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ex-aestŭo , āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and
I.a., to boil up, foam up, ferment (not freq. till after the Aug. period; in Cic. and Caes. not at all).
I. Neut.
A. Lit.
1. In gen.: “exaestuat mare,Liv. 26, 42 fin.; Curt. 6, 4: “fretum,id. 4, 2: “unda ima verticibus,Verg. G. 3, 240: “Aetna fundo imo,id. A. 3, 577: “bitumen e terra,Just. 1, 2, 7: “Nilus in fossas,Suet. Aug, 18.—
2. In partic., to effervesce, to glow with heat: “Aegyptus torrenti calore solis exaestuat,Just. 2, 1, 16.— Absol.: “ut exaestuarat,had overheated himself, Suet. Tib. 72 med.
II. Act., to boil up with, to give forth, exhale (very rarely): “hos igitur tellus omnes exaestuat aestus,Lucr. 6, 816; so, “aestus,id. 2, 1137.
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