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χλόη , , Ion. χλοίη Hp.Acut.64, cf. infr. 11, also PTeb.112.46 (ii B. C.), Babr.181; Dor. χλόα , ας (E. in lyr., Hipp.1139, IA1058, al.):—
A.the first green shoot of plants in spring, “ναὶ μὰ μήκωνος χλόηνArchil.108; esp. young green corn or grass, Hdt.4.34, E.Hipp.l.c., IA422, etc.; “χλόην νέμεσθαιId.Ba.735; “ποτὰ τὰ ἀπὸ χλοίηςHp. l. c.; opp. καρποί, Pl.Ti.80d; χλόης γενομένης ἀπὸ τοῦ σπέρματος, of the corn when it first springs up, X.Oec.17.10; ἐν τῇ χ., opp. ἐν τοῖς σπέρμασιν, Thphr.CP4.4.7, cf. HP8.2.4; “πιαίνονται βόες χλόῃ κυάμωνArist.HA595b7.
2. poet., young verdure of trees, foliage,χ. ἀμπέλουE.Ba.12, cf. Supp.258, Ion 1435, Hel.180 (lyr.), 1360 (lyr.).
3. juice of green shoots, “χ. ἐλαίαςIG7.3073.162 (Lebad. ii B. C.): but σατυρίου χλόῃ is prob. f.l. for σαύρου χολῇ in Gp.10.21.12.
4. vegetables, herbs, greens, Antiph.1.5, Sotad.Com.1.9, al.
II. epith. of Demeter, Verdant, from the young corn, worshipped in Attica, IG22.1356.16, Semus19, Paus.1.22.3; at Myconos, etc., SIG1024.11 (Myconos, iii/ii B. C.), Corn.ND28; “Δήμητρος Χλοίης ἱερόνIG22.5006.4; also Χλόη alone, ib.1358.49, Ar. Lys.835. (Perh. cogn. with Lith. [zcirc ]élti 'to be green, grow', Lat. holus.
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