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Threatening to burn.

--Mrs. Frances C. Jones and Misses Letitia and Ella, her daughters, were before the Mayor yesterday, to answer the charge of threatening to burn, break and destroy the property of Mrs. J. M. Quarties, on the 12th inst. Mrs. Jones, it seems, rented a room of Mrs. Quaries, but the joint tenantry proving unpleasant, has been notified to leave the premises. For some reason unexplained, Mrs, Q. had the gas stopped in Mrs. J's room, which so much exasperated her, that she threatened to "burn, break and destroy," if necessary to have a light.

Mr. W. H. Macfarland appeared as the counsel of the accused parties. In years gone by he had known Mrs. Jones--and knew her then to be an intelligent and respectable lady. he had known her husband as a minister of the Gospel, and as a chaplain to the army, in which position he died; and he was quite sure, and would undertake for Mrs. Jones and her daughters, that they would immediately leave Mrs. Quarles's house.

Mr. Sands, for Mrs. Quarles, desired nothing but peace and quiet, and on the assurance of Mr. Macfarland that Mrs. Jones would move at one had the warrant dismissed.

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