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ēmancĭpātĭo (emancup- ), ōnis, f. emancipo.—Jurid. t. t.
I. In the strict sense of the term, the releasing of a son (by means of a thrice-repeated mancipatio and manumissio) from the patria potestas, so as to render him independent, emancipation (v. emancipo), Gai. Inst. 1, 132; Ulp. Fragm. 10, 1; Just. Inst. 1, 12, § 6; Quint. 11, 1, 65.—
II. Transf. in gen.
1. The formal surrender of any thing, the delivery of authority over a thing: “fundorum,conveyance, Plin. Ep. 10, 3, 3.—
2. Familiae, a fictitious alienation of property in making a will per aes et libram, Gell. 15, 27, 3.
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