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Δαμιανός), of Ephesus, a celebrated rhetorician and contemporary of Philostratus, who visited him at Ephesus, and who has preserved a few particulars respecting his life. In his youth Damianus was a pupil of Adrianus and Aelius Aristeides, whom he afterwards followed as his models. He appears to have taught rhetoric in his native place, and his reputation as a rhetorician and sophist was so great, that even when he had arrived at an advanced age and had given up rhetoric, many persons flocked to Ephesus to have an opportunity of conversing with him. He belonged to a very illustrious family, and was possessed of great wealth, of which he made generous use, for he not only instructed gratis such young men as were unable to remunerate him, but he erected or restored at his own expense several useful and public institutions and buildings. He died at the age of seventy, and was buried in one of the suburbs of Ephesus.


It is not known whether he ever published any scientific treatise on rhetoric or any orations or declamations.

Further Information

Philostr. Vit. Soph. 2.23; Suid. s. v. Δαμιανός; Eudocia, p. 130.


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