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μι?γνυ_μι and μίσγω, inf. μισγέμεναι, aor. inf. μῖξαι, mid. ipf. iter. μισγέσκετο, ἐμισγέσκοντο, fut. μι?ξεσθαι, μισγήσεσθαι, aor. 2 ἔμι_κτο, μῖκτο, pass. perf. part. μεμι_γμένος, ἐμέμι_κτο, aor. 3 pl. ἔμι_χθεν, aor. 2 ἐμίγην, μίγη, 3 pl. μίγεν: I. act., mix, mingle; οἶνον καὶ ὕδωρ, Od. 1.110; pass., ἅλεσσι μεμι_γμένον εἶδαρ, Od. 11.123; φάρμακα, Od. 4.230; met., of bringing together, or one thing in contact with another, χεῖρας τε μένος τε (manus conserere), Il. 15.510 ; ἄνδρας κακότητι καὶ ἄλγεσι, Od. 20.203; γλῶσσ᾽ ἐμέμι_κτο, Il. 4.438, cf. Od. 19.175.—II. mid., mingle, come in contact with something, Il. 2.475, Od. 5.517, Il. 10.457; freq. of intercourse, have relations with, friendly or hostile, Od. 24.314, Il. 5.143, and esp. of sexual union, in various phrases; ἣν ἐμίγης, ‘that you had’ (cognate acc.), Il. 15.33.
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