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1. M. Cispius, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 57, the year in which Cicero was recalled from banishment, took an active part in Cicero's favour. The father and brother of Cispius also exerted themselves to obtain Cicero's recall, although he had had in former times a law-suit with the family. On one occasion the life of Cispius was in danger through his support of Cicero; he was attacked by the mob of Clodius, and driven out of the forum. In return for these services Cicero defended Cispius when he was accused of bribery (ambitus), but was unable to obtain a verdict in his favour. (Cic. pro. Planc. 31, post red. in Sen. 8, pro Sext. 35.)

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57 BC (1)
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