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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II..

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Bushy Creek (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
lle. Ohio, 406. Benton, Miss., 696. Bentonville, Ark., 27. Bermuda Hundreds, 567. Beverly Ford, Va., 369. Beverly, W. Va., 727. Big Black, Miss., 309. Big Blue, Mo., 561. Big Creek, Ark., 554. Blakely, Ala., 723. Bloody Bridge, S. C., 533. Blooming Gap, Va., 108. Boonsboroa, Md., 203. Boydton Road, Va., 734. Boyle's Creek, Ala., 718. Brandy Station, Va., 319. Brashear City, La., 337. Bridgeport, Ala., 72. Bristow Station, Va., 395. Buckland's Mills, Va., 396. Bushy Creek, I. T., 33. Cabin Creek. I. T., 449. Cache River. Ark., 34. Campbell's Station, 431. Cane River, La., 548. Cannouchee Cr'k, Ga., 692. Cape Girardeau, Mo., 448. Carney's Bridge, La., 328. Carter's Creek Pike, 285. Chariton River, Mo., 35. Charles City Load,Va., 592. Charlestown, Tenn., 622. Charlestown, Va., 396. Chattanooga. Tenn., 638. Cherbourg, France, 646. Chesterfield Br., Va., 577. Clinch's Station, Tenn., 283. Coffeeville, Miss., 286. Columbia, Ark., 551
Cache River (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
k., 27. Bermuda Hundreds, 567. Beverly Ford, Va., 369. Beverly, W. Va., 727. Big Black, Miss., 309. Big Blue, Mo., 561. Big Creek, Ark., 554. Blakely, Ala., 723. Bloody Bridge, S. C., 533. Blooming Gap, Va., 108. Boonsboroa, Md., 203. Boydton Road, Va., 734. Boyle's Creek, Ala., 718. Brandy Station, Va., 319. Brashear City, La., 337. Bridgeport, Ala., 72. Bristow Station, Va., 395. Buckland's Mills, Va., 396. Bushy Creek, I. T., 33. Cabin Creek. I. T., 449. Cache River. Ark., 34. Campbell's Station, 431. Cane River, La., 548. Cannouchee Cr'k, Ga., 692. Cape Girardeau, Mo., 448. Carney's Bridge, La., 328. Carter's Creek Pike, 285. Chariton River, Mo., 35. Charles City Load,Va., 592. Charlestown, Tenn., 622. Charlestown, Va., 396. Chattanooga. Tenn., 638. Cherbourg, France, 646. Chesterfield Br., Va., 577. Clinch's Station, Tenn., 283. Coffeeville, Miss., 286. Columbia, Ark., 551. Columbus, Ga., 719. Congaree River, S. C., 699. Co
Douglass (Nevada, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
hat they at one time offered to parole and release generally our men in their hands, requiring only a pledge that they should be put to no military use until regularly exchanged. It is not stated, however, that the Blacks were included in this offer, especially those whom they had sold into slavery. Prisoners of war are apt to complain of harsh treatment, and not without reason; and such complaint was made by Rebel prisoners against our officers who held them in custody, especially at Camp Douglas (Chicago), and on Rock Island, in the Mississippi — the former having been the focus of repeated conspiracies to overpower their guards, break out, and, in conjunction with secret allies outside, cut their way back to the Confederacy, liberating other prisoners by the way. In Missouri, Gen. John McNeil was charged with cruelty in shooting ten prisoners (bushwhackers), in retaliation for the secret taking off of one Unionist, who suddenly disappeared. On the other hand, the treatment of
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
