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New and valuable Southern Publications.

--"Army Regulations, adapted for the use of the Army of the Confederate States, in accordance with the late 'acts of Congress;' to which is added, ‘"An act for the establishment and organization of the army of the Confederate States of America. Also, Articles of War, for the government of the army of the Confederate States of America."’--Richmond, Va.: West & Johnston, 145 Main street, Publishers. A valuable work, which at this time, must command a large circulation.

‘"Chisholm's Manual of Military Surgery."’ This is a ‘"manual of military surgery for the use of the surgeons in the Confederate army with an appendix of the rules and regulations of the medical department of the Confederate army; by J. Julien Chisholm, M. D., Professor of Surgery in the Medical College of the State of South Carolina."’ Richmond: West & Johnston, Publishers. This admirable work should be in the hands of every surgeon in the Confederate army. Our physicians, most of whom were general practitioners, who seldom saw a case of surgery before the present war, have been compelled to follow the army to battle without instruction. This work is a perfect mine for them. It contains the fruit of European experience, as dearly purchased in recent campaigning. Besides the experience of European masters in surgery, it contains chapters upon the food, clothing, and hygiene of troops; with directions how the health of an army is to be preserved, and how in effective strength is to be sustained; also, the duties of military surgeons both in the camp and in the field. A more timely, acceptable, and valuable work it would be hard to obtain. We predict for it an immense run.

‘"Ordnance Manual,"’ for the use of officers, is another valuable volume, published by the same enterprising firm.

‘"The Hand-Book of Artillery,"’ for the service of the United States, (Army and Militia,) by Capt. Joseph Roberts, 4th Regiment of Artillery, U. S. A.: second edition, revised and enlarged. Richmond: West & Johnston.

‘"Gilham's Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia; "’ published by West & Johnston. The author, Col. William Gil am, is a distinguished officer, and Professor of the V. M. I., whose works on military subjects have had a prodigious run. The present should be in the hands of every citizen soldier.

We point proudly to these works as magnificent specimens of Southern enterprise. All of them are published here in Richmond, by a Richmond publishing house, in the midst of a war, which has thrown them entirely upon their own resources. They have been at great expense and labor in accomplishing this grand triumph, and a grand triumph it is. Look at the execution, style, illustrations, binding, &c., of these books, gotten up too under such great disadvantages, and then say why should any Southern reader look to the North for publishers, and what Northern publisher could surpass these performances?

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