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أَخَذَ U ( n. ac.
a. 1), Took; seized, laid hold of.
b. [ Bi ], Took by ( the hand ).
c. [ acc. & Bi or 'Ala ], Blamed, reproached, reprehended for; punished for.
d. [ acc. or Bi ], Began, commenced, set about.
e. [ 'An ], Received, learned from; copied from; derived from.
f. [ acc. & Min ], Took, received, accepted from.
g. [ Fi ], Began by; affected, overpowered.
أَخِذَ A ( n. ac. أَخَذ 4 )
a. Suffered from indigestion.
b. Became mad, frantic ( animal ).
c. Was affected with ophthalmia ( eye ).
أَخُذَ U ( n. ac. أُخُوْذَة 27t ),
a. Became sour ( milk ).
أَخَّذَ II ,
a. Captured, took prisoner; captivated, fascinated, charmed.
آخَذَ III ,
a. see I (c) .
إَِئْتَخَذَ VIII ,
a. Took, got, took possession of.
b. Made, prepared.
c. Wrestled.
إِِسْتَأْخَذَ X ,
a. Bent or hung ( his ) head.
أَخْذ 1 ,
a. Habit.
b. see 1t .
c. Robbery.
أَخْذَة 1t ,
a. Punishment, chastisement.
أُخْذَة 3t , ( pl. أُخَذ 9 ),
a. En chastisement, fascination, spell.
أُخُذ 10 ,
a. Ophthalmia.
مَأْخَذ 17 , ( pl. مَآخِذُ 44 )
a. Road, way; course.
b. Source.
آخِذَة 21t ,
a. Stiffness, numbness ( in the joints ).
إِِخَاْذ 23 , ( pl. أُخُذ 10 , آخَاْذ 38 ),
a. Pool of rain-water.
أَخِيْذ 25 ,
a. Captive, prisoner.
خُذْ (
a. Imp. ) Take !

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