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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: December 6, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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been compelled in consequence of the very great increase in the price of white paper, to advance the price of their respective sheets to news agents and dealers, and, consequently, to the public.--This increase includes the Herald, Journal Traveller, and Transcript. The Post, Advertiser and Courier, will, we are informed, continue to sell at three cents per copy, as heretofore, but will reduce their dimensions. Miscellaneous. The steamer George Peabody went ashore at Hatteras on the 19th, and lies in a dangerous position. The funeral of Mrs. Hardenburgh, (late Miss Oriana Marshall) the well known actress, took place in Boston on Sunday, and was largely attended. Father Hersey, one of the oldest ministers of the Methodist Church in the United States died at Penningtonville Pa., on the 25th ult. He was formerly city missionary in Baltimore. M'me Marietta Grisi, mother of M'mes Carlotta and Ernasta Grisi, has just died, at a very advanced age, at the Villa Grisi,
Latest Northern news. Northern advices of the 2d inst. are received.--The Baltimore American, of Tuesday evening, speaking of the Message of Lincoln, says: The President's Message, given in the present is a most unpretending document, both as to style and length, little more than glancing at most of there matters now of such vast importance to the nation. One merit, it has pre-eminently — its evident earnestness and plainness in dealing with the various topics which it is made his duty to present for the consideration of Congress and the people. On the whole, the message will be hailed, we think as eminently moderate in tone, perhaps to some extent receding in its views and so it must be anything out acceptable to the ultras who have to had so large a away in shaping the National policy on this subject. He is careful however, is remind us that his new plan for the settlement of this people matter "is recommended as a exclusion of, but additional to all for resto
June, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
, which my chief of staff Col. Schriever, can produce, if it is wished I have asked an investigation on such points. During my command of the Department at Northeastern Virginia there will be found some correspondence with the secession commander at Manassas, which was duly forwarded at the time to the headquarters of the army. I know of no correspondence with any one within the enemy's lines unless it be with Mrs. Robert E Lee and Mrs. who wrote from Ravenswood on some personal matters in June and July, 1861, and whose letters with my replies, were forwarded at the time to the headquarters of the army, and are, I suppose now in the War Department. Second--An investigation of my conduct and the policy pursued by me toward the inhabitants of the country occupied by our troops, with reference to themselves or their property. This matter has been severely commented upon throughout the country and in both houses of Congress, and may possibly have had much to do with the charge of tr
July, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
hief of staff Col. Schriever, can produce, if it is wished I have asked an investigation on such points. During my command of the Department at Northeastern Virginia there will be found some correspondence with the secession commander at Manassas, which was duly forwarded at the time to the headquarters of the army. I know of no correspondence with any one within the enemy's lines unless it be with Mrs. Robert E Lee and Mrs. who wrote from Ravenswood on some personal matters in June and July, 1861, and whose letters with my replies, were forwarded at the time to the headquarters of the army, and are, I suppose now in the War Department. Second--An investigation of my conduct and the policy pursued by me toward the inhabitants of the country occupied by our troops, with reference to themselves or their property. This matter has been severely commented upon throughout the country and in both houses of Congress, and may possibly have had much to do with the charge of treason. As t
... 3 4 5 6 7 8