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Later from the North.

We have received Northern papers of Thursday last, the 9th instant. Gold was quoted at 196 1.8.

Sherman's March — where the Yankees think he is.

The Yankee news from Sherman is not very clear. The latest news from Wilmington says:

General Schofield was understood to be still maintaining his advanced position some ten miles from Wilmington — It was supposed that he would not hazard a further advance until something definite in relation to General Sherman's movements could be learned.

’ A letter from Wilmington says it is the Confederate plan to fall back to Goldsboro' before Sherman, and there concentrate and whip him. The writer says:

‘ But these nice plans are spoiled almost coincidently with their conception. The line of which Goldsboro' would be the great centre is already flanked by Schofield's possession of this point and Newbern. Moreover, intelligence is at hand as I write that Sherman's advance has already reached the Cape Fear river, sixty miles above this point. His movements have, as usual, been altogether too rapid to admit of the contemplated concentration.

’ [The writer had not heard of that little whipping Bragg gave the Newbern force last week.]

Another letter says:

‘ From General Sherman nothing positively has been heard since the 24th of February. He was then at Camden, on the Wateree river, one hundred and ten miles, on air line, southwest of Fayetteville, or about one hundred and twenty-five miles by the main travel road through Cheraw. His cavalry are almost certainly in Fayetteville by this time, and the infantry in close proximity. Supplies will await him at that point should he touch it, sent up the Cape Fear river by Schofield.

’ The Yankees captured Georgetown, South Carolina, a little town on the coast, and in the official report of it the naval commander says:

‘ I have directed Commander Creighton to proceed carefully up Black river, and have dispatched the tug Catalpa, with Lieutenant-Commander Henry and Ensign Glass, prepared to open communication, by the army code of signals, with General Sherman, who is said to be some twelve miles off.

’ Officers from General Schofield's army, who left Wilmington the 1st instant, bring the important intelligence that deserters and refugees who came into our lines on that day reported that Florence, South Carolina, had been evacuated by the rebels on account of a flank movement by General Sherman, who was moving in the direction of Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Affairs in Wilmington — the business to be done by "loyal" people.

A letter from Wilmington, North Carolina, dated the 25th ultimo, gives some account of that city under Yankee rule. It says:

‘ The stores are not open as yet, however; and for the present considerable confusion prevails in private households owing to the scarcity of supplies. But all this will be arranged in a few days, when the marketmen, storekeepers and hucksters receive the requisite authority to resume business. It is understood that all citizens previously engaged in business who bring proof of their loyalty will be allowed to re-open their stores. If the test were merely based on the condition of their willingness to take the oath of allegiance, at the present time all the stores would be again doing business. But General Schofield is determined that only those who have been loyal, and not those who have been convinced into loyalty by the capture of the city, are entitled to such privileges.

Yankee report of a victory over General Early.

The Washington Chronicle of the 9th says:

‘ Reports by a scout confirm the victory before announced of Sheridan over Early. The battle, it is stated from Winchester, took place near Waynesboro', and the result was the capture of one thousand three hundred prisoners, including forty officers, eight pieces of artillery, and over one hundred wagons. Sheridan was still in pursuit.

’ A letter from Grant's army says:

‘ It is known that the rebels have drawn four brigades out of the lines in our front, but whether they have been dispatched to Lynchburg or up the other railroad towards Louisa and Orange Courthouses, has not been ascertained. Remembering Sheridan's daring on former occasions, they may have felt con to put those troops in the de and west of Richmond, lest conclude to ride roughly into and sabre its belligerents in the

Great mass meeting in New York — the other side of the Picture — the dreadful draft to be Enforced in the City.

