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1 صَاكَ بِهِ ذ , (O, K,) aor. يَصُوكُ, (O,) inf. n. صَوْكٌ, (K,) It stuck, or clave, to him, or it: (O, K;) said of saffron, (K,) and of blood, and of other things: (TA:) and (O, K) so صاك به, aor. يَصِيكُ, (S, O, K, in art. صيك,) inf. n. صَيْكٌ; (K;) said of perfume. (S, O, K.) See also صَئِكَ. 5 تصوّك فِى رَجِيعِهِ ذ , (As, O, K,) or, accord. to AZ, تضوّك, with ض, (O,) or both, (Lh, TA in art. صف,) [and تصوق,] He (a man, O) became defiled, or befouled, with [or in] his dung. (O, K.) صَوْكٌ ذ The seminal fluid of a man. (Th, Kr, K.) -A2- Also The first. (K.) One says, لَقِيتُهُ أَوَّلَ صَوْكٍ and بُوْكٍ I met him the first thing. (S, O, K.) And in like manner, اِفْعَلْهُ أَوَّلَ كُلِّ صَوْكٍ and بَوْكٍ [Do thou it the first of everything]. (TA.) And خُذْ هٰذَا أَوَّلَ صَوْكٍ: see 1 in art. صك. (O and TA in that art.) -A3- Also Motion: so in the phrase مَا بِهِ صَوْكٌ and بَوْكٌ [There is not in him, or it, any motion]. (IDrd, O, K.) صَائِكٌ ذ Sticking, or cleaving. (AA, TA.) ― -b2- And [app. as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant] Sticking blood: or blood of the جَوْف [or belly, &c.]. (TA.) ― -b3- See also art. صأك.

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