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A bowing, burdened head,
That only asks to rest,
Unquestioning, upon
A loving Breast.

My good right-hand forgets
Its cunning now-
To march the weary march
I know not how.

I am not eager, bold,
Nor strong-all that is past:
I am ready not to do
At last-at last!

My half-day's work is done,
And this is all my part;
I give a patient God
My patient heart.

And grasp his banner still,
Though all its blue be dim;
These stripes, no less than stars,
Lead after Him.

Mrs. Howland died in the summer of 1864.

Miss Georgiana M. Woolsey, was one of the most efficient ladies connected with the Hospital Transport service, where her constant cheerfulness, her ready wit, her never failing resources of contrivance and management in any emergency, made the severe labor seem light, and by keeping up the spirits of the entire party, prevented the scenes of suffering constantly presented from rendering them morbid or depressed. She took the position of assistant superintendent of the Portsmouth Grove General Hospital, in September, 1862, when her friend, Miss Wormeley, became superintendent, and remained there till the spring of 1863, was actively engaged in the care of the wounded at Falmouth after the battle of Chancellorsville, was on the field soon after the battle of Gettysburg, and wrote that charming and graphic account of the labors of herself and a friend at Gettysburg

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