The New York Herald has some eighteen or twenty columns filled with the proceedings of the grand Union meeting there on Monday last. Under a spread eagle, the following crazy caption is printed:

Union--The Monster Metropolitan Celebration — Nearly a Million of Rejoicing People in the Streets — Immense Patriotic Display — The Stars and Stripes on Every House — Brilliant Civil and Military Pageant — All Former Processions Totally Eclipsed — The Line Ten Miles Long — The Army, Navy, City, State and the Rest of Mankind Represented — Striking He on the Route — Horses with Hoop- Skirts--Elephants Dressed in the American Flag--"The Camels are Coming"--A Ship Sailing on Wheels — Showers of Good Things — Wines, Whiskey, Coffee, Cigars and Cheers Distributed Among the Crowd — The Monitor in Broadway — Splendid Turnout of the Firemen — The Meeting — Speeches of Generals Dix, Averill, Cochrane and Walbridge; Messrs. John Van Buren, Judge Pierpoint, D. D. Field, S. B. Chittenden, A. Oakey Hall, Dr. Lieber and Others — Magnificent Pyrotechnic Exhibition — The Bombardment of Sumter Over Again — Naval Engagement Between the Merrimac and Monitor — Union Square in a Blaze of Light and Glory — E Pluribus Unum.

The procession seems to have been merely a grand advertising van, in which the sewing-machine men and others advertised their wares. The speeches occupy but a short space in the account General Dix congratulated the people that the war would be soon over, and the Union, with "all its ancient boundaries, restored" without slavery. He then drew up a long list of grievances against England.

Judge (Governor?) Pierpoint followed. He thought it idle to talk of peace to the South. It would never re-enter the Union except it were conquered, and that must be done.

Mr. John Van Buren expressed the hope that when the rebellion was suppressed an opportunity would be given to practice love and charity toward our misguided brethren of the South, while the country marched forward in a career of prosperity which would be the envy and admiration of the world. [Great applause.]

Mr. Dudley Field wanted to see Major Anderson back at Fort Sumter with that "old flag, " and seemed to think that the great end of the war. After that is done--

Let us struggle with all our might--first, to scatter the last rebel battalion, and then to bring on again the reign of peace, and order, and law; to establish on immovable foundations the one nation and the many States; to make each supreme in its proper sphere; to build up defences, which no man may break, around the person of every human being, of whatever party or complexion, and to transmit to our descendants this double government of ours, with all its rights and all its guarantees, as we hope it will remain, through innumerable ages.

In another part of the same paper we find the following heading:

A Draft Threatened — Will the Citizens of New York aid in Arresting such a Calamity? --The Assistant Provost Marshal-General calls upon Them — The County Volunteer Committee Appeals to Them--Ten Days Allowed to Increase Recruiting — Over Thirteen Thousand Men yet to be Raised.

The Herald says:

‘ The Committee on Volunteering have issued an appeal to the citizens of New York city and county to aid in arresting the calamity of the threatened draft. --Thirteen thousand men have yet to be raised to fill the quota of the county.--The committee state that the people are lukewarm, and those who have the means have rendered them no considerable assistance. The fund for paying volunteers is nearly exhausted, and in order to avoid a draft it is necessary that the bonds of the county issued for the purpose of paying volunteers be taken immediately, and that the people at once lend their aid to increase volunteering. Brigadier General Hinks, Acting Assistant Provost-Marshal, has addressed a letter to the Volunteer Committee, promising every means of cooperation and assistance consistent with the interests of the service to fill the quota by volunteer enlistments. He also promises that the draft shall not take place within the next ten days, and it now only remains for our citizens — those who have the means by providing substitutes, and those who have not, by becoming recruiting agents — to each and every one exert himself to prevent the threatened draft.

Important from Matamoras.

The New Orleans Bee of the 26th ultimo publishes a private letter from Matamoras, dated January 30, stating that up to that time the Mexican and rebel authorities have been simply polite and friendly, Generals Mejia and Slaughter having crossed the river in civil dress and dined with each other; but yesterday General Mejia and staff, in full uniform, entered Brownsville, where General Slaughter awaited their visit with his whole command, under arms, and gave the visitors and artillery salute of twenty-one guns. After dinner the rebel flag was raised and the Mexican General and staff removed their caps and saluted it — the Mexican General making a speech, in which he said the Confederacy would soon be recognized, and concluded by inviting the rebels to a grand banquet at Matamoras, and promising to also salute their flag with twenty-one guns.