ooperates in the attack on Price at Iuka. 223; his report as to Corinth, 225; with Sherman on his great march, 639. Hamilton's battery, at Olustee, 531. Hampton roads, gunboat fight in, 116 to 120. Hampton, Gen. Wade, wounded at Gettysburg, 389; surprises Kilpatrick near Fayetteville, 705. Hancock, Gen. Winfield S., in, gunboat fight near, 56; 57; surrender of to Federals, 57; Gen. Grant at, 394. Merrill, Col., triumphs at Hartsville, 447. Merrimac, Rebel iron-clad, in Hampton roads fight, 115-120; destruction (if, 127-8. Merritt's brigade, 389; at Five Forks, 733. miles, Gen., captures 600 Rebels near Petersburg, 735. miles, Col.., wounded at Gettysburg, 388. Payne, Col., 2d La., wounded at Port Hudson, 333. Pea Ridge, battle of, 27 to 32; losses at, 31. Peace negotiations in Hampton roads, 675. Peace overtures at Niagara and Richmond, 664-6. Peck, Gen. John J., repels Longstreet at Suffolk, Va., 367. Pegram, Gen., routed by Gillmore nea
Harpeth River (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
regg, Va., 734. Fort Harrison, Va., 593. Forts Jackson and St. Philip, La., 89. Fort Macon, N. C., 79. Fort Pemberton, Miss., 297. Fort Rosecrans, Tenn., 683. Fort Smith, Ark., 555. Fort Steedman, Va., 728. Fort Sumter (assault), 481. (do. (bombardment), 466. Fort Wagner (assault), 476. Franklin, Tenn., 285. Front Roval,Va., 134. Gallatin, Tenn., 213. Glasgow, Mo., 560. Grand Gulf, Miss., 302. Greensburg. Ky., 687. Grenada, Miss., 615. Gum Swamp, N. C., 463. Harpeth River, Tenn., 787. Harrison, Mo., 557. Harrisonburg, Va., 137. Hartsville, Mo., 447. Hartsville, Tenn., 271. Hatchie River, Miss., 230. Haymarket, Va., 182. Henderson's Hill, La., 537. Holly Springs, Miss., 286. Honey Hill, S. C., 696. Honey Springs, I. T., 449. Independence, Mo., 36; 560. Jackson, Miss., 317. James Island, S. C., 475. James River, Va., 727. Jefferson, Va., 395. Jenkins's Ferry, Ark., 553. Jericho Ford. Va., 577. Johnsonville, Tenn., 679. Jonesboroa, Ga., 6
Harrison's Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
f, in Winter of 1861-2, 128-9; strength of, in April, 1862, 131; in McClellan's campaign before Richmond, 141 to 172; strength of, in June, 1862, 151159; at Harrison's Landing, 168; losses sustained by, during the Seven Days battles, 168-9; strength of, in July, 1862, 169; withdrawn from Harrison's Landing to Acquia Creek, 171; unHarrison's Landing to Acquia Creek, 171; under command of Gens. Burnside and Hooker, 342 to 375; reorganized under Meade, 564; end of Grant's campaign of 1864 and losses of the, 597 Arnold, Gen., occupies Pensacola, 459. arson, during N. York and Brooklyn riots, 505. Asboth, Gen. Alex., 28-9; at Pea Ridge, 30. Ashby, Gen. Turner, killed, 137. Atchafalaya rivighting, 168; asks for reenforcements, 169; ordered to Acquia Creek, 170; his army at Fortress Monroe, 171 ; the causes of his failure, 172 ; his retreat to Harrison's Landing, 172; ordered to withdraw from the Peninsula, 190; he demonstrates, 190: correspondence with Halleck as to reinforcing Pope, 190-2; letter of the President
Hatcher's Run (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Tex., 322. Gettysburg, Pa., 373. Glendale (or White Oak Swamp Br.), Va., 161. Guntown, Miss., 621. Hanover C. H., Va., 141. Harper's Ferry, Va., 199. Hatcher's Run, Va., 595. Helena, Ark., 320. Iuka, Miss., 223. Jackson, Miss., 306, Second do., 317. James Island. S. C., 461. Jonesboroa, Ga., 635. Kenesaw Mountaiaff, with 3,000 men and 30: guns. at Spottsylvania, 571-2; at Cold Harbor, 580 to 582; north of the James, 589; his fight at Reams's Station, 593; advances to Hatcher's Run, 595. Hanover Court House, Va., fight at, 141-2. Hanson, Gen. Roger W., Ky. (Rebel), killed at Stone River, 282. Hardee, Gen., commands a corps under fails to carry out his instructions and is relieved from command, 175; commands King's division at South Mountain, 197; is wounded, 198; at Nashville, 684. Hatcher's Run, Hancock advances to, 595. Hatton, Gen. Robt. (Rebel), killed, 158. Hawes, Richard, appointed Rebel Provisional Governor of Kentucky, 217. Hawkins, C
