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*)/Efippos), of Athens, was a comic poet of the middle comedy, as we learn from the testimonies of Suidas (s.v.), and Antiochus of Alexandria (Athen. 11.482c.), and from the allusions in his fragments to Plato, and the Academic philosophers (Athen. 11.509c. d.), and to Alexander of Pherae and his contemporaries, Dionysius the Elder, Cotys, Theodorus, and others. (Athen. iii. p 112, f. xi. p. 482d.) The following are the known titles of his plays: Ἄρτεμις, Βούσιρις, Γηρυόνης, Ἐμπολή Ἔφηβοι, Κίρκη, Κύδων, Ναυαγός, Ὀβελιαφόροι, Ὅμοιοι, Πελταστής, Σαπφώ, Φιλύρα. An epigram which Eustathius ascribes to Ephippus (ad Ilad. 11.697, p. 879. 38) is not his, but the production of soine unknown author. (Comp. Athen. 10.442d.) There are some fragments also extant from the unknown plays of Ephippus. (Meineke, Fragm. Com. Graec. vol. i. pp. 351-354, iii. pp. 322-340; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. pp. 297, 298, 440.)


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