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ēlātĭo , ōnis, f. 1. effero,
I.a carrying out.
I. Lit. (post-class.): FERRI, Inscr. Fratr. Arval. ap. Marin. 43 and 402.—
B. In partic.
1. A carrying to the grave, a burial: “mortui,Dig. 11, 7, 14, § 3.—
2. A lifting or raising up: “onerum,Vitr. 8, 10: “maris,” i. e. high waves, Vulg. Psa. 92, 6. —
II. Trop. (class.).
A. A being carried away or hurried along; transport, passion: “laetitia quasi gestientis animi elatio voluptaria,Cic. Fin. 3, 10 fin. (cf.: efferri laetitiā, under effero, II. B.).—
C. Self-exaltation, pride, elation (cf.: “superbia, insolentia, arrogantia, vanitas, fastus, fastidium),Ambros. Psa. 4, 8; Serm. 17, 36 fin.; Arn. 2, 63; Vulg. 2 Macc. 5, 21.
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