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excandesco , dŭi, 3,
I.v. inch. n., to grow hot, to take fire, kindle, to glow (class.).
I. Lit.: “cum bitumen et sulphur additum est, excandescet,Cato R. R. 95; Col. 7, 5, 16. —
II. Trop., to glow, to burn, esp. with anger: haec nullam habent vim, nisi irā excanduit fortitudo, * Cic. Tusc. 4, 19, 43: id postquam resciit, excanduit, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 12, 2; cf. Petr. 53, 8; 57, 1; Suet. Claud. 40; id. Ner. 40: “in aliquem,id. Vesp. 14; cf.: “in exteros,Col. 7, 12, 5: “in ultionem,Flor. 2, 18, 8: “excandescet in illos aqua maris,Vulg. Sap. 5, 23.
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