The importance of this affair consists mainly in the fact that General Mejia is the commander in-chief of the Mexican armies, and is therefore the next person-age to the Emperor.

The inauguration ball — the Vice-President Johnson still Drunk.

The inauguration ball at Washington appears, from the accounts of the Yankee letter-writers themselves, to have been a very complete exhibition of rowdy vulgarity. We copy the concluding portion of a description of it given in the New York Herald:

‘ The President and Mrs. Lincoln did not dance, nor did the grave Secretaries trip the "light fantastic." There was a court set, however. Vice-Admiral Farragut, Major- General Banks, Congressman Arnold, and an attache of one of the legations, danced the Lancers together. Miss Buchanan, daughter of Commodore Buchanan, of the Boston Navy-Yard, and Miss Wilson, of Chicago, were in this set. An admiring crowd surrounded the party, and they danced with a grace and spirit unequalled by any others of the large company. The notabilities did not keep together or dance together, but mingled freely with the crowd. Some of the distinguished people were conspicuous from their absence. Neither Secretary Stanton, Chief Justice Chase, Senator Sprague nor Mrs. Sprague were present. These absentees were noted, and the political bearings of the fact discussed. Indeed, every incident had its political significance in the opinion of many. Because Senator Sumner escorted Mrs. Lincoln, it was presumed that the President had endorsed his reconstruction theories.--Because Captain Robert Lincoln escorted Miss Harlan, it was supposed that Senator Harlan is to go into the Cabinet.--People said that Chase and Sprague stayed away because Surveyor Wakeman had been confirmed. Politicians now catch at such straws. A nod from Mrs. Lincoln is considered equivalent to an appointment.

’ This suggests a few words about the gossip of the ball. As Andy Johnson passed, a gentleman remarked to a radical Senator that the Vice President, in his inaugural speech, had disgraced his party and the country. "Well," said the Senator, "we don't regret it, for he has no chance now for the Presidency. He has killed himself off." Another gentleman added that "Andy Johnson was not inebriated on inauguration day, but had rehearsed his speech to a lot of Tennesseans the night before." It was generally noticed that the President did not recognise Andy Johnson, nor were they seen together.

In spite of the reports to the contrary, not one negro was a guest at the ball.--Nobody could have objected, probably, had they been present, for this was a thoroughly abolition ball, all of the old Washington aristocracy refusing to attend. But either the inclination or the ten dollars was wanting, and the colored race was unrepresented.

Just before 12 o'clock the President was notified that supper was ready. The Presidential party then retired in the same order as they entered, and a rush was made to follow them. Policemen kept back the crowd, and the party got safely out of the ball-room and were ushered in the supper room by a private entrance. Then the doors were thrown open to the guests, who dashed in pell-mell in dreadful confusion, ladies being crushed against the walls, or dragged half fainting through the crush. Men tried to tear down the temporary doorway. The table was cleared almost in a moment, and after the first ten minutes the waiters could bring nothing except for a fee. In an hour there was nothing left to bring. At least half the people went away hungry. There was no attempt to keep order. The committeemen were not to be found, and the policemen were insolent and inefficient. It was impossible to get in or out of the supper room or near the table. No wines were furnished with the supper and but little water. The coffee room was shrewdly located at the other end of the building, where nobody could get at it till supper was over. The floor was covered with the debris of the supper. All the dresses which escaped spoliation below were spoiled here. The ladies were very angry — so were the men.--Some bullied, some bribed the waiters, and some ate the remains of other people's suppers. The mass surged to and fro like a sea. Plates were broken by dozens. There was a general mess.