Honey Hill (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
assault), 481. (do. (bombardment), 466. Fort Wagner (assault), 476. Franklin, Tenn., 285. Front Roval,Va., 134. Gallatin, Tenn., 213. Glasgow, Mo., 560. Grand Gulf, Miss., 302. Greensburg. Ky., 687. Grenada, Miss., 615. Gum Swamp, N. C., 463. Harpeth River, Tenn., 787. Harrison, Mo., 557. Harrisonburg, Va., 137. Hartsville, Mo., 447. Hartsville, Tenn., 271. Hatchie River, Miss., 230. Haymarket, Va., 182. Henderson's Hill, La., 537. Holly Springs, Miss., 286. Honey Hill, S. C., 696. Honey Springs, I. T., 449. Independence, Mo., 36; 560. Jackson, Miss., 317. James Island, S. C., 475. James River, Va., 727. Jefferson, Va., 395. Jenkins's Ferry, Ark., 553. Jericho Ford. Va., 577. Johnsonville, Tenn., 679. Jonesboroa, Ga., 636. Jonesville, Va., 598. Kelly's Ford, Va., 98. Kernstown, Va., 114. Kingsport, Tenn., 688. Kinston, N. C., 80. Kirksville Mo., 35. Knoxville, Tenn., 432. Lavergne, Tenn., 281. Lawrence. Kansas, 450. Lebanon, Ky.,
Honey Springs (Oklahoma, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Blunt, Gen. Jas. G., 36; joins Schofield. 36; routs Rebels at Maysville, Mo., 87; at Prairie Grove. 38 to 41; at Honey Springs, 449. Boomer, Col., severely wounded at Iuka, 224; killed at Vicksburg, 313. Booth, J. Wilkes, assassinates Preore, 532, 658. Cooke, Gen., charges without orders, 157; wounded at Centerville, 896. Cooper, Gen., defeated at Honey Springs, 449. Corinth, Miss., besieged, 71; evacuated by Rebels under Breckinridge, 72; map of the siege of, 226; composit his failure at Helena, 321. Holt, Brig.-Gen. (Rebel), killed at Benton, Ark., by scouts under Capt. Inez, 554. Honey Springs, Cooper defeated at, 449. Hood, Gen. John B., attempts to turn the right of our army at Thoroughfare Gap, 183; comiss., 230. Haymarket, Va., 182. Henderson's Hill, La., 537. Holly Springs, Miss., 286. Honey Hill, S. C., 696. Honey Springs, I. T., 449. Independence, Mo., 36; 560. Jackson, Miss., 317. James Island, S. C., 475. James River, Va., 727.
Huzzah (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
emocracy, 493; replies to Gov. Seymour on the Draft, 508; on protecting negro soldiers, 525; amnesty proclamation of, 528; he appoints Grant Commander-in-Chief, 562-3-4; allusion to Kentucky, 655; letter to Hodges, 656; last message, 673; on Peace negotiations, 675; his second Inaugural, 676-7; thanks to Sherman, 695; at City Point and enters Richmond, 746; instructs Weitzel as to Virginia (Rebel) Legislature, 746; issues two proclamations, 747; assassinated by Wilkes Booth, 748. little Osage, Mo., fight at, 561. little Rock, Ark., Steele captures, 451; moves southward from, 552; Steele retreats to, 555. Loan, Gen. Ben., 35; 36. Lockwood, Gen., at Gettysburg, 380 to 387. Logan, Gen. John A., at Port Gibson, 305; at Champion Hills, 308; at Vicksburg, 315; 316; in the Atlanta campaign, 631. Lomax, Col., killed at Fair Oaks, 148. Longstreet, Gen. James, at Fair Oaks, 142-3; repulsed at Mechani<*>sville, 153; at Gaines's Mill, 155; at Malvern Hill, 165; his movements,
... 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954