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Lycus or -os , i, m., = Λύκος.
I. Son of Pandion, king of Lycia, Mela, 1, 15, 1.—
II. A Theban, who, when Hercules descended into the Lower World, took possession of the sovereignty in Thebes, Hyg. Fab. 31 and 32. —
III. One of the Centaurs at the wedding of Pirithoüs, Ov. M. 12, 332.—
IV. A companion of Diomedes, Ov. M. 14, 504.—
V. One of the companions of Æneas, Verg. A. 1, 222.—
VI. An historian of Regium, the adoptive father of the tragic writer Lycophron; he wrote a history of Libya and Sicily, Plin. 31, 2, 19, § 27.—
VII. The name of several rivers.
A. In Bithynia, the Rhyndacus, now Kilij Su, Ov. P. 4, 10, 47.—
B. In Great Phrygia, Ov. M. 15, 273.—
C. In Paphlagonia, Verg. G. 4, 367.—
D. In Cilicia, Plin. 5, 27, 22, § 91.—
E. In Ionia, Plin. 5, 29, 31, § 115.—
F. A river flowing into the Euphrates, Plin. 5, 24, 20, § 84.—
VIII. An Illyrian city in the territory of the Dessaretes, Liv. 32, 9.
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