate soldier was from a design by George T. Downing, and was cast at the bronze works of the Bridgeport Monumental Company, of Bridgeport, Conn. Personal. A. B. Bowering, leader of Bowering Band, this city, is an exConfederate veteran, and led the band that played the last tune heard by General Lee from a military band of his army as he rode away from Appomattox after the surrender.
Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut a city of 20,000 pop., on Long Island Sound and the New Haven Railroad. Engaged in manufactures and coast trade.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., Connecting link in Medford Church history. (search)
versity, supplied its pulpit. He was of the Methodist Episcopal order, was much liked by the people, and at the above date was, by his bishop, appointed minister of his church in Wakefield, Mass. He in later years achieved success and prominence in the Christian ministry, making a good beginning with the Union in West Medford. He was succeeded by Rev. Louis E. Charpiot, a French gentleman of much ability and many excellent qualities, who had been pastor of a Congregational church in Stratfield, Conn., but was just then engaged in journalism upon the Nation, published in Boston by James M. Usher. The latter, recognizing his ability, was instrumental in bringing him to West Medford. Mr. Usher, in the history above quoted, says truly of the Union, As there was no church organization the arrangement was not wholly satisfactory. Mr. Charpiot preached twice on Sunday, attended and conducted a class in the independent Sunday school in the afternoon, and for some time tried the experi
Rev. Samuel Evans, of the Virginia Conference of "United Brethren in Christ," died in Rockingham county, Virginia, on the 31st ult. John Ott, who murdered the wife and two children of G. W. Orndorff, some months since, at Pekin, Ill., has been sentenced to be hung on the 1st of March. The post-office at Craig's Mill, Washington county, Va., is re-established, and John Phillips appointed postmaster. Thursday, the 29th of November, was observed as the day for public thanksgiving, by the American residents in Japan. A mail carrier, named McNabb, was frozen to death on Thursday last near Kincardine, Canada West. Messrs. Moody and Heffren, the Indiana legislators who were to knife each other in a duel, have "amicably adjusted" it. E. M. Banks, Republican, was elected Mayor of Bridgeport, Ct., on Monday.
Conviction of Express Robbers. --Kellogg, Roberts, and Stebbins, charged with robbing Adams' Express, on the New Haven Railroad, of $40,000, in April last, by throwing from the train, and subsequently plundering, an iron safe, in which the money was contained, were on Tuesday last convicted of the crime, at Bridgeport, Connecticut.
An American steamer taken by Chinese Pirates. --The particulars of the probable loss of Mr. Thomas Coit, the second son of the Rev. Dr. Coit, of St. John's Church, Bridgeport, Conn., are given in the following extract. The Hong Kong Daily Press, of April 25th, publishes the following from the Hong Kong Shipping list: The Wilawete brings the sad news from Canton of the American steamer McLee on her way down last, evening, about 8 o'clock, having been taken possession of by her Chinese passengers, near the Second Bar, run ashore, and plundered. It appears she had on board a full cargo and a quantity of treasures, and that she took on board one-half her passengers at Canton, and the other half at Whampoa. Mr. Coit, the purser, was in his cabin, and seems to have been the first attacked, having received a moral wound about the breast or shoulder. He managed, however, to clamber on the deck when Captain Ricaby made a rush below his arms, and either jumped or was knocked ove
Miscellaneous war it me. The Bangor (Me.) Democrat says: "At length the people are awakening to a sense of the dangers and calamities that threaten them. They begin to be aware that the prosecution of this frightful war must end in the destruction of their freedom. In its progress all the guarantees of liberty are trampled under foot. The iron heel of a military despotism is already on the necks of thousands of their fellow-countrymen" The Bridgeport (Conn.) Farmer says: "Before Lincoln undertakes to write another message on the Union being older than the States, he had better gather a few facts from some twelve-years old school boy. A more miserable lot of trash than the last Presidential message was never before published. It is a mass of absurd statements — statements which have not the least shadow of truth about them." The Portland (Me.) Argus says: Then the unprovoked burning of the village of Germantown, and other outrages committed by ou
n men enlisted for all the old regular regiments last week at the offices in that neighborhood, and two or three detachments arrived from Buffalo and Rochester. The commerce of the North is suffering much injury from privateering. The number of vessels captured so far is sixty-nine. The Washington Government has purchased at Boston the barks Ethan Allen and Wm. G. Anderson, for blockading purposes, at a cost of $55,000. P. T. Barnum was secretary of a "Union" meeting at Bridgeport, Conn., where the Farmer and Advertiser newspaper was mobbed, a Secession flag torn down, and other disgraceful things were done. The resolutions denounced "peace and secession. " Barnum is evidently a greater humbug than ever. Mr. J. T. Scott, of the Hope Foundry, Fredericksburg, has the machinery ready for rifling three cannon per week. Col. Carlton, of the U. S. Army, has been commissioned to be chief in command in California, and Major G. R. West, second in command. The of
ed Col. Seward, of the New York 19th, to resign, and he leaves for his home to-day. The following nominations by the ballot of the commissioned officers of the regiment have been sent to Gov. Morgan, and their commissions will probably be received this week:--For Colonel, Major James H. Ledlie; for Lieut. Colonel, Capt. Charles H. Stewart, of company G; for Major, Capt. Solomon Giles, of company H. The Rev. Henry Fowler, Chaplain of the regiment, having resigned, the Rev. Dr. Coit, of Bridgeport, Conn., has been appointed in his place. Much to the regret of the officers of the 1st Brigade, reports are current that Col. Biddle, Brigade Commander, with his Buckeye Regiment, are to be transferred to Gen. McCall's division, near Washington. In view of the probable scarcity and high prices of fuel the coming winter, it is suggested that the Maryland farmers along the line of the Potomac would advance their own interests by felling the useless trees of their forests on the first
retary Welles visited Lincoln in person to communicate Porter's dispatch, and 200 guns were fired in Washington. At Burlington, N. J., 100 guns were fired and the church bells rung. In New York city the town was bedizened with flags. In Albany, Syracuse, Utica, and Robuster, N. Y., the bell-ringing, cannon-firing, and fireworks, was freely indulged. The militia turned out to celebrate the victory of the regulars. Thirty locomotives were started to whistling at Hornersville, and at Bridgeport, Conn., P. T. Barnum made a speech. In Massachusetts, Maine, and Ohio, hilarious demonstrations took place. In Philadelphia the newspaper offices were illuminated. The Inquirer says: The news of the capture of Vicksburg was sent forth to the inhabitants of Philadelphia by the loud peals of the State House bell, about two o'clock yesterday afternoon. Thousands of anxious persons rushed towards the State House as the bell continued ringing. The firemen, with their apparatus, were also
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