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[Scene III.]

Enter Sicinius and Brutus.

In this point charge him home, that he affects
Tyrannicall power: If he euade vs there,
Inforce him with his enuy to the people,
And that the Spoile got on the Antiats
Was ne're diſtributed. What, will he come?
Enter an Edile.

Hee's comming.

How accompanied?

With old Menenius, and thoſe Senators
That alwayes fauour'd him.

Haue you a Catalogue
Of all the Voices that we haue procur'd, ſet downe by'th Pole?

I haue: 'tis ready.

Haue you collected them by Tribes?

I haue.

Aſſemble preſently the people hither:
And when they heare me ſay, it ſhall be ſo,
I'th'right and ſtrength a'th'Commons: be it either
For death, for fine, or Baniſhment, then let them
If I ſay Fine, cry Fine; if Death, cry Death,
Inſiſting on the olde prerogatiue
And power i'th Truth a'th Cauſe.

I ſhall informe them.

And when ſuch time they haue begun to cry,
Let them not ceaſe, but with a dinne confus'd
Inforce the preſent Execution
Of what we chance to Sentence.

Very well.

Make them be ſtrong, and ready for this hint
When we ſhall hap to giu't them.

Go about it,
Put him to Choller ſtraite, he hath bene vs'd
Euer to conquer, and to haue his worth
Of contradiction. Being once chaft, he cannot
Be rein'd againe to Temperance, then he ſpeakes
What's in his heart, and that is there which lookes
With vs to breake his necke.
Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, and Comi-
nius, with others.

Well, heere he comes.

Calmely, I do beſeech you.

I, as an Hoſtler, that fourth pooreſt peece
Will beare the Knaue by'th Volume:
Th'honor'd Goddes
Keepe Rome in ſafety, and the Chaires of Iuſtice
Supplied with worthy men, plant loue amongs
Through our large Temples with ye ſhewes of peace
And not our ſtreets with Warre.

1 Sen.
Amen, Amen.

A Noble wiſh.
Enter the Edile with the Plebeians.

Draw neere ye people.

Liſt to your Tribunes. Audience:
Peace I ſay.

Firſt heare me ſpeake.

Both Tri.
Well, ſay: Peace hoe.

Shall I be charg'd no further then this preſent?
Muſt all determine heere?

I do demand,
If you ſubmit you to the peoples voices,
Allow their Officers, and are content
To ſuffer lawfull Cenſure for ſuch faults
As ſhall be prou'd vpon you.

I am Content.

Lo Citizens, he ſayes he is Content.
The warlike Seruice he ha's done, conſider: Thinke
Vpon the wounds his body beares, which ſhew
Like Graues i'th holy Church-yard.

Scratches with Briars, ſcarres to moue
Laughter onely.

Conſider further:
That when he ſpeakes not like a Citizen,
You finde him like a Soldier: do not take
His rougher Actions for malicious ſounds:
But as I ſay, ſuch as become a Soldier,
Rather then enuy you.

Well, well, no more.

What is the matter,
That being paſt for Conſull with full voyce:
I am ſo diſhonour'd, that the very houre
You take it off againe.

Anſwer to vs.

Say then: 'tis true, I ought ſo

We charge you, that you haue contriu'd to take
From Rome all ſeaſon'd Office, and to winde
Your ſelfe into a power tyrannicall,
For which you are a Traitor to the people.

How? Traytor?

Nay temperately: your promiſe.

The fires i'th'loweſt hell. Fould in the people:
Call me their Traitor, thou iniurious Tribune.
Within thine eyes ſate twenty thouſand deaths
In thy hands clutcht: as many Millions in
Thy lying tongue, both numbers. I would ſay
Thou lyeſt vnto thee, with a voice as free,
As I do pray the Gods.

Marke you this people?

To'th'Rocke, to'th'Rocke with him.

We neede not put new matter to his charge:
What you haue ſeene him do, and heard him ſpeake:
Beating your Officers, curſing your ſelues,
Oppoſing Lawes with ſtroakes, and heere defying
Thoſe whoſe great power muſt try him.
Euen this ſo criminall, and in ſuch capitall kinde
Deſerues th'extreameſt death.

But ſince he hath ſeru'd well for Rome.

What do you prate of Seruice.

I talke of that, that know it.


Is this the promiſe that you made your mother.

Know, I pray you.

Ile know no further:
Let them pronounce the ſteepe Tarpeian death,
Vagabond exile, Fleaing, pent to linger
But with a graine a day, I would not buy
Their mercie, at the price of one faire word,
Nor checke my Courage for what they can giue,
To haue't with ſaying, Good morrow.

For that he ha's
(As much as in him lies) from time to time
Enui'd againſt the people; ſeeking meanes
To plucke away their power: as now at laſt,
Giuen Hoſtile ſtrokes, and that not in the preſence
Of dreaded Iuſtice, but on the Miniſters
That doth diſtribute it. In the name a'th'people,
And in the power of vs the Tribunes, wee
Eu'n from this inſtant) baniſh him our Citie
In perill of precipitation
From off the Rocke Tarpeian, neuer more
To enter our Rome gates. I'th'Peoples name,
I ſay it ſhall bee ſo.

It ſhall be ſo, it ſhall be ſo: let him away:
Hee's baniſh'd, and it ſhall be ſo.

Heare me my Maſters, and my common friends.

He's ſentenc'd: No more hearing.

Let me ſpeake:
I haue bene Conſull, and can ſhew from Rome
Her Enemies markes vpon me. I do loue
My Countries good, with a reſpect more tender,
More holy, and profound, then mine owne life,
My deere Wiues eſtimate, her wombes encreaſe,
And treaſure of my Loynes: then if I would
Speake that.

We know your drift Speake what?

There's no more to be ſaid, but he is baniſh'd
As Enemy to the people, and his Countrey.
It ſhall bee ſo.

It ſhall be ſo, it ſhall be ſo.

You common cry of Curs, whoſe breath I hate,
As reeke a'th'rotten Fennes: whoſe Loues I prize,
As the dead Carkaſſes of vnburied men,
That do corrupt my Ayre: I baniſh you,
And heere remaine with your vncertaintie.
Let euery feeble Rumor ſhake your hearts:
Your Enemies, with nodding of their Plumes
Fan you into diſpaire: Haue the power ſtill
To baniſh your Defenders, till at length
Your ignorance (which findes not till it feeles,
Making but reſeruation of your ſelues,
Still your owne Foes) deliuer you
As moſt abated Captiues, to ſome Nation
That wonne you without blowes, deſpiſing
For you the City. Thus I turne my backe;
There is a world elſewhere.
Exeunt Coriolanus, Cominius, with Cumalijs.
They all ſhout, and throw vp their Caps.

The peoples Enemy is gone, is gone.

Our enemy is baniſh'd, he is gone: Hoo,oo.

Go ſee him out at Gates, and follow him
As he hath follow'd you, with all deſpight
Giue him deſeru'd vexation. Let a guard
Attend vs through the City.

Come, come, lets ſee him out at gates, come:
The Gods preſerue our Noble Tribunes, come. Exeunt.

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