The President's party feasted at the upper end of the hall, and, having finished, attempted to pass out. But Andy Johnson's plebeians were savage with hunger, and would not make way for anybody. The President's party were thus forced to enter an alcove between the cases of models, climb up stairs, and emerge upon a sort of balcony above the heads of the crowd, where they could look down upon the struggle for viands. Nobody cared to follow them now. The President and others of the party spoke in severe terms of the disorder. Mrs. Lincoln said it was a "scramble." "Well," said the President, "it appears like a very systematic scramble." This was his only little joke during the evening. After that he grew serious, and wanted to go home. The party crowded along the narrow balcony, descended another stairs, and passed out quietly, without being noticed. They at once proceeded to their dressing-rooms, without re-entering the ball-room, and without being attended by a single outsider. In ten minutes they were dressed, and at precisely 1 o'clock they left the building by a side door. Their departure thus unceremoniously excited no comment among the ravenous throng inside.

Andy Johnson's plebeians paid no more attention to the other distinguished people after supper time than they did to the Presidential party. Most of the aristocrats had gone home, and only the commoners remained in force. General Banks stood solitary for a quarter of an hour. The Vice-Admiral, his smiles gone, roamed about discontentedly, and soon stole away. The ball did not close, it fizzled out, like a poor piece of fireworks. After 2 o'clock the people were still eating off of plates which had been used before, and drinking from each other's cups.

The end of the inauguration cere monies was not at all creditable to those concerned. Although many distinguished gentlemen and elegant ladies were present during the evening, the majority were of the other stamp, and had never before been seen in Washington.

From Nassau.

A letter from Nassau says:

‘ Three steamers have arrived here from Charleston since my last — the Chicora (formerly Let Her Be), Coquette and Little Hatty. They came in on the 16th and 17th instant. The Little Hatty, on her eastward trip, was fired into and two of her men were wounded; but she reached Charleston and returned. These steamers brought out cargoes of cotton — in all, about two thousand bales. The Rattlesnake was wrecked while entering Charleston harbor. The captain and crew, having first set her on fire, escaped and returned to this port in the Little Hatty. The Rattlesnake, with her cargo, was completely destroyed. General Preston is still here, expecting to leave in a day or two for Havana. There are now in the harbor upwards of thirty five blockade-runners lying idle. Their average cost was £40,000, or over $400,000 each in greenbacks, representing a useless capital of over $15,000,000.--The Fanny arrived yesterday from England, on her way to the Confederacy, but finds her occupation gone. --The steamers are leaving Nassau every few days for Havana in search of employment.


A man named Clemens has been arrested and committed to prison in Washington on the charge of having made threats to assassinate President Lincoln on Saturday last during the progress of the inauguration ceremonies.

A Philadelphia dispatch says intelligence has been received there that the United States Minister to Venezuela has been charged with attempting to smuggle goods into Porto Cabello, and that great excitement has been caused thereby in that town. The Venezuela insurgents have possession of Maracaibo, and are said to be importing war munitions from Europe.

An extra session of the Yankee Arkansas Legislature has been called by Governor Murphy, for the first Monday in April, to consider the constitutional amendment to abolish slavery.

The citizens of Oswego held a meeting on the 7th, at which the Mayor presided, for the purpose of adopting measures for the better defence of the city from the anticipated rebel raid from Canada. A sufficient force had been detailed from Fort Ontario to patrol the streets at night.

It is understood that Lincoln will not sign the bill regulating trade between the loyal and revolted States and repealing the act authorizing the appointment of cotton agents.

The Vice-President did not make his appearance in the Senate on Wednesday in consequence of a more severe attack of his incoherent ideas yesterday than on Saturday last.

The President on Saturday took the oath of office with his hand on the open Bible, according to custom. Mr. Middleton, the Clerk of the Supreme Court, had opened it, but without premeditation, at the fifth chapter of Isaiah.

On Tuesday next the people of New Hampshire will vote for State officers and for Representatives in the new Congress.

The oil fever in West Virginia is on the increase, and land is changing hands by whole counties. Many tracts have been resold two or three times within the last three months--double the cost price at each sale.

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R. J. Glass (1)
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D. D. Field (1)
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Creighton (1)
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