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an African confessor, not less celebrated for his learning and sanctity than for the courage with which he advocated the doctrines of the orthodox faith during the persecution of the Arian Vandals towards the close of the fifth century. At first tolerated by Hunneric, who acquiesced in his elevation to the see of Carthage in A. D. 480, he was subsequently transported by that prince, after the stormy council held in February A. D. 484, to the deserts of Tripoli, from whence he was recalled by the tardy clemeney of Gundanund, but eight years afterwards was arrested, tried and condemned to death by Thrasimund, who, however, commuted the sentence to banishment. The place fixed upon was Vienne in Languedoc, where Alaric at that period held sway. Here Eugenius founded a monastery near the tomb of St. Amaranthus, where he passed his time in devout tranquillity until his death on the 13th of July A. D. 505.

Under the name of Eugenius we possess a confession of faith drawn up in accordance with the doctrines recognised by the council of Nicaea, and presented on the part of the orthodox African prelates to Hunneric, under the title, Professio fidei Catholicorum episcoporum Hunerico regi oblata. It will be found in the Bibl. Max. Patr. Lugdun. 1677, vol. viii. p. 683, and an account of its contents in Schröck, Kirchengeschichte, vol. xviii. p. 97. Gennadins mentions several other works by this author, but they no longer exist. For the original documents connected with the Vandal persecution See " Victor Vitensis de persecutione Vandalica" with the notes of Ruinart. Paris, 1694; the "Vita S. Fulgentii" ia the Bibl. Max. Patr. Lugdun. 1677, vol. ix., p. 4; and Procopius, De Bello Vandalico, 1.7, &c.


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