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Saturni'nus, Se'ntius

1. C. SENTIUS (SATURNINUS), was propraetor of Macedonia during the Social war, and probably for some time afterwards. He defeated the Thracians, who had invaded his province with a large force, under their king Sothimus (Oros. 5.18, Sull. 11 ; Cic. Ver. 3.93, in Pison. 34). The exact time during which he governed Macedonia is uncertain. If the reading is correct in the Epitome of Livy (Epit. 70), he could not have been appointed later than B. C. 92, as none of the events recorded in the seventieth book were later than that year. It is said in the Epitome that he fought unsuccessfully against the Thracians, but this is probably an error. It is, at all events, clear front Plutarch (l.c.) that he was still governor of Macedonia in B. C. 88, when Sulla was in Greece. Modern writers give him the cognomon Saturninus, as it was borne by most of the other Sentii, but it does not occur in any of the ancient writers, as far as we are aware